I fell for the VR meme, Sup Forums. I just couldn't resist the summer sale

I fell for the VR meme, Sup Forums. I just couldn't resist the summer sale.

Gotta say, shit's pretty cool.

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I thought someone had drawn a shitty face onto those boxes

Anyone else see it?



You lack both consumer knowledge and impulse control.

I'm considering getting VR, though I'm not sure I'lluse it very much. Judging by this, and assuming I get one, should I go for a Vive or just get a PS VR for my PS4?

Why Rift tho ? Isn't it like the shittiest and most expensive ?

The Oculus is $599 vs the Vive at $799. But Oculus is the worse of the two.

I have both a Vive and a Rift, for me the Vive is much easier to set up, since I don't have to run USB cables up the wall to mount the lighthouse trackers up high in the corners. The touch controllers feel really nice. I cant wait for the "knuckles" controllers from valve to come out of the prototype stage.

Rift recently got a pretty big price drop. 400 dollars for the summer sale, permanently reduced to 500 dollars after the sale ends.

It's $399 now bub. And even cheaper if you got it in primeday.

>he doesn't know you can literally skip out on using any of their software and just go straight to steam

why is this box so angry

If your PC is powerful enough I would always advise to get Vive or Oculus, whichever you can afford. The vive has the best tracking solution in my opinion. The Oculus really does need a third camera to track the hand controllers without too much occlusion.

The PSVR has the worst tracking of the bunch and the smallest area to move around in.

I only see it for $455 on Amazon and $500 elsewhere. Where can you get it for $400?

I know the Vive is better, but it's definitely NOT twice as good.

Besides, If I decide to get a Vive and ditch the Rift, I can probably sell it for like $350 on ebay.

Oh I really thought Rift was alot more expensive and that was why Vive was more popular, thanks for info

Thanks for the info. My PC can most likely handle VR, but 800 smackaroons is a bit much for me. Might just go with the Rift then.

Right on the oculus frontpage. You order it direct from them. oculus.com/rift/

Just be aware that for a full 3 camera setup, you will need 4 total usb 3.0 ports on your computer. I don't know if oculus ever got better driver support, but some 3rd party USB drivers throw a fit with oculus and may cause you some grief.

You need 1 usb 3.0 for the headset, and one for each of the cameras you use for tracking. The oculus comes with one camera, and the touch controllers come with one camera. I would recommend a third so you don't lose tracking of the controllers depending on how you are facing. Best setup is mounting two cameras diagonally across your playspace from each other, then a third facing into it from the front or back i think.

Where's the VR porn games we were promised Sup Forums?

It actually says to not plug more than 2 sensors into USB 3.0 ports

Thank you! I mainly use my Vive so I havent kept up with the oculus setup.

You can use USB 2.0 for all of the sensors.

t. guy with only 2 USB 3.0 ports, one of which is permanently being used by my WiFi adapter.

I don't care enough about the vive to pay twice as much for it

hopefully rifts are still in stock when I get my paycheck

It's a fire sale, it won't be.

Even if they're not, as long as you order one before the sale ends they should make good on it.

Custom maid 3d2 and honey select both have VR support. You can tell they arent made for VR games. You have to line yourself up with the animations somewhat and its still like boning ghosts. Its better if you have an onahole or a hip to go with it. Still a whole lot of work just to jack your meat.

There's also Monster Girl Island and Waifu Simulator

That's what I thought but it's been like 3 weeks and I'm still finding them for sale, only amazon and newegg are sold out afaik and they didn't sell out particularly fast

either way i'm not too worried, VR is something that'd be cool to own but im not dying to get one

VR Kanojo

When does the sale end?
I am still on the fence about buying. I don't want to play shit that requires me to stand in the middle of my room and dance around.

Two or three weeks from now I think

You don't have to. There's plenty of fun games for sitting, like DiRT Rally or Thumper.

Thanks user!

came here just to post this

The only thing you need to ask is "do I want this enough to have it now rather than 4 years down the line when a new version comes out and drops in price?

I want to play FPS. I do not want to have to stand up, turn around, or crouch IRL to do the same things in the game. What are my options?

Anyone here who was an earlier adopter? I bought into a used Rift HMD at $500 months back, and don't have any controllers. The price cuts are good for the industry, sure, but I still feel like I got boned. To get a basic proper experience, I need to pay $100 + cost of games, raising my total cost to around $630 at fair minimum, and all these new adopters are getting the full kit + games for $400 flat. There's a likely chance I'd need to spend $60 on another sensor for fluid motion capture too, which would raise the price to just under $700.

It just feels like such a bummer. I wish they would put the controllers on sale, or at least included something beyond what comes in-package.

Many FPS do allow you to rotate with the thumbstick/trackpad. Especially if you are using the oculus controllers. Although that is one of the things that can cause motion sickness. The main one I know that supports it is Onward. Did some searching and it looks like pavlov, and bullets and more both support it. These are the main military shooter style games.

I like turning around, crouching, going prone IRL much more than thumbstick turning. These games also have you reload the weapons as you would in real life. Eject magazine, take one from your belt, put into magwell, pull charging handle if you dont already have one in the chamber etc. I have seen several people who seem to sit and play with no issues though. You may need to adjust your vr floor height manually so the game doesnt think you are crouching all the time. They generally are expecting users to stand and play.

There's a few things you should know before you get in on it. It should be on sale on Amazon and Best Buy, too.

Oculus and Amazon have 1-2 week waiting periods. Best Buy has it in stock and also gives you free 2 day shipping so you'll have it within the week.

There are 2 versions of the bundle. One has a separate Rift box and a separate Touch box, like OP has. This version comes with an xbox controller. The newer version of the bundle has both in a single box and doesn't come with the xbox controller. Oculus Store ships the new, controller-less version. Amazon ships both so it may be a tossup, but they probably went through the older version first. Best Buy still has the old bundle in stock.

Best Buy's comes with EVE Valkyrie. Oculus and Amazon come with a grab bag of smaller titles with standing/roomscale support. I don't know if Best Buy's comes with the grab bag.

If you want roomscale without tracking hiccups, you'll want to buy a third sensor, which is another $70 or so. The max play area is also nearly half of the Vive's

Vive is more popular because it had roomscale out of the box. It also has slightly favorable specs, like FOV or adjustable space for your glasses. When Rift came out it was just a headset and nothing else.

Question about VR:
Do I need open space for use VR? I understand you need room to move around and such but does it have some kind of censor bar that needs to be centered and at a particular height? My TV is in a corner of a room and my bedroom is kinda small.

Rift has sensors you need to place, pic related. These need to be plugged into your computer

Vive has boxes that spray your room with infrared dots, and you need to place them catercorner from one another. These need to be plugged into an outlet.

I've heard people say they got away with placing the Rift sensors like they're Vive sensors, but I haven't actually seen this myself.

You dont NEED a huge amount of space. The more you have the better though. I have about a 6 by seven foot area cleared out. Most games do not make it an absolute requirement to walk around a large area to accommodate people who cant.

If you can stand/kneel/lay flat in a 360 degree area you will be fine. You will want the tracking cameras(oculus) or lighthouses (vive) to be mounted up high, pointing towards your play area. You have a system to draw around the limits of your playspace so a virtual wall pops up when you get close to it so you know where your play area ends.


I'm disappoint

The Best Buy bundle came with several free titles as well as EVE Valkyrie.

It's probably one of those rare occasions where Best Buy lives up to its name.

How good is the porn? That's really all I would use it for.

If you only care about porn just get a gear VR. Its not worth the effort of the setup just to jack off. I use it a couple times a month with 36stereo depth JAV, and i cant remember the last time I used my vive and an onahole with honey select.

>ou have a system to draw around the limits of your playspace so a virtual wall pops up when you get close to it so you know where your play area ends.
does the rift have this or just the vive?

Yeah, that's smarter. Thanks user, I just want muh immersive porn.

Rift has it as well.

When you use any VR headset with steam, Steam VR has this utility. If you use the oculus software, they have their own built in solution.

You got goofed mate. They will release a new version next year. Better hardware for less price.

What, why? Especially this late after its initial release? Like, they're probably already three quarters of the way through developing the next iteration of the system.

You're an idiot, not because you fell for the vr meem, you're an idiot because if you just waited another 6 months you could have just bought a significantly better version of the same system.

don't listen to him, gear vr is literally snapping your phone into a plastic headset with magnifying glasses over the eyes, it's ten times more gimmicky retarded bullshit than actual VR

>be an early adopter
>get shafted
Who could have guessed?

They said last month that CV2 is AT LEAST 2 years away.

If you are just going to be using stereoscopic 360/180 degree video which is what the majority of VR porn is, a gear VR would suffice. These wont look any different on that or a high end headset. The lenses use the same concept across all vr headsets. Your phone just acts as the screen in gearvr. The screens in the oculus/vive are not much different. The gearvr has additional tech built into it to help prevent drift over time as your phone has trouble figuring out where exactly it is in 3d space constantly to the millimeter.

If you want to walk around and use shit like honey select, or custom maid 3d yeah you're gonna need an oculus or vive.

The only thing the current gen of VR is really lacking is resolution. Oculus 2 and Vive 2 will probably just be higher res and slightly less bulky. In the end, your PC is what's doing the heavy lifting.

I hope eye tracking makes it into the next headsets, to allow developers to implement foveated rendering.


I don't know why people want this. It takes time to process the eye tracking and time to change the rendering quality of what your eye is now looking at. This type of delay is why I turn DoF off, I can't stand it.

I just fell for the meme myself. Should be here in a week. Why the fuck did the sale have to happen at the one and only period of time I can afford this?

For those worried about just hating the shit out of it, bestbuy is apparently really good with refunds for this vr junk. If this shit makes me puke my balls out I'm just gonna take it into a store or something.

Why the fuck did the sale have to happen literally the day after video card prices skyrocketed? 1070s cost as much as 1080s used to.

To avoid motion sickness, make sure you start out with games that avoid artifical locomtion. Never "push through" sickness if you feel it. Go ahead and take a break immediately. By doing this you can build up tolerance. I found the oculus intro program to be very cute and a good way to introduce people to VR.

Adding to this, use teleportation until you can handle stick movement

Also if you get Oculus (or Vive, pretty sure they can both play each Others games through steam or patches), get Robo recall (free with touch), that's like the gold standard for VR FPS games

You misspelled Onward.

Yeah, I'm pretty glad I've had my 390 for a while. I'd be pretty pissed if I had to deal with this bitcoin mining bullshit.

What are you dudes looking forward to the most, by the way? The obvious vr games and porn aside, I've heard you can jury rig new vegas into being sorta VR, so I'm diving on that shit.

Hey I agree, onward is great, but Robo Recall is "jump in and feel like Randy Pitchford right away" where as Onward takes some serious getting used to

Im just mainly waiting, and will probably have to wait a long time for, a combined arms game similar to squad or project reality. I want that band of brothers type feeling you get from those games moving across large maps with your squad with vehicle and asset support. I'd love to have one set in WWII but ironsights are a bit difficult to pick up with the current headset resolution.

In order: Subnautica, Dirt, War Thunder, Audioshield, Alien Isolation, if the VR mod is good.

You can get workable irons if they are more then one pixel by up-scaling the resolution.

I work at a bb and I just shipped one out in london, ont.

its probably broken sorry.