Post what gamedev skills you have

I'm curious to see what Sup Forums knows about making games.
Feel free to partner up if someone has the skills you need to make your dream game!

I know how to make a computer do things I want it to do

I know how to make computers talk to eachother.

I code poorly I draw poorly and I make music poorly

I know this is a meme, but I genuinely have really good ideas that I know could be really successful games if I were able to hire people to make them for me.

Why in the ever loving fuck would I want to work with any of you faggots, let alone exist in some form that allows any of you to directly contact me.
Who the fuck do you think you are? Are you lonely? Are you pathetically crying out for some form of companionship? Do you really expect to find that shit here? No. Fuck you and fuck your retarded ideas you piece of shit.

>graphics programming
>some aspects of physics programming
>3D modelling
>terrain generation
>enemy/npc evolution
Top me
And not in the sexy way unless you really want to

Cool. Can you also manage your workers, set deadlines, and run a business?

Post some so we can laugh at how bad they are

You'll handle gameplay.

You'll handle netcode.

You'll handle story.

You'll handle coffee.

You'll handle marketing.

You'll handle character design.

Post one hotshot

>Above Average- Art, animation, 3D.
>Below Average- Unity C#, GML Gamemaker, and Python scripting. Graphic design
>Very Little- Music and Sound FX, Unity Shader scripting
Also like everybody else here I have incredibly amazing never-before-seen-blow your-mind original ideas, and no people or social skills.

You'll handle breasts

How come no one posts their ideas?

can we post our crappy game ideas instead?

>It's shooter
>but to load your gun you have to type words
>every word you type becomes a bullet
>when you hit someone they will hear the word you shot them with

You weren't lying about it being crappy.

I'm good at lying and enjoy acting like an idiot moron on the internet.

I think I have two (2) good narrative ideas that could fly and two (2) gameplay ideas that could fly. Although both narratives are very similar and probably work better combined into one and one of the gameplay ideas belongs nowhere near the other nor the narrative. But I can see how the proper combination of those two and some really inspired level design combined with adequate shilling on Sup Forums could create a niche indie hit.
I also know about spreadsheets and a tiny bit about keeping people motivated for a project.

>How come no one posts their ideas?
I assume most of us are saving them, and a few are too long to explain.
Mine for instance is a combination of Smash Bros gameplay with the regular fighting game playstyle. Less emphasis on platforms and combos, and more on movement options and knocking your opponent all over the place.

Reminder that fantasizing about ideas and making games gives you endorphins and lowers the drive to actually be productive.

So knock it off.

Something with tons of cute lolis.
It could be the worst thing ever and have a great interaction with lolis and I would plat it.
I even bought Conception II because of the girls.

That said, my dream game would be something like the Atelier series mixed with Recettear and God Eater with a mix of optional town-building.

Essentially, you'll:

Create a family (Blood-related / Marriage bond / etc.) and use this family name to create custom characters.
There will be three main branches for gameplay:

Hunting -- The hunting game portion which relies on going out and actively killing small / large / titan monsters while foraging for things in-between hunts (One character)

Crafting -- Using the materials obtained from hunting to craft your own potions / equips / accessories / sundries etc. (Another character)

Merchanting -- Grabbing the excess materials / created items and selling them on the market. Have it so the locals in the area + cameos of characters from other games or characters your friends created appear in the store and browse your wares, then haggle the prices to sell for max loot. (Another character)

The less-important part would be proficiency within these branches and bonuses based on what your main / minor focus is:

> A hunter + hunter will be fully streamlined for hunting and gathering (best hunting stats + more mats per gather)
> A hunter + craftsmen will be able to craft things with higher stats.
> A hunter + merchant will be capable of acquiring rarer materials more easily
> A craftsmen + craftsmen will be capable of specializing in multiple branches (up to 3) while using less materials for crafting
> A craftsmen + hunter will be able to craft things with unique effects
> A craftsmen + merchant will be capable of making items that sell way above their normal worth
> A merchant + hunter will be capable of selling their wares at a (significantly) higher price during haggling
> A merchant + craftsmen would be capable of buying items or raw materials from other merchants for a (significantly) cheaper price
> A merchant + merchant essentially becomes a mayor -- townbuilding and managing multiple shops while dealing with public requests (boosts popularity when completed which means more revenue)

> There will be subsets for hunters (Sword and Shield / Glaive / Gauntlets / Spear / Lance / Axe / Bows / etc.)
> There will be specializing for craftsmen (Weapons / Armors / Clothing / Shields / Accessories / Houses / Decorations / etc.)
> There will be various types of merchants focusing on specific items (Traveling Merchant / Specialized Armory Merchant / Armor Store / Supermarket / etc.)

Stop posting in this thread if you're an idea guy with relatively little gamedev skill
You're just flooding the thread, and skillless idea guys tend to have crap ideas

There will be a medium-sized skill-pool for each type of character depending on their major / minor job focus as well as what their specialized type within that branch would be. Each combo gets their own unique skillset which makes them shine in a particular aspect. Craftsmen who specialize in something can eventually create the best items in that branch, while merchants who specialize in something make the most money selling those types of items (and garner a specific clientele that uses those items).

> A HxC would be capable of making weapons with higher base stats
> A CxH would be capable of making weapons with specialized effects (Poison / Sleep / +XX% damage towards Y)


And the characters created underneath this family name will be NPCs doing their own thing until you switch to them (without spending money / messing with stats) while also raising their proficiency (at a significantly lower rate) so it feels like you're dipping in and out of each person's perspective without abandoning them or being forced to farm them all up entirely.

All with the capability of being super cute lolis the entire time.
Also cute lewd costumes too.

Above average: 3D modeling and animating, art (drawing painting etc)
Average: unity scripting, programming in general
Below average: everything else

I can kind of 3d model...

>giant copypasted wall of text
delet this
It isn't even relevant to the thread, it's just flooding.

I'm actually participating in a Gamejam in my country rn

Have some shitty concept art (only thing on my phone)

Good now write them out like an actual game designer does. The longer the document and more details the better.

Get fucking v& you disgusting pedophile.

Pretty good user

Some advice though, if you wanna work in Vidya you need some realtime art in your portfolio, not sure if you have any

im laughing so hard

>realtime art
Forgive me, I'm a bit experienced but still got much to learn but what do you mean by this?

If you think something like what OP proposed is going to come out of a thread on Sup Forums then you've got another thing coming. It's a shitposting thread, no two ways about it. At least I'm fully accepting my role as the "delusional idea guy" and running with it. You just have autism, my boy.

Different user, here. Something that is running in an engine, versus a single screenshot from Maya or 3DS Max. You need to show that you can make things that run well.

Anyone want to make this idea into an actual project?

The core idea is to simulate a war until one side loses, rewind time back to the start, then put the player on the side that's going to lose. The scale of the war is immense, and the player's score is based on how much better the war turns out from their contribution.
The player may be one unit in thousands or even millions, but they do actually stand a chance of turning the tide of the war: Because they can review how the war played out without them. They can save their army from major defeats by preventing the battles from occuring in the first place.

I'm not just an idea guy looking for free work, I just don't fully cover the range of skills needed.

Art that can be rendered in realtime. The definition changes with hardware but rn we're at a couple hundred thousand polys a scene for triple A

Learn about baking and retopology. It's kinda boring but worth it. Knowing that shit is what got me my job (not Vidya but animation)

Realistically you have everything you need to make the next indie shovelware hit

Get the fuck out nu-Sup Forums faggot

Why don't you show us something you've already made, to prove it's worth working with you and you know what you're talking about.

Ah I see. Thanks for the input

I'm an "Idea's guy."

>I'm curious to see what Sup Forums knows about making games.
I'm making a game right now, it's shit so far since I haven't coded at all since I failed out of uni about 2 years ago but I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's a short dungeons and dragony type game, a dungeon crawler with dice.

The only "skill" I could possibly bring over is my knack for world build and quest design. I make a lot of adventures for /tg/.


I can tell when a game is shit
I see a lot of devs who don't have this skill in their teams

Having something to complain about is a great way to filter out the deadweights.

No one?
I at least want to know what people think of this idea.

I'm a pretty gud artist skilled at traditional aswell as digital art + graphics design. I'm interested in learning some 3D modelling. Doesn't seem like I can go and play around without tutorials though.

It doesn't sound like it would be entertaining for long. It also sounds like a pain in the ass to make.

But you don't want to hear that, you just want to be validated for your efforts coming up with an "idea" with no substance.

You'll have to scale it back unless you keep the graphics dorf-tier and even then that might be stretching

Plus I don't think a single guy will make a difference in a battle of a couple thousand, clairvoyance or not unless he can issue orders like in M&B

This sounds like something you could prototype in a weekend using Processing or some other low tech shit like that, why don't you give it a try?

Doesn't seem like a very unique game idea to me, and it sounds potentially really big and easy to get carried away with. If anything I think it might make for an interesting story, so you could turn it into a comic book

>How come no one posts their ideas?
Because contrary to Sup Forums's idea that idea guys are completely useless, good ideas are actually few and far between. If anyone has an interest in a creative career and even just one idea that they really think is decent and original then they're only doing themselves a disservice by sharing with too many people.

Sounds like a pain in the ass to make if you are going to have the wars be randomly generated. You could end up with wars where the player killing a couple NPCs turns the tide or games where killing thousands of NPCs won't be enough, making the difficulty be all over the place

The scale of the game is probably too big for a little indie production

A single guy won't make a difference in a huge battle, but in a huge war, they'll have plenty of time to make a difference.
The butterfly effect applies here, and it's even more significant since instead of acting randomly the player knows what critical events they should meddle with.

So, what's Processing?

How is it not unique?
Name a single similar game, and remember to say how it's similar so I don't have to spend 5 minutes trying to see how it's similar.

You should try it, 3D is really fun

Start with zbrush (it's easier for 2d artists to adapt) then learn a more polygon oriented suite when you're pretty good

The problem is this is either an impossibly big idea or a very shallow one. Also it sounds like something that could probably already be done in as a total war or mountain blade mod.

Almost literally Typing of the Dead

I'm pretty sure Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator is basically that, just without the scoring and comparison between simulated and singleplayer modes.

Processing is basically modified Java with its own IDE and libraries, great for beginner coders or when you need to test out ideas quickly

>Name a single similar game, and remember to say how it's similar so I don't have to spend 5 minutes trying to see how it's similar.
Any RTS war game with a save feature. Maybe the specific idea hasn't been done before, but isn't it essentially just an RTS where you are told ahead of time what the AI is planning to do?

That's why the game isn't about winning or losing so much as making a change for the better.
Winning is supposed to be a major achievement that requires very careful descisions, but even without winning you can have achievements like saving thousands of lives or delaying defeat.

>impossibly big
There's a reason why space games are so common; modelling 50 different spaceships is literally a thousand times easier than modelling and animated lots of characters and vehicles.
So this can be made easy to make by being a space game.

I'm a 1MA when it comes to 2d dev. Never managed to get gud enough at Blender to make passable 3d models (or even bad 3d models). I have extreme depression and can't dev when I'm depressed, so progress comes in bursts much like your wife.

So basically an RTS you're really good at and play with a handicap

Trying won't be good enough once I get into it. Then I become pretty obsessed in learning.

I'm a pro vector artist aswell, it's all 2D in the end though. What's the difference with zbrush and any idea if the above is of any use to make a possibly more fitting start?

No, because you're not the commander.
The challenge is that you have to make a huge difference while being so small; that is, be the butterfly of the Butterfly Effect.

Vector experience could help with NURBs modeling but no one uses that anymore. It's still useful if you use it as a basis for polygonal models though.

Zbrush it's more a digital sculpting tool rather than a modelling tool. It's more like using chisels and stuff on clay than the CAD style crap typically associated with 3D

You'll get along great with it if you're that obstinate. Im the same, went from being a zero at 3D to above average and working in the industry within a year

The problem with doing something like this is it will be either too easy or literally impossible. If the teams are even, whichever team the player is on will win by default because you'll be able to exploit the AI. If the teams are unbalanced, the unfavourable side will literally always lose because the winning side will have easier target picking.

I learned how to model in 3d with "sometingMax", it's been years I haven't touched it, so I forgot everything. Plus I was always coached for everything I modeled, when came time to create something alone, I just blocked, so you can forget about me modeling something in 3d for anyone

i'm a writer. story, dialogue, world building, i've got it all baby

What engine should I use to make an etrian odyssey clone?

You can be a writer.
Speaking of /tg/, are there online playthroughs of campaigns? I want to play something like DnD but I can't find anything in my country.

How would you handle the enemy AI mid war? If the player stops the enemy from winning a battle in an area that is somewhat important for how the war was simulated, it would either start doing completely stupid or even impossible decisions or it would have to actually have AI and change what it does on the fly at which point you wouldn't know what would happen in the war anymore

i messed around in RPG Maxer XP once


I'm just an artfag, though I've made a couple of small /agdg/ jam games. Pic related.

Focusing on getting better at art for now, though I do want to make more games in the near future.

I've been thinking of making one too. Probably in Unity because that's what I'm familiar with and it's easy to mix 2d and 3d in it these days.

It really sounds like something that could make an interesting story, I'm just not seeing the gameplay potential

Not until I figure out character texturing in Substance to make a realistic Rat from Redwall. Without a realistic humanoid rat to mesh with a realistic environment, it'll just be an environment with the gay ass default mannequin.

Yeah it would be a decent story, sort of like Dune with a 100% prescient protagonist but more focused on the actual war rather than political intrigue.

Half of you are probably trannies/ugly traps who put the bare minimum effort into your passability. This coupled with the fact that you are irredeemably a crazy bipolar fucko is not enough to convince me to ever work with any of you fags.

I actually can I just have no money and don't expect anybody to give their time up for free unless it's their idea too.

Sup Forums, tell me about the innovative and original battle system that's floating through your brain cells

>actually can

Have you ever?

For what purpose though user?

I can make music/have a fair bit of knowledge on how other composers made their music for games. I'm not the most musically inclined, but I bet I could get the job done efficiently.

Is this some kinda reference?


Prove it with soundcloud or a clip of your stuff.

only thing in common is typing.

This is art. Now make it 3D with the same quality in its shader to replicate the 2D.

Why tho. 2D games are a thing you know?

I made some neat scenery in the AoM map editor back in middle school.

>manage your workers, set deadlines
Did this for a volunteer organization for 2 years where everybody worked for free, managed to gain loyalty from them and listened to their input and ideas.

>and run a business?
I have extremely minimal experience, I've only ever ran a vendor booth at a convention. The business end of it was all fine, the artist just sucked and didn't wanna do the work despite it being his idea.
I'm also going to college for a business degree and HR degree, and took a couple classes in game development when I first started out.
Ultimately I believe I can run a business if given the chance.

I also feel I should mention I'm not the original user you replied to.

This is the problem with all the fucking "idea guy" jackasses. Nothing about your "idea" describes the gameplay at all. You basically described Ultimate Epic Battle simulator and the singl unit controlling mode in that is shit.

I made some music for a Pokemon fangame that spawned here on Sup Forums fuckin' ages ago. Project lasted for about 4 years or so before eventually dying due to lack of support and people moving on to other things.

It's a JRPG-style turn-based combat system with a focus on summoning.

The field contains 1 slot for the player and 4 slots for summoned creatures per side. The player-owned ones begin empty, but enemies can begin the battle pre-spawned.
Each turn, the player has the choice of creating an elemental "star" - an orb of magic that can be used at a later time - or casting a spell with any stars that they already have. The more stars they use, the stronger the spell.
However, they can opt to use their own health to power the spell as well, which will change the effect of the spell from a traditional spell into a summoning spell, which will create an ally in one of the spots on your side of the field.
Any summoned allies have a separate action from the player character - they can attack, use abilities, defend or be recalled, which will restore the remainder of their health to the summoner.
The battle ends when the leader on one side dies, or all monsters are defeated in the case of random battles.

As the player progresses, they collect rings which allow them to begin battles with pre-created stars. This reduces the setup time in the later part of the game and minimises the amount of free damage pre-spawned enemies can deal.

For a Platform Fighter/Classic Fighting game mix- Every character has a unique defensive option
Stuns for the first frame, perfect block for next 3, regular breakable block with chipping for as long as you hold it down. It takes 10 frames to end the block, during which you are vulnerable
>Magic Guard
Blocks physical attacks for first 4 frames, reflects projectiles for first 10 frames, afterwards blocks projectiles for as long as you hold it down. You can move freely while blocking.
Invulnerability for the first 2 frames, you get stunned if you're hit during the next 10, you take regular damage for the rest of the dodge (about 10 frames). You're moving the whole time.
Counters any attack during first 3 frames, you get stunned but take no damage for next 6, you're completely vulnerable for 15 frames after that.
Invulnerability for first frame, you're slowed down for 40 frames but take no knockback from attacks. Cooldown of 10 frames after.

Isn't that literally Magi-Nation?

Almost. It was the inspiration.

>tfw I have an idea I think would be really fun but it'd be extremely niche and spergy

I don't know any way to translate it to anything else either.