What are some settings you would like to see in vidya?

What are some settings you would like to see in vidya?



>wore a tanktop in extremely hot and bright conditions while being a pasty white person
>proceeds to stay in sun the ENTIRE day without use of sunscreen
half-deserved it
second-degree burns are so hellish that I wouldn't wish them on anymore


Never been sunburnt before, is it easy to heal and is it painful

Who ruled Ancient Egypt?

Based phonenigger

ancient egyptians

depends on how bad the sunburn is you dummy

>the only races that exist are black and white
I could make a pun about this




People who looked like Rami Malek and atleast once nubians; a dark-skinned people with about as much in common with the ancestors of african-americans as the japanese

they weren't fucking niggers though
mudslims are not black and yet are able to spend entire day under the sun without sunburns



have you ever burnt your hand on the stove before?
its kinda like that
your skin tightens and feels hot all the time
it takes about 3 days to a week for your skin to start falling off on its own

no me

Does anyone seriously believe Egyptians are white or is this some Sup Forums meme?

>Rami Malek
Whats wrong with this guy's face?
somethings off but i can't tell

Does taking an ice cold shower help


His eyes are about to pop out of their socket.

He's a fucking ginger, of all things. Look at his beard.

Next to albinos they are probably the second most vulnerable to the sun. He should have known better.

also whites bake in the sun and become more resistant the browner they become

Ancient alien DNA mixed with Egyptian DNA, dont you ever browse /x/

I'm Asian and I've never been sunburned or ever used sunscreen.

>Smartest race
>Fast breeders
>Mindlessly obedient
>Adapt well to all environment

If Asians were a race in a 4x, everyone would cry that we were overpowered.

the water hitting the affected area can hurt like hell and the brief comfort provided is not worth the initial torture

Initial sunburns are slightly painful, mostly if you nudge them. They peel(a love/hate relationship, some people absolutely fucking love peeling sunburnt skin off) and respond super well to creams.
Sunburns like OP's pic are godawful and only happen through sheer negligence. The healing for that thing's gonna be slow-going, there's an immense risk of infection, it hurts like fucking sin(as second-degree burns reach the nerve endings themselves and expose them) and you're probably not going to be able to do much of anything until it heals, which could take a few weeks.


I can't deal with it, seeing bubbling blisters makes me sick

Blacks, the Jews they enslaved were actually black too, the modern ones are fake just like the modern Egyptian.

He looks like he's about to prank you

Egyptians are an almost extinct race
they are like Mediterraneans but more arab

>stay inside all day playing video games
>I never got a sunburn guys

either that or you're a jungle asian in which case everyone in your race looks down on you for being so brown you dont get sunburns

if you put water on your burns they get absorbed under the loose skin and become bubbles of water
you can pop them because they dont hurt but its looks disgusting

Chairman Yang is pretty damn overpowered user.


Are you retarded? Only deluded niggers try and say they ruled Egypt. Go read Black Roots Science on FB if you want to see it for yourself. No white claims that everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows that the Ancient Egyptians ruled Egypt. The closing living people to them are Coptic. Ironically, niggers only think in black and white.

You can't see the sun in Beijing of course not lmao

My mom said it was me so ha

Heh, yeah been there. Skin was just a bubblewrap of blisters.

Aloe Vera is a fucking god.

Can't rule the world if we put the important things on the top shelf

>Ginger goes outside without sunscreen

Was he trying to fucking die?

whites. they let niggers do all the pulling and stacking

The Goa'uld ruled ancient Egypt.

>Smartest race
>When China exists
im a dirty chink btw im allowed to say this


if you ask him, faggots like that with the teased out hair

Based Star Gate bro.

Yeah but I got an A+ on the test so my mom said eyypt was mine. My mom went to egyp once so she knows what she is talking about!

For me they range from "mildly annoying" to "the worst pain I've experienced in my life". About 3 years ago I got an extremely bad sunburn that caused a feeling like the most intense itching imaginable, but under the skin and across my entire back, chest, and arms. On top of that I was too feverish and tired to move, yet any sort of contact with the burnt skin (in other words just laying down on my bed) was like rubbing a cheese grater on it. Thought I was going to lose my mind. These days just getting a minor sunburn can give me flashbacks strong enough to make me nauseous.

In other words it fucking blows.

He's about as close to ancient egyptian as you'll get. Sacrifices of the genetic diversity kind would've had to be made to preserve the bloodline.

that or aliens

I used to be practically transparent. Got sun poisoning on the back of my knees and all I could do is crawl around in agony.

Sunburn itself ranges from the area just feeling a little hot to agony.

After a few light sunburns my skin tanned a few shades and now I don't get sunburn at all. I rarely put on lotion but even if you're black you should still consider wearing it if you're exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

Fucking amazing to peel the skin though.

Alexander the Great



Oh, well in that case

Bronze people aren't brown or black.


what board am i on

Caucasian brown is arguably the best skin color. You look continental, your skin doesn't crack as easily, you've got the best from both worlds, your skin is naturally fair during the winter, and naturally brown during the summer preventing sun burn.

>fast breeders
Not anymore my friendo, you're not getting laid and asian women prefer white males. That's were you fucked up, congrats on having better mathematical skill though.

>Smartest race
You're no Ashkenazi either, you math/codemonkeys.

The issue for asians is that they have high IQ on average but lack creativity. China would be a greater technological menace than they are if its people weren't molded into identical copies with little free will.



I want to blast space bitches with my p90


never fucking post this image again, thank you.

China had amazing thinkers, fuck they had strategists on par with Hannibal and Scipio and philosophers on par with plato.
Too bad communism fucked them in the ass by killing all the intellectuals and leaving a breed of mindless drones.

gag bag the faggot lag

Unless you turn it on really low, the water pressure is enough to make it not worth it. Best thing is Aloe and if you can't get that get a rag and a bowl of water like Kurtz in Apocalypse Now.

>Black people say they wuz kangs
>White people tell them they wuzn't
>Black people jump to the conclusion that white people are claiming the egyptians were white because obviously anyone who isn't black is white, and white people are the ones who told them they wuzn't kangs

michael shannon fucked an alien and forgot the rubber

It's not actually growing from the parrot. Someone just put some mushrooms on its head.

It's a real shame, yeah. The current generation was basically raised by those who lived under Mao's communism; that's why they're so insanely ignorant of other people's issues and just tunnel vision on themselves and their family.

Sega Genesis and SNES

He's way more attractive than you and you feel weird about it.

>tfw have pasty white skin and sun allergy
Can't we just blow up the fucking sun already?

ohhh shit in that case{spoiler] please burn your hard drive this instant. or buy me some itch cream

fucking never because it'd be railroaded trash

He has the Buscemi bug-eyes going on.

Still, he looks alright in spite of it and is a pretty good actor.

His name is NASA boy, what a sheep

Can confirm. I can't remember the last time the back of my neck was skin-colored.

How pasty? I'm pretty pale as well.

well they sure as hell weren't black save for one dynasty. The Ptolemaic dynasty (the one cleopatra was a part of) was Greek, and Ramses was found to have western European DNA. There is also evidence that North Africa was a lot cooler with more rainfall than it is now (water erosion on the sphinx) so take that as you will.

I didn't post it, I just did a reverse search and found some pictures (including that one) of a guy who decided to put various mushrooms on his parrots head.

It's a very well behaved parrot apparently

I get sunburned very easy, and when I'm working my normal trade, I work at a moving company (removals for the Brits). Because of this, I've gotten sunburns big and small, irritated both a lot and a little. But I've never gotten them as bad as the retard in OP's pic. Anyway, They range wildly from pink skin that might sting if you smacked it, to hell on fucking earth when brought withing striking distance of even the most mildly abrasive surfaces (like shirts). The worst was when I fell asleep at a beach on my side, woke up 2 hours later with a fucking line down my body. One arm and shoulder (fuck you, tank top) half my face, and one leg burned probably to two steps below that idiot. Very little visible scarring, but I worked for two weeks slathering aloe on my burns and carrying furniture into and out of houses. Here's a few pro tips:
1) Don't ever, ever, HYEVER pop the blisters. Holy fuck are you raw and burning underneath them.
2) Unfinished drywall irritates your skin more than you know.
3) Don't assume that just getting out of the sun help when it's bad. It's a radiation burn, the damage is deep and will get worse for a while.

Sob story aside, I deserved what I got and if you spend too long outside in high-UV times you will regret it.

> It's a very well behaved parrot apparently

Parrots are incredibly clever.

If they made like a Xcom/Fallout 1&2 hybrid type adventure Star Gate game I would be able to die a happy man.

T'ealc with hair was a travesty.

when I'm not working my normal trade*

>exclusively mushrooms
that guys fucking sick. old fashion, epic raid when?

Asians on average are the smartest race (Ashkenazi jew doesn't count) but their culture dictates that they stay in line and do what there elders tell you. there is no room for individuality or free thinking

They are basically the tau from warhammer 40k

Who actually thinks white people ruled egypt? That makes no god damn sense.

the people you're addressing don't exist

Come to my neck of the woods and I'll show ya, boy

Does this guy not know that even people who are native to desert climates cover themselves from head to toe in clothing to protect from the sun?

> That period when the sunburn pain starts subsiding but the itch starts rising

This is the worst. The fucking itch man. Yeah I know, its a good sign as my body is healing, but it fucking blows. If you scratch you it hurts but if you don't the itch drives you insane.

As pasty as your average white guy that doesn't go outside I guess. It helps that my hair has a light color but I still get random people asking me if I'm sick every so often.

>White people tell them they wuzn't
but that's wrong you fucking donut

... Ancient Egyptians.