I had the chance of playing one of those in an Arcade recently. I really enjoyed it and I'd like to play more

I had the chance of playing one of those in an Arcade recently. I really enjoyed it and I'd like to play more.

How does one enter the world of Rhythm Games with fancy peripherals? I've only ever played controller-based games before.

Rhythm Games thread, I suppose.

Other urls found in this thread:


The age of rhythm games using peripherals is over unless you want to buy second hand or pay expensive prices for new ones.

You'll just have to play the regular way via controllers and stuff. DJMAX comes out soon, but Superbeat Xonic is great as well. I'm not a fan of the Vocaloid rhythm games. Too boring.

Why is it over? It's not like those games were ever popular anyway, outside of the PS2 era when Guitar Hero was normiecore.

How expensive exactly are those peripherals anyway?

Sadly your options are pretty limited in the West when it comes to peripheral rhythm games outside of DDR, Guitar/Dj Hero, Rock Band and gimmick games that use peripherals once like Samba de Amigo and DK Jungle Beat
Thankfully the next Taiko Drums game is getting an Asia release that will allow for English menus and have peripheral support, only problem is that you're looking at around $90 as the base price and adding import fees on top of that

>Love DJ Hero
>never look for a replacement once it dies
>wanders in
>see DJMAX


Forcing people to use expensive plastic fake instruments puts hard limits on a game's mechanics.
Plus, in the west, people are completely fucking SICK to their stomach of fake guitar games, you can blame activision for that.
They killed their golden goose by producing 6 SEPARATE guitar hero games in ONE YEAR.

I dunno why they died out but they did. Also the west really isn't into rhythm games as much as the japanese or koreans. When I go to the arcades in Japan or Korea the #1 populated floor, aside from the gambling and fighting floors, is the rhythm one.

Usually a couple hundred depending what you want it for. I assume you'd want to use them on PC?

>How does one enter the world of Rhythm Games with fancy peripherals?
Decide what you want to play and stay dedicated. When you're spending anywhere from $50 to $400 for a controller to play a single game, you better know you're going to enjoy it and make the most of it.

Yes, on the PC. The most modern system I own besides a Laptop is a PSP.

I have no idea how to actually get into it, though. I looked at /vg/ and /jp/ hoping to see something like a Rhythm Games General or something, but couldn't find any.

Looking at videos it doesn't look particularly amazing.

Ultimately they also killed MadCatz, too.

jp has a rhythms games general, but it's mostly for the super autistic games like iidx beatmania and pop'n.
I could never get into games like those, the notecharts hardly have anything to do with the song being played.

Played a donkey Kong one like that in an arcade in austin texas last year. Been searching for an arcade with rhythm games in Chicago ever since.... Can't fuckinggggggg find one. There's a game bar near downtown that has guitar hero but fuck that I wanna smash some drums

>Been searching for an arcade with rhythm games in Chicago ever since
There's a Round 1 in Bloomingdale.

>someone else besides me played DJ Hero

Shut up, stop lying

>I could never get into games like those, the notecharts hardly have anything to do with the song being played.
That's not true at all.

no, they really don't
the button slamming sounds form percussion for the backing track, but none of them are actually tied to the notes being played in the song itself.

It's cause they use multiple sounds and the voice at the same time, and you obviously couldn't tell unless you were fast enough to do it yourself. Back when I was playing Chunithm Air in Japan and a friend was watching me, she said something similar.

>2 and a half hour bus ride

Its worth it, thanks mr user I'll check that place out

>tfw live minutes away from Round 1 and have access to loads of rhythm games including Taiko no Tatsujin, Project Diva and Theathrythm.

Feels good man, maybe I should check it out on my day off coming up.


>nearly all project diva machines are in CALIFORNIA
>they're all 20 minutes away from me
I know what I'm doing this weekend

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

There's a new Taiko no Tatsujin coming out for the PS4. It comes with a USB drum controller. If you want to get into something like this be ready to shell out some cash, it can be pretty expensive.

Other games include bemani (if you can get an invite on sows), osu, DDR and that korean DJ game that I never liked.
If you go down the bemani route you could build the controller by yourself. Taiko controllers are a bit more complicated so unless you're an engineering student or have some electronics training don't bother.
There's also that Donkey Kong drum game on the wii, if you can find the peripheral for it.
I recommend going down the Taiko route. It's objectively the only good rhythm game that ends up teaching you an actual skill if you end up getting really good at it.

>tfw New Zealand
Are there even any rhythm game machines here? Future Tone on ps4 can't satisfy me forever.

Cant wait for the asia release, heard about a season pass which I honestly dont mind from all the rayark music packs to buy on mobile

I tend to buy*

My friend already preordered the thing. I was thinking of doing the same but I realized I actually need a PS4 for it. Otherwise I'm gonna be stuck trying to find songs for either osu! or Taiko Jiro to play with the controller, all while looking at a game I can't play.

In IIDX at least all of the notes directly correspond to each sound in a song, and you can hear it your timing is off or you miss a note.

Since you also have a psp, you can get the DJMAX series already. Pretty sweet deal since peripheral ones on consoles/pc are pricey. On a laptop, you could go with the rythem based communities like stepmania/osu/guitar hero clones/etc. They have a lot of variety and even the arcade versions too.

If you want to get into Taiko specifically, the minicons for the wii/wiiu is pretty cheap but it's not the best quality. You can modify the controllers a bit to improve but it's still not great. There's a really expensive hori controller that is actually good too but idk where you'd even find that since they don't make it anymore.

The wiiu and wii games are pretty easy to pirate if you have a wiiu or wii and you can actually use that controller. iOS game wasn't bad on their touch screen but getting it installed on your western phone would be a pain. DS/3DS/PSP/Vita games are all good but you'll be playing with just buttons on those.

>My friend already preordered the thing
with subs? where? playasia doesn't have it up

Lucky bastards. Chicago has everything except rhythm games. There is a real close by arcade that has literally hundreds of machines tho. Pay $20 and you can come and go all day, everything inside is free. Think I'll go get drunk and play fightan games and that multiplayer Mario kart machine they have.

>tfw I'll never be this good

I think he got it off amiami, he was real quick about it too, since preorders are already over.

Chicago has two Round 1s, what are you talking about.

That controller looks exactly what I'd want to have but I don't own a Wii/WiiU. I don't suppose those work on the PC?

There's a console version of that game.

There's controllers for the PS2 that might work with an adaptor, along with the new one for the PS4 that's native USB.

what song did you guys fc in oni

I can do that one akb48 song with my eyes closed

mon sells a little usb converter so you can use that controller on pc: mon.im/tatacon/
there aren't really good taiko sims. taikojiro is your best bet on pc.

for other games, I'd recommend looking into SDVX (keyshootmania is the simulator on pc) youtube.com/watch?v=ptjmjEUESlw
it looks crazy at first but I think it's one of the best rhythm games for new players. it has a really gentle difficulty curve up until the really hard stuff starts.
mon is making a mini controller for that that's pretty awesome and he should be getting another batch of those made soon. there's also more expensive full size controllers that djdao makes.

iidx (lunatic rave 2) is popular but you're not going to find a good controller for cheap and the difficulty curve is steep. pop'n is a favorite of mine that you can also play via lunatic rave 2

You can connect the wiimote to your PC via bluetooth. And I think that'll work with osu! since they have a setting in the menu for those.
Not sure about taiko jiro

osu taiko is pretty bad imo. but finding charts for taikojiro is a pain. I recommend using that usb converter instead of bluetooth so you don't have to deal with a whole wiimote and bluetooth setup

I used to be pretty good at osu taiko so I wouldn't exactly say it's bad, it's just not a good reproduction.

That dongle with the Wii Nunchuk Drum seems to be exactly what I'd want. But are there actual Taiko games to play on the PC? Besides Osu taiko mode.

I wasn't expecting this series to be so PC-unfriendly.

Taiko jiro is the only other alternative, but good luck modifying that since most of the resources are JP only.
That said, I can finally post this.

Triggered, fuck you taro on that last notes

I played a lot of the PSP and 3DS games before trying Osu so that's probably why I don't like it.

I can try to upload what I have of taikojiro, no guarantees it'll work well. the instructions that came with it were terrible

on arcade the hardest I've FCd is the butt biting bug song. but on handhelds I've done a few, 伝説の祭り is one of my favorite songs youtu.be/l7Fk-pEbnIA
on arcade I can play 6 and some 7 if I'm not too tired. on consoles I am playing 9

Jesus Christ that looks fun.

What's so convoluted about taikojiro? Besides being mostly in nip?

went to one in auckland that had some, vaguely remember some bemani(?) and taiko, though i heard the taiko machine was taken away

it's mostly just unfinished and abandoned.
here's a good article (on a good website) taikotime.blog{DELETEME}spot.ru/2013/05/feature-know-your-taiko-simulators.html
{fuck spam filter}

have a map zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcades.php

I see you're a man of taste.

Those arent in chicago, far as fuck away when you don't have a car. I'm just bitching tho, im willing to take hour+ bus rides for this shit. Dave and busters in the surrounding area too I'm just lazy

Play sound voltex you fucking fool

Here's the taikojiro packs I have downloaded, I probably can't be much help figuring out how to get them working though.

if you do go to R1, don't be afraid to ask people who are playing the games for help navigating the menus or understanding the basics of the games. I haven't been to that R1 but rhythm gamers are some of the nicest people in my experience and are always happy to help someone new get started.

Thank you. I am getting those now.

DJMAX doesn't resemble dj hero at all. You probably want IIDX

There's a new taiko game coming out for the ps4. And since it's pretty easy making custom controllers for it it's only time before a nice taiko drum set comes out.

Noice, can I get a name on the place?

is hori still alive? youtube.com/embed/g1nZBzZCeGQ?rel=0
the switch game that is supposed to be coming out sometime before march 2018 is also apparently going to be released in english

Seems like it. They already have a drum that will come out the same day the game releases on october.

never mind it actually closed down a long time ago, from what I've heard.
What a shame, it had older arcade games, and even more of a shame that I only went to it once.

looks like it's mostly just ddr/itg/piu in that area. I do see a place with jubeat though which might be worth checking out

I have a serious question, when is this getting a sequel?

jubeat? is it in that pic or somewhere else?

i found a ps2 taiko drum at a goodwill recently, will i need certain drivers for it to work through a usb connection? also would custom drumsticks be okay to use on it or would it damage it instead of the original sticks?

it's another less-common bemani. the arcade in the pic has it. you have a screen with a 4x4 grid of buttons on top that you tap. youtube.com/watch?v=kTxnUf3Oju8

looks great, I'll get there and play it if I have time to spare, thanks user

Ever hear of Galloping Ghost arcade?

>The age of rhythm games using peripherals is over

>SDVX Heavenly Haven
>IIDX Sinobuz
>Taiko no Tatsujin finally getting an Asian release

>How does one enter the world of Rhythm Games with fancy peripherals?

Rocksmith goes on sale every other day, theres a ton of DLC and CustomDLC, it supports guitar and bass. Bass is super fun.


You can't get fancier than this.


>tfw can't get keyboardmania working with my keyboard
I wonder if it's worth searching for a PS2 controller for the game

Stop enabling that fucking tripfaggot. Just fucking ignore him


>How expensive exactly are those peripherals anyway?


Imagine how far you could get if you'd learn a real instrument instead of playing your incredibly dense note charts that make you slam round dome buttons with the meat of your palm.

I hope that guy who is making his own that strap on to the monitor ends up costing no more than that. who am I kidding, he's new to production and doing a small run of course it's going to be fuckking expensive

why not both? nobody said you couldn't play any number of instruments and also enjoy rhythm games

You can definitely make this out of wood and regular square buttons, but proabably won't feel as good. I don't even know if there is a jubeat cab hdd out in the open right now either

That one needs a display too, a 27 incher.

You're the newfaggot here if you think that tripfag should get any attention whatsoever. It's pointless attention whoring.

you can play analyzer append. it's also not that hard to get into the private circles

right but it just sorta sits on top of the monitor. the monitor has its own stand underneath the buttons' stand


(You) don't deserve it


Are you defending tripfaggotry then? Because it sounds like you are

I'm actually going there on Monday for my gfs birthday. Probs from 3-10ish

We are gonna drink, go in and out for food and stuff. I dare you to be there! (Im going to wear a MAGMA shirt)

I'm not defending tripfaggotry. I'm defending Sup Forums culture

I wish I were good at pop'n. I got myself up to 31s once but after a few months of not playing I'm stuck on 26s now. Someone else at the arcade was playing 40s like it was nothing.

You are defending cancer

You legitimately sound mentally handicapped because those games are literally playing the stems and keysounds from the songs themselves.

Stop licking your elbow

>someone makes a post
>you reply to a post

What's wrong about this? As long as you don't give him attention because he is a tripfag, what difference does it make? Ultimately it's just another post in the board.

Stop finding faults in everything.


That's offensive to cancer.

I might be there, I'll be wearing an Ultraman shirt if I remember. I live close by so I go often.

There's a new Taiko drumming game coming out for the ps4 some time this year. It even has custom drum controllers.

If you don't understand why tripfags are so fucking cancerous, you might as well fuck off to reddit

The point of anonymity is so that posts are judged by their content, and not by the user who has made them. You sabotage this by using a Tripcode on all your posts, but it's not like I know or care who the fuck that guy is. I replied to him as I would have an unsigned post.

You're the one who should go, and take your reddit boogeymanship with you.

I'll keep my eye out for ya.
I need friends I have none

That faggot posts here all the time and tripfagging outside of Q/A shit specific circumstances is nothing but blatant attention whoring and should not be respected. Trying to give yourself a name on Sup Forums goes against the whole purpose of the site.

>Whole purpose of this site
We should honestly remove Sup Forums as well because none of us are talking about Japanese Culture and Chinese cartoons