Are we living in golden age of videogame criticism?

Are we living in golden age of videogame criticism?

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Anderson's a contrarian little shit. Don't mention him alongside MM, please.

>not contrarian
>shits on entire Souls series in the latest video

We live in the golden age of Youtubers summarizing games for people and calling it review/criticism/analysis

He's basically Sup Forums-core, complains about Naughty Dog's style over substance and hates Neo-Blizzard and Fallout 4.

More like the Bronze age.


Criticism isnt really the right word.
More like long-form video game discussion

You need to understand Anderson is a compete and utter plagiarist and plagiarized works and styles are shit by default, no matter how technically good they are. And Anderson's videos aren't even good, he's just a poor man's version the guy on the left.

>someone who no credentials other than having a youtube channnel talks for 45 about a game
matthew is ok though


>Videogame criticism thread
>Ross Scott isn't there
Oh look, another thread that belongs in the trash.

If more people had a critical eye, the industry would be in better shape.

So wut's his name again?

Based Ross mostly just covers obscure games though.

Matt "I can't figure out that locking-on in this situation is a bad idea" Matosis is a total contrarian. Nothing insightful to say and no consistency makes him useless as a reviewer.

His discussion of said video games and the industry as a whole is what makes it so interesting though. Plus, he's probably one of the most active with his community.


Souls camera is dogshit. DaS2 was just a poorly designed shitpile. Get over it, faggot.

try being a shield fag and not lock-on
locked off crowd control only works for roll fags

>Joseph Anderson - $3,925 per month
>Matthewmatosis - $856 per month

not video game related

>Video game critiques aren't video game culture

The world is just for once.

go to reddit dumbass

Joseph Anderson - 1 or 2 videos per month
Matthewmatosis - 5 videos per year

>I enjoy what someone else says

yeah cool dude

Both of them make more than I do on an actual job

>tfw Sup Forums memed you into watching Anderson

Joseph might be quitting though since it isn't enough money for him to live in canuck land

>he plays games with CURSED RUNES

Maybe he should stop having so many fucking kids and contributing to the overpopulation of the planet

>Joseph Anderson - 2 kids and wife, still writes novels
>Matthewmatosis - Lives alone, lost his gf to Angry Joe

He is white so it doesn't matter.


This was the golden age:

He's alright, doesn't upload very much though

fuck off reddit

>aurora last week
>starforge today

where the fuck does he find these



>right icon

What 3rd World country do you live in?

The souls series got lucky and turned into a fad. It will die like the rest once the hype over it is dead. Bloodborne was made because sony saw how much of a meme the subgenre was becoming and wanted to cash in on it.

What are some other (good) vidya reviewers like MM and JA? People who can actually articulate their points well and go in-depth?

>making fun of someone not using their real name
>on Sup Forums

>could rake in the big bucks reviewing AAA horror games
>battles the roastie with the mosty in Brazilian indie games instead

Dude's quality.

Matthew is entertaining to watch and listen to

Joseph is very objective on his points so it's fine even when I disagree with him because he can easily show why he doesn't like something

SBH is the closest we'll ever get to Red Letter Media for videogames (and he doesn't come close desu, but he's still very good)

>Anything I don't like is literally redit

Be a janitor then fagot

Well, Sup Forumsirgins love him and everything he says because he's 'one of us'.

George Weedman is alright when he's not jerking off indie games no one gives a shit about.

Errant Signal is communist tripe.

>tfw no Gothic collab with Ross Scott

Joseph Anderson is genuinely terrible. He appeals to stupid people who aren't intelligent enough to realize that he just rambles meaninglessly.


>stretching what could be said in 15 minutes for 2 hours
You do understand they do it for ad money right?

>Super Bunnyhop

>Not bueno



I watched some of his videos and while he's very good, a lot of his content doesn't appeal to me.

>much has been said about my penis

>can't play hyperlight drifter because it isn't constant 60FPS
>RLM tier or anything but garbage tier

Your neck. Break it, please.

What do you think?

What's the matter, fag?
Too afraid to use your real name on Sup Forums?

literally who?

Let me add onto that friend
There needs to be a critical eye that the industry respects
As in, someone with a lot of influence making an opinion a game via various forms of media.

Assblasted Alejandro

Ornery Carlito

Anderson just has the most boring taste in videogames. Absolute "immersion" bore.

Matosis is the sort of guy who thinks Tetris is the perfect game.

desu his Star Citizen video was the last time i enjoyed his work
That was a year ago

World is just for once, senpai.

probably more challenging than dark souls because you can always just grind to be more powerful , endlessly
where in crash,youre limited by skill alone

>No more Critical Close Ups
>No more game analysis
>Filmed his vacation and called it "content" for a month
>4 (four) sock shill videos on his channel
>Inserts his political opinion into his videos for no reason
>Signed with Maker and stopped trying
>Is actually gay and smokes weed
>Hasn't had one good video in 2017
Pack it in George.

I enjoyed SBH but yeah his content recently is either non-existent or not very good.

Errant Signal lost me on his Civ video about how we don't commemorate the culture of barbarians that never built a civilization.

In a civilization game.

I'd fuck him

I wish Anthony Fantano did game reviews.


>Joe mentions patreon in every video and made a video on its own for it
>Matthew never mentions patreon and it's just a link in his youtube banner

>spends 2 whole minutes on Sup Forums .
>h-hey guys, i'm cool t-too, l-l-look! reddit!

>Hasn't had one good video in 2017
That goes for every "critic" mentioned ITT
Honestly they all are so disappointing that i'll start my own channel this fall

>Truth is in the middle Fantano
>People calling for medicare for all are as bad as literal Nazis
Fuck off

>Everything is Sexist.
>Everything is Racist.
>Everything is Homophobic.

I think not

>Gives credit to people who support him
>Matt literally spends the money on dragon dildos and beer

He reviews memes and albums, let him take a fucking break once a week.

He's gay?



Shill your patreon on Reddit, Anderson.

His personal beliefs don't take away from his affinity to articulate fair criticism of media, faggot.

He was right though.

People from Reddit legitimately come here to complain about the Sup Forums boogieman.

"Being from Reddit" might be a meme but its unfortunately true

>he watches """critics""" instead of pretend friends who give you a recommend


No, why would you say that?


>Not smoking weed
You a beta pussy or something?

>shiller vs. non-shiller
Oh boy, I wonder who is gonna get more e-monies? Money doesn't speak to quality dipshit. Money on patreon speaks to someone's ability to shill.

I wish posting this picture and any references to this fuck was bannable

>Being a degenerate 15 year old