How do I beat him, he does 20 damage a hit, even if I block it with damage dodge.
How do I beat him, he does 20 damage a hit, even if I block it with damage dodge
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Hey, we have similar stats.
You give him a lemon candy. There's no way to take him on as soon as you meet him because of his ridicolous damage. And the Power Plus is way too good to leave it for later.
I was able to beat him last time I played through but that was regular, are you talking about normal or the romhack?
Also, there are no stone caps or repel gels for sale. Unless you wanna waste your life farming repel gels from the pig farm.
The new romhack, of course. Double damage makes him impossible.
Yeah I don't see that as being possible, maybe if you get extremely lucky with close call badge (unless they changed how those work for pro mode, have not played very far yet)
Right didn't think of that, thanks.
Can you still fight him later when you get stronger?
IIRC you can buy repel gel from the basement of Boo mansion.
No, Close Call works the same. I don't know if it stacks with Pretty Lucky, though, but you can try that.
If you don't fight him or give him the candy, you can fight him at any time. If you give him the candy he'll be gone.
You can't, BUT thinking about it you can buy Life Shrooms there. Now that could work.
The last time I checked, pretty lucky/close call DO stack. In 2 you can also get better chances by stacking multiple instances of the same one though I forget the math
charge into power bounce. use bow to avoid damage.
Casual fag here. Why is it appealing to cap your stat growth in game? Is it just to increase the difficulty/challenge and force your hand to use otherwise unconventional tactics?
What do you mean? We have small amounts of HP and FP because we put most level ups into BP.
No Jump Charge, though.
I'm not sure if this could help. What does it mean?
Partially answers my question, but what is appealing about focusing on BP? Is it more allocation slots for badges which allow more interesting builds?
Essentially, yes. In Paper Mario, you don't need many points in HP if you're good with timed commands. Most enemies deal only 1 damage and by the time they start dealing more, you'll have a bit more HP that you can easily manage with healing items or Refresh (and later Smooch). Not to mention you can use badges to further block incoming damage. In Paper Mario, you can block up to 4 damage with both damage dodges and the defend plus.
Use the gel item that turns you invisible. He cant hit you while thats active.
Oh, when I say "in Paper Mario" at the start I mean the series, but later I mean the first game.
It only lasts for four turns and there are only like four in the whole game if you don't farm more with the pigs, which is a low chance in the first place.
Not to mention there's a badge that makes timed commands easier when defending
two* turns.
Badges are your bread and butter in Paper Mario, and account for most of your capability in battle. HP just lets you take more hits, but there are defensive badges to compensate for lower health in the first place. Healing is more efficient the lower your maximum health is anyways. FP lets you use special attacks, which in Mario's case, still require badges equipped to actually have.
Worst case scenario, you just use badges that raise your HP/FP for the same effect, and you can also obtain badges to regen both of them over time and the like.
I do I get the pre-patch rom file for Pro Mode working?
Thanks for the thoughtful replies. I will have to replay it at some point using this option.
powebounce does no damage after 2 hits, I tried, I just keep jumping with no damage being dealt.
>All Power boosting Badges
Kills the challenge but one shotting bosses is fun
seeit's to stop people abusing this
Why even bother making it cost 4 bp if it's useless, then? Might as well make it free to fool people into using it.
Even more, this hack has a challenge mode, where you do not gain star points but you can equip any badge you find for free.
Sorry meant Powerbounce, always mix up those names.
dang i thought it was a glitch lol
you just patch it, but change your graphics plugin to GLIDE64
Does the same happen with Goombario's Multibonk? I imagine yes.
You don't get it this early so idk
Has the modded game been put into a WAD yet? I want to play it on my Wii.
I have not seen any other RPGs with similar non-class, flexible skill point systems. Are they any others to your knowledge?
Stop with this game already.
stone caps then, if you're gonna pull the "it's too good to be used I should save it for later when it's 100% useless" card
Closest I can think of is Final Fantasy IX, but you gain "crystal points" there when you level up regularly, you don't choose to get them over more HP or SP. But the idea is the same, using CP to allocate your desired skills.
Can't you mod it on your own, isn't there a tool to do so.
Stone Caps can no longer be bought at the item shop in Toad Town, though. They're replaced by Cake Mix.
I'm sorry but Paper Mario has become so boring to replay with how easy it is that I can't shut up about this hack. You can easily ignore these threads, though, you know.
>what the fuck is he talking ab-
Oh, pro mode. I gotta give that a try.
Yeah, if the OP picture wasn't evidence enough.
I can see why in spite of nostalgia there are excellent reasons to appreciate the design of the game. It has some very unique staples which later iterations have abandoned or desecrated. This community has a pretty devoted following to both improvise challenge modes and collectively decry the wayward successors of the game so vehemently.
well then
is this thread on autosage
give me a quick run down on this
Post and find out. Also, anyone got a link for this Pro Mode shit? Anything I need to do to set it up or something?
That'd be a yes, I guess. Weird, can't think of any good reason why it'd be autosaged.
Really hard version of paper mario on the N64.
>enemies do more damage to you and can have more hp and def. to a point where you have to run.
>some enemies have new attacks like attack you from behind or from another angle.
>new enemies like red clubbas who have like 20hp in the 3rd level
>enemies and obstacles move at different, like the bullet bill at the fortress are too fast you kinda have to guess, and floor spikes have random intervals and can be fast or slow.
>new areas like drydry dessert experienced sand dunes and is harder to traverse and is maze like.
And so-on
Links are in this video or you can
>tfw still stuck on jr. troopa from koopa fortress
he's not the issue, its the spy guy fucks he summons that screw me even with fire flowers and such. plus he can still attack even after you kill him which is pretty shitty
those fucking red clubbas are sonic fast and deal 10 damage, too
sleepy sheep
>mfw the new dry dry desert
it's hella cool looking, though
kingdom hearts does this all the time
tried that and I still managed to lose, guess ill give it another go with a different strategy at the beginning
>New areas
Tempting but I really hate "hard mode" hacks because they're always unbalanced as hell and cheap.
It sorta works for this hack, because while enemies deal double damage, you can guard for double the amount, too. So it all comes down to your skill and stat management.
Is this 'Pro Mode' like Long War in that it makes the game pretty fucking shitty because the devs went too far?
No it's really well done, there's a few glitches though.
It's pretty well done you just have to think it new ways and know when to run and conserve strength.
Like chan in the dojo has unlimited defence so you can't hammer and he's electrified so you can't jump without taking damage and failing your action command, so you have to think of a ne way to beat him.
that's not quite the same:
Original: 4 damage blocked becomes 3
new: 8 damage blocked becomes 6
you're still taking double damage, but even then, it just requires you to be on your a-game at all times
how much health does the final master have? Peekaboo said 150, but he was still kicking for me after dropping to 0 and smacking a few more times.
There are two damage dodge badges and a defend plus, though, and you find the first one in mt. rugged, letting you block 4 damage.
What's a good use for hustle drinks?
even with the defense bonuses, the point i'm making is that you will still be taking more damage than in the original.
You're right. What I meant to say was that this doesn't make it as unbalanced as it may sound.
shit stats man you should always have more HP than FP
I couldnt find much, the only time I found was when the opponent is invisible and you know they will end next turn. It's a shame there's no way for partners to use items or heal you.
protip: once you get star beam, you can use it to get rid of all buffs on the enemy party (damage/defense up, electric, and invisible)
BP is far more important
So has anyone run into any bugs playing Pro mode? I went to the forum posts and the OP says it hasn't really been tested yet.
I found a bug with the Boo's special challenges where his text box will stay during the fights, blocking the stats. It doesn't happen in the trailer for some reason.
It's fugging shit bro
i noticed after beating Jr. Trooper he still attack you while dead. When he still has dry bone companions alive.
Same here
DAMN that sounds unfair as hell, I got rid of each dry bones with bombette's bomb move, niggas deal like 8 damage. same as jr., but still.
Anti-Guys are susceptible to sleep from Lullaby.
You'll need it for when you take on 3 of them in Bowser's castle
this, though heads up, the challenges are not worth it at all, all you get is some items you can easily buy and an extra happy heart/flower
you get the double turn item
i was able to just barely take them out with good rng by using max damage mega quake (10 damage per hit) and surviving using lakilester's dodge fog and some life shrooms.
of course, you can always just cheese with repel gel/iron caps
isn't that only when you lose the quiz?
hustle drink is effectively useless
>passing the quiz
What are you, casual? Might makes right!
Download now or wait for it to be ironed out?
get it now while people talk about it
there's forums?
do people talk about this on /vg/ or /vr/
remember you can heal shrink or poison with refresh, which was also buffed to heal 7/7
Which Glide64 plugin am I supposed to use? There's like a million.
Use gliden64. The latest one, I guess?
>this is now the DEFINITIVE edition of emulated Paper Mario
>graphical "remaster" guy who wants to replace star spirits with lumas is now BTFO forever
and it's only the beginning, many more paper mario hacks will come in the following years
I'm a fool, I figured out there's a distinction between "Glide64 for PJ64" and "GlideN64"
Just threw me off because Glide64 is version 2.1.2 while GlideN64 is 2.0
Why does this have the worst install instructions?
Listen, there are only like 3 secret bosses in the game, Antiguy being one of them and probably the toughest. Unless you fuck up Bowser's quiz show late game this will probably be the toughest fight in the game.
Is that from Kammy's magic? I don't remember him there.
ok so refresh was buffed, lullaby is the same and star storm was nerfed to 4 damage, how are the other star spirit skills?
repel gel and stone cap work wonders
they fucking put him as a regular enemy on that roof.
in the hack theres a whole room of superboss versions of every chapter boss. There's also Kent C. Koopa, The master fights, Super Blooper and in the hack, a rematch with JR troopa
chill out is 4 points, smooch is unchanged, dont remember time out, and up and away costs 5 points. Star beam affects every enemy and removes all buffs