So I just finished this by blindly mashing X and triangle and occasionally healing when I hear beeping...

So I just finished this by blindly mashing X and triangle and occasionally healing when I hear beeping. I'm honestly curious, did I miss something or is combat in this game 100% style over substance? Enemies constantly have super armor and just blow through whatever you do, but deal no damage. Is the intention to just tank your way through everything? Or is there a way to play with more strategy that I missed? And why do bosses have inescapable stun lock/juggle combos that also deal no damage? It's just frustrating to get hit by yet doesn't add any challenge. How the hell did this happen after the simple beauty of KH1's combat?

What difficulty did you play on?

Standard, I always play on the "normal" or "intended" difficulty my first time through a game and consider that the grounds the judge the game's design on. In this case though while increasing damage output would give the game a much needed challenge, the reliance on super armor and unavoidable or horribly telegraphed attacks still takes all fun out of the experience for me


>Is the intention to just tank your way through everything? Or is there a way to play with more strategy that I missed? And why do bosses have inescapable stun lock/juggle combos that also deal no damage? It's just frustrating to get hit by yet doesn't add any challenge.
Play it on critical mode. Most enemies kill you in 1 or 2 hits on crit

Eh, KH2 shines with KH2:FM and on Critical.

KH (like most action games) benefit the most playing at its higher difficulties.

That doesn't sound like fun at all. I think I didn't state my actual question well enough, what I want to know is "is there a way to deal with super armor that doesn't involve continuously waiting and dodging, or tanking the damage of counterattacks?" If the answer is no, that's bad design imo

KH1 was the perfect difficulty on standard to be fair



>opinion trashed

You are a goddamned Joke.

Learn the revenge values

Is this stated in the game anywhere? Any way to find this information out in the game itself? I never heard ANYTHING mentioning "revenge values" during my playthrough, and I even read a lot from the journal

You played a game for children on the standard difficulty for children, you retard.

You can barely even judge KH2 based on the Proud difficulty, it ONLY becomes a good game for adults on Critical.

And no, it's not just higher stats on enemies. The game also gives you more abilities, the entire experience changes dramatically.

Restart and play the whole fucking thing again before you make any more comments.

Kh2, espcially the final mix variant, are best enjoyed on critical.

Its the only mode where all game mechanics shine, summons are usefull, and limits are actually worth using.

Keyblade stats also do not matter compared to what abilities they bring.

Basically, kingdom key until you can switch to star seeker, then if you want you switch to hero's crest if you want it (you really wanna do that but I dont), then when you get decisive pumpkin you are set for the game.

If you are a heavy magic user, ultima is a good choice too, especially one wisdom form.

Bond of flames is amazing on magic based drive forms such as master, wisdom, and final when you use firaga.
Photon debugger is also good on magic drives for the same reason as bond of flames, except for thundaga.

Dont touch the mulan keyblade, ever.

2's combat lacks the depth and sublime design of 1. And the aesthetic/tone/story/etc of 2 is easily the worst in the series. Plus it forever shifted the series towards Narutism instead being a whimsical adventure through Disney movies.
"Rikus here" is bar none the worst scene in the entire series.

No one asked for you to sperg out about keyblades, please don't continue the tradition of portraying kingdom hearts as the most autistic fanbase after sonic.


What was autistic about that

So just how many people are using the name Xehanort and how are they connected to each other?

Sorry for giving good advice.

>i don't like when people talk about a game i don't like

Too many, honostly dont know the method either.

Only play kingdom hearts 2 for gameplay, and kingdom hearts 1 for nostalgia.

I skip the cutscenes and don't know much about the story.

So, who here /beatlvl1crit/?

Pic unrelated.

you sound like a snob. you could have just said the game was too hard for you

i dont care about anything other than super armor. im fine with the game being easy, i just want to know what the intended way to deal with super armor is. if i played on crit, i would just get my ass beat by super armor and hate things even more. everytime i go to attack a big a enemy, he just eats my attacks and knocks me away, then i tech back in with a counter attack rinse repeat until i out DPS him. clearly that cant be the intended way to fight these enemies, but i also dont think that running around waiting for an opening it intended either, because that wastes a lot of time and encourages being idle during combat, which i dont think is good design

>not playing KH2 on critical

Iirc magic can stun some enemies. Try some lightning/blizzard/fire on them before engaging.

Also keep in mind that you can cast magic in a combo, as magic itself can be comboed.

So dont be scarred to cast fire when too many enemies close in on you.

Maybe you should actually play the game before making retarded posts like this. The game is famed for its combat for a reason, and obviously it's not because of what it's like on the babby difficulty you played on.

So on critical they remove all super armor? I really don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with the difficulty. I enjoyed the game overall, I just don't understand what the intention behind adding so much super armor is

The intention behind bosses having super armor for some of their attacks(and specifically counterattacks) is to prevent you from comboing them from full HP to death you fucking retard.

Lesser games solve that issue by making bosses immune to hitstun and knockback. KH2FM is not a lesser game.

this thread is perfect because i was just doing my second level 1 playthrough on kh2 on ps4. i think it's really crazy how good you have to be to play this. i used a guide before, but now i'm doing it blind and it's really fun. fucking JAFAR jesus christ. i kept losing until i got an extra combo for sora by doing something from another world. and the dancers were fucking hell on earth. demyx is actually really crazy to fight on level 1. it makes the battle 100% different than playing on regular critical.

Afiak I know only two old baldie and young Xehanort. Everyone else just has parts of Xehanort in them.

I don't remember super armor ever being a problem. Having a boss that can't get juggled to death from a single combo is a good thing. Maybe you should show an example of what you're talking about.

Maybe I'm not following, but it sounds like you want a combat system where you are never forced to be defensive? Or a way you can avoid attacks while still dealing damage? Or enemies can't break out of being stunlocked?
I'm not sure what you mean by "idle", unless an enemy goes into multiple heavy attacks in a row that are REALLY easy to dodge, most of them require moving around a decent bit to avoid/guard/reflect. You're probably only idle for maybe 60 seconds on a boss fight maximum if you are dealing appropriate damage and are making the most out of every opportunity.

Critical armour is famed because you deal more damage and take more damage, and you start with lots of abilities that let you start at high-level combat as far as options go. It means that super armour comes up less because you're either dying because you're not dodging/blocking or because you beat the boss in 3/4 or so of the time it normally would.


1st time doing lvl1 crit, just got to "hollow bastion" demyx and im stuck, gonna have to look it up on youtube, its really fun but i still hate the drive forms level up system

use fire and forms dummy

>did I miss something or is combat in this game 100% style over substance?
it's just style over substance

in KH1 they solved this problem by having bosses gain invincibility, or going into auto-block or parry stances that were easily identifiable, telling you to back off. In other action games they have bosses telegraph their "super armor counter attacks" so you have a chance to stop your attacks and dodge/block on reaction. in KH2 they just gain super armor at random points in the middle of my combo and then blast me away without a telegraph. also bosses arent the big issue for me, i can forgive them since combos shouldnt be too long on them. regular enemies are much more annoying when it comes to super armor, since youre dealing with multiple super armored enemies at once, while you just get to sit there and spam dodge roll easily, waiting for your next chance. not fun imo, don't know why this is triggering everyone so hard

i think this is the answer ive been looking for. dont know why so many people are triggered that somebody wants to complain about an autistic children's game without beating it blindfolded at lvl 1 on the hardest difficulty with 1 hand

>lol why am I triggering evryone!? XD
because you're a fucking retard

It must suck to be both autistic and bad at games, user.

why does being a retard trigger people? and also ive still only gotten 1 post total giving me actual answers on how to deal with super armor. just literally explain to me how you fight the fucking jack in the box enemies, thats all i'm here for

Sounds like you just want to mash X like a retard
All you "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah super armor" complaints are dealt with by just using magic in your combos

i was also stuck on demyx. but it's like i just kept fucking up. because when he rides the water towards you and splashes all around him, i liked to use reflect. when he starts doing the come on get to the beat, you have to delay your jump till he gets close and combo a bit in the air and as he finishes you will still be doing your air combo and it will knock him out. but when he does the slow walking with the wall of splashes, you can go up to him and reflect it back, knocking his ass back. butt if you wait too long, you'll reflect and he will retaliate killing you instantly. i can get even a bar or 1 and half of a bar down if you constantly trigger the stealing the spotlight reaction move. honestly that battle was fun. but a word of advice, don't fuck up afterwards with the final fantasy characters, because you will have to do the demyx battle AGAIN. i fucked up on clouds part once, i was super pissed. but i made it through again, and dear lord that 1000 heartless battle is not fucking easy. you have to really be careful and kinda deflect, block, or dodge your way out numerous times, and try to not fuck up that reaction command by stealing the laser heartless, because if you do it too late, they will shoot you, but it most likely wont kill you. it is also a perfect way to get good with limit form.

Enemies do not go into super armor in the middle of a combo though, and they always telegraph when they do, usually via gaining a glowing aura and the whole screen going darker. So you are full of bullshit.

There's OG Xehanort also known as Master Xehanort. He's the oldest.
There's a young version of him, Young Xehanort.
Then there's Xehanort, which is the combination of Terra's body and Xehanort's heart, also known as Terranort. Xehanort forcibly took over Terra's body and created this being.
Then there's Ansem, Seeker of Darkness who is the Heartless of the aforementioned Terranort.
Then there's Xemnas, the Nobody of the aforementioned of the aforementioned Terranort.

Everyone else who is referred to as being 'Norted or a part of Xehanort were original people who Xehanort inserted a piece of himself/his heart, to influence and take them over. This would be Saix/Isa, Xigbar/Braig, and a couple of other unknowns.

>why does being a retard trigger people?
Confirmed retard
>ive still only gotten 1 post total giving me actual answers
You mean the guy that just agreed with you that the combat is style over substance? That isn't even a good answer and you only agree because it's something YOU mentioned. On top of that you've actively ignored every single poster in this thread that actually gave coherent answers because you are (as stated) a retard.
>just explain to me how you fight the jack in the box enemies
You have reflect, magic from a distance, do a launching combo finishers as they're vulnerable in the air, use magic, most summons are for stunlock/launching enemies, wisdom form, negative combo to use finishers early and the trinity limit are options I can think of and I haven't even beat the game on Lvl 1 Crit
Are you happy now?

>just literally explain to me how you fight the fucking jack in the box enemies, thats all i'm here for
Use magic or a limit or a driveform or the fucking carousel thing in the middle of the stage. Maybe if you didn't just mash X the whole game and you looked into all the options it gave you you wouldn't have so much trouble.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Terranort is the same as Terra-Xehanort on the chart, people just shorten the name.

>just literally explain to me how you fight the fucking jack in the box enemies
i can't even tell you. they will jump around, and it is best to air combo them and do a finisher move. you can also use magic too like thundaga. you can also dodge the bullets i believe, maybe not guard them, but you can reflect them.

please respond to me more. magic doesnt break through super armor btw except magnet, and when i use magnet then try to combo them they just put up their super armor again before i can hit a finisher

The thing is, on the hardest difficulty, you're actually forced to use other methods outside of mashing X and triangle, like using the stage, summons, drive forms, limits, actually using your abilities, every kind of magic and sometimes correct positioning. I bet you think most of the keyblades are totally useless.

Why the fuck is basically all of OrgXIII so cool?
Everybody bitches about Dance Water Dance but summoning water elementals is pretty rad.
Xaldin is a spear user who doesn't suck.
Personally I'm a sucker for Marluxia's rose-petal motif.

Some of them are kind of sociopathic but otherwise you can't say their power-sets aren'y pretty great.

And the other options I listed? Gonna ignore them like everyone else's posts?

please give me one more response.i cant use summons since i need to use drives to level them up to get basic abilities, and drives dont beat super armor either

I played through KH2 on standard and there were a few parts that gave me trouble. But that's because I'm terrible.

I recently started playing 2.8 but I quit playing a few hours in due to the drop system in DDD and haven't been able to bring myself to play it again.

Like what this user said, HIT THEM IN THE AIR.
They are completely helpless in the air and they jump around a lot. You can also just use reflect when they aren't in the air. It must suck to be both bad at games and retarded

You can guard the get to the beat part. The water doesn't hit you at close-medium distance.
When he's walking at you with the wall you can just throw a thunder and it will knock him up.

>in KH2 they just gain super armor at random points in the middle of my combo and then blast me away without a telegraph
It sounds like you're triggering their revenge value. This is never explained in game, but essentially you can only attack a boss a certain number of times in certain ways before they trigger an automatic and unavoidable counterattack. Different attacks against them will bring them closer to this point at different rates. To be fair it is a hidden mechanic, but understanding it and managing it is crucial to high level play. It is by no means "random".

But that's for bosses though. I can't think of times when normal enemies were obnoxious because of super armor. Well I guess there are the cars...

Regular enies NEVER gain super armor mid combo as long as they are in the air or the the first hit stunned them.

okay thanks. that will help a lot. i usually just did what i thought was best to do. never really i'd do a thunder while he's walking

Almost every drive has a move mid combo that knocks an enemy into the air, you're just being ignorant at this point man

>and unavoidable counterattack
how are they unavoidable? take vexen for example, after you do enough combo for him to get tired of your shit and bring his shield back he will retaliate with ice magic but it's easy to dodge or reflect, and he gives you a sign before.

>Well I guess there are the cars...
the cars are simple and easily broken by a guard counter during that moment they get tired of your shit.

I meant more like there's no way to stop it once it starts. You can easily dodge/block/whatever to avoid taking damage.

>Well i guess there are the cars
One way is to go into valor form and spam square, as far as i remember they can't even retaliate

Why not just say it's unstoppable

>people can't literally learn to git gud
At least the people giving OP the (You)s are partially competent

master form is the shit. and i love how sora does those crazy slashes and he does it twice when you have that ability on.