Archie Sonic cancelled. License transferred to IDW

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why is sonic covered in cum?

>You said you weren't going to do it on my face time

He betrayed Sonic by cuming all over him?

Must hurt getting cum in your eyes like that.

Sonic only has one eye.


>reading comic books

The only thing more pathetic than playing video games imo


It's probably because they drew him covered in cum.

it's rain you faggot

This is uncomfortable

Nice to know its in good hands.

IDW does a good job with the transformers comics. Hopefully the sonic ones own.

Well the artist shouldn't have so much rain.

anyone else's cum as liquidy as this??

Is this a good thing?

Yes it is. Their policy is to, if possible, hire fan-favorite talent or people who have a history with the IP. And Ian Flynn already works for them on TMNT, so him being the new writer is pretty much a guarantee.

Considering their track record with the MLP comics? I'd say no.
See above, dumb tripfag scum.


Archie as a company is fucking terrible; the whole Penders/Fulop fiasco is a testament to that. The real question is whether or not they pull in the previous Archie Sonic talent, which was entirely freelance.

So Ian's pretty much guaranteed to be back.

Tyson too, assuming he isn't too busy.

TMNT/Sonic Crossover when?

>comic shit
This is not videogames

>not videogames

Mm hm.

Who cares.

Cum actually stings really fucking bad if it gets in your eyes, accidentally shot right up into my own eyes more than once.

They're fine.

This is a comic book version of a character that has nothing to do with his videogame counterpart. Comic sonic is not videogame sonic so he goes to Sup Forums

Archie Comics is the Archie Andrews of comic book companies.

Yes please.

>I don't care about their track record with another IP that had a preexisting story because it's something I didn't like

So is archie dead
>canceled junk head for no reason
>riverdale tv show is a flop
>lost the rights to Sonic which was a major part of their profits

You forgot "reboot sales are so bad they have to cripple Betty for cheap publicity".

Does anyone even buy or read Archie anymore? I figured it would die out years ago. Its one of those things that seems like it hangs around despite no one really having a interest in it.

You're wrong, but keep bumping the thread anyways. I'm sure it'll make the big bad trolls leave faster.

>tfw Spaz won't do the new comics

I just hope they don't call the new comic "Sonic The Hedgehog" just like the other two.

You clearly suck dicks, so you belong at

What about "Sonic The Comic?

StC is extremely underrated. I thought it was funny how Sonic visited the Arabian Nights there long before he did it in an actual vidya.

Why not? If he's available, IDW has no reason not to get him.

are they getting him?


>Considering their track record with the MLP comics? I'd say no.

Something wrong with that?

Really, what happen with the MLP comic in IDW? They make crossover with everything?

Nothing about any writers or artists have been announced, but its certainly possible.

no Snively no buy


Oh, and before anyone asks, yes. Penders has already said something stupid.

The fuck happened to Betty?

I want to fuck Sally

What is the story on Penders?

Like anyone wants to use his shitty OC echidnas.

Very fat, very bad artist acts petty after being fired and refuses to let anyone use characters that he has legal rights to. He has legal rights because SEGA doesn't feel like wasting time in court with the prick.

Not this time you don't have to. Look, you know Godzilla, right? When IDW got the license, they got guys like Art Adams, Bob Eggleton, and James Stokoe to do art.

Art and Bob hadn't drawn any Godzilla in 20 years, but IDW got them back no problem.

>Shit writer who made a bunch of shit characters
>He gets fired and other people unfuck the comic and his characters
>Something something contract dispute something something misplaced documents because Archie sucks
And now he can prevent characters from being used because, as the other user said, Sega doesn't want to take the time to rekt Penders in court.

Well shit

Some autist who made a bunch of Echidna OC's, got butthurt that Archie was using his characters long after he got canned by them and took them to court, got awarded with the full rights to his shitty OC's and damaged the reputation of Archie and their relationship with Sega of America.

I'd draw parallels to Chris-Chan, but based off of the shitty 3D renders flying around for his comic book, I would actually say that Chris-Chan is actually a better artist than Penders.

Despite this he still does nothing with said characters even after years of saying he'll make his own comic.

Car crash. She's paralyzed from the waist down.

>see pic
>think the obvious
>check thread
>why is sanic covered in cum
>many time

Thanks guys, I needed that chuckle.

ponyfag go and stay go

At least she gets the best parking spots and get on theme park rides sooner then others.

What the fuck Archie Comics?

It was great when it started out, actually. Really fun and enjoyable to read. Then it kinda just meandered in quality and took a general dip around when purplehorse became queen, then you have the occasional decent one-off or decent along with the hilariously bad social justice commentary issue. I stopped reading and watching the show a while ago though, so I don't know how they're doing now.

>Penders was trying to push an unofficial spin-off featuring characters nobody cares about.
>Now he has to push an unofficial spin-off of a universe that is now defunct featuring characters nobody cares about.

He just became even more irrelevant.

he worked for archie on the sonic comics and is basically "subject 0" of the sonic autismo community. he used his place in the sonic comics to push his OC's. he basically created an entire OC race out of knuckles, including a female OC that was fucking everywhere.

Eventually, he was fired by Archie or whatever, and he sued for his characters. Archie presented a photocopy of his contract. the original was lost in an office fire.

Judge said no original? not valid. And Penders literally won the rights to every single one of his Echidna OC's, as well as any accompanying story concepts and storyarcs.

his firing is basically the entire reason that the Mega Man Crossover was used as a way to Flashpoint the Sonic comic continuity, erasing all the Penders history from it

and he is super autistic and probably legitimately believes that he somehow deserves to own Knuckles as well. (he copyrights his OC's as 1993, when Sonic 3 came out in 94)

Its their new, realistic reboot that they cancelled Mega Man to fund. Sales have been terrible, so this is a publicity stunt.

Hell no

Jesus christ, that's rough. I don't need that in my Archie comics

It's even better than that. Penders quit when they made Ian head writer, thinking Archie would come crawling back. They said bye and kept moving

>then you have the occasional decent one-off or decent along with the hilariously bad social justice commentary issue.

Like the transformers one with the whole transexual shit?

That is the blame of hasbro for not move their lazy ass. SEGA would never allow decrease the quality

Let me put it to you in Sup Forums terms: if a character is a "Dante" in the may show, they become a "Donte" in the comic.

I'm excited to see how they reboot it. I'm really hoping this will be a lot more like the games.

So he's basically John K. if he was a comic book artist instead of a cartoonist?

Archie actually took Penders to court; not the other way around. Of course it all went tits up for Archie when they couldn't provide kosher paperwork.

Sometimes I wonder how involved EA/Bioware got. Either Ken never got around to suing them, or they wrote a check to someone to stay out of it.

>Flynn will finally be able to salvage Chronicles
>when Penders inevitably tries to start shit, he'll get curbstomped in court

Me too. And this time I can actually catch it from the beginning.

Dr.Who 2.0 here we go

>used to write for the Sonic comic
>made a decent amount of shitty OCs while writing it
>eventually got to be the head writer of whole side-comic about Knuckles
>shoved ideas from his failed pitch for a "High-Tech Native American civilization" comic into said side-comic
>Knuckles comic gets canned
>then Penders gets fired
>Archie keeps using the characters he made, and the new, actually good writers unfuck them
>he later sues Archie and Sega for using "his" characters
>they go to court
>Archie presents a photocopy of a document signed by Penders stating that they own his characters
>Court wants the physical document
>Archie lost it in a fire
>Penders gets the rights to the characters, some of which were major players in the current storyline of the comic, so the comic had to completely reboot

that character was created by Bioware with nothing to do with Archie. since Penders does not own the echidna race, just the characters he created within it, he has no legal ground to stand on, unless he wants to call it a ripoff of one of his characters, and thats harder to prove and much more subjective

Looking up IDW is msotly bringing up TMNT and Optimus fucking Prime

Archie should be kicking themselves for losing Sanic.

>Penders filed a lawsuit against Sega and EA Games in 2011 for alleged copyright infringement in the game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. The case was dismissed without prejudice September 26, 2011, then again in February 2012, after the case had been refiled four days after it was originally dismissed, despite warnings from Judge Otis Wright who dismissed the case both times. In October 2013, the CA 9th Appellate Court upheld Judge Wright's initial ruling.

That game was what set him off in the first place. He went after Sega, Archie AND Bioware. For whatever reason, nothing ever happened with that last one.

No. No it is not.

Jesus, he sounds like a fucktard and deserves all the shit he gets, but Archie seriously didn't safeguard important documents like that? That is pretty fucking bad.

Ha. Shoulda known EA's lawyers would nip it in the bud quick. They haven't become a corrupt, evil corporation with one hell of a legal team.

So why is a copy of the contract not allowed?

Archie and Penders are both pretty incompetent.

They lost in in a fire my guy

Uh, without.

IDW needed to make a "evil team" for a storyline, but they weren't enough fron the source, so they took a non evil character and made him evil just to fill the gap. Tgat enraged everyone.

user, it's been like five years. Stop getting triggered by ponies

I assume the copy wasn't signed by Penders and was just a copy of the contract itself/ All Penders has to do is deny he ever signed the original and nobody can prove otherwise.

This is actually where the whole "you'll go blind, you wanker" thing comes from in the UK. That shit fucking hurts.

In what series? And don't you dare say the horses. No one would care if it was that.

The new comics are tying to S7. Some of them seem interesting (lore and stuff), but I haven't read them yet.

This is for the best. A full-reboot instead of the half-hearted Super Genesis Wave is what the comic needed. Also makes it a good time to ditch the freedom fighters (except Antoine).

user forgotbto explain, the problem is notnthebponies, is how IDW fucked storylines with the ponies by making characters act OOC compared to the main show or plain fucking retarded.

close enough, you misunderstand the spirit of these rules newfag