Post vidya novels

post vidya novels


Has anyone here ever actually read a vidya novel?
'Cause I know I sure as shit haven't.


Is this any good? I've been playing a lot of Runescape lately.

This author was clearly only given the bullet points of the plot and knew nothing about the characters personalities nor what they looked like.


They're all good, especially AC Forsaken and Unity, made me appreciate some characters a lot more.

It's actually quite good. Shocking, right?

>They're all good

>They're all good

None of them are good, you just waste time reading fiction written to a very low level when you could be reading classics

Well have you read them user ? They're as good as a vidya novel can be.

Oh yeah I forgot this was Sup Forums filled with fags who hate everything.
>muh classics

>reading fiction

The dead space ones are pretty cool Halo does a good job Warhammer was made for it


There was a trilogy of Myst books I remember reading as a kid. They were actually bretty gud from what I remember, assuming you give half a shit about the Myst universe.

Now this, this is actually really shit. It actually reads like a text-LP. There are no changes anywhere. It has the entire C4 hunt, all of the boss battles, and all of the dialogue is word for word with the game. At one point Raiden enters "hanging mode" to bypass a guard on a strut connector. I shit you not.

This and the first MGS novel are pure gold for how shitty they are, but the MGS1 novel wins out because the author had no clue how to characterize Solid Snake so he just made him make quips like
>*drops down behind you* "Merry christmas" *breaks your kneck* "christmas came early."

and it is pure gold. I do not recommend the MGS4 novel which was written by some Japanese dude who Kojima ripped off for MGSV and it is boring as shit. It's written from Otacon's perspective and it is just the dullest read. No B&B corp or anything like that so you don't even get anything silly like Otacon popping boners to all of them when Snake beats the shit out of them or anything. It's just disappointing really.

Unfortunately Benson wasn't asked to write an MGS3 novel despite his history doing 007. A missed opportunity.

>looking at something
>opening your eyes
why even

this thread is interesting even though I'd never read a video game novelization. what are some more notoriously bad ones?

>reading fucking fiction

>enjoying something
Yeah man fuck these people who enjoy stuff

>he reads nonfiction
enjoy your science books and biographies, loser

>inb4 stinky steve

Contact Harvest is still one of my favorites even if it has a horrible sex scene. God, Joe. What were you thinking, you goober.

Well apparently Mass Effect: Deception is so terrible that Bioware had to apologize for it.

Arthas was good

I almost want to read this just to see more of that entertainingly stupid antagonist in ME3.

The only good mass effect novel was Revelation.
Trust me i have the who series includibg Deception

last good halo book desu

I read a mass effect book that mad typos in it. Steered clear of vista boks since

Why not both?

These are alright where fiction is concerned. For vidya books theyre real good.