What is the vidya equivalent of the legend of Korra?
Halo Reach
Fallout 2. A bad sequel to a great game.
The Legend of Korra game that Platinum made.
Mass effect andromeda. Because is trash
Ah, Korra. The show that made me realize that delicious brown is delicious.
I still have a soft spot for both actually
Halo Reach was universally praised
I'd say Halo 4 is a better equivalent
>Sequel to a beloved new IP
>Made by (parts of) the original team
>Interesting setting/premise
>But it absolutely shits the bed when it came to the characters and falls flat on its face, especially in the ending department
I feel bad saying this because I absolutely fucking despised Korra and actually loved Xenoblade Chronicles X a whole lot, but it's Xenoblade Chronicles X. I guess X has the advantage that story and characters aren't everything about a video game, it also had good gameplay to fall back on, while having shit story and characters in a cartoon doesn't leave you with much else.
Nope, Korra just had some nice girls, and Korra herself was very nice.
>universally praised
the defining characteristics of Korra to me are "disappointing, aimless, had a lot of potential, and gave in too much to the weirdo fanbase."
I can't think of a game like that off the top of my head
Is there actually a video game where they made a character who was poorly written a lesbian despite most of the show contradicting it just for brownie points and criticism immunity?
Dark Souls 2
>when you're so shitty that you turn both of the girls you date gay
Oh fuck off. I'll grant you that seasons 2-4 are shit, but the first wasn't too bad
>Season 1
>Not shit
Amon is Wasted Potential: The Character
But that would make Dark Souls mediocre.
ugh why are blushing brown skinned girls so gross?
There's a pretty good writeup around that compares Korra to Bioshock Infinite. Hits a lot of points this guy made.
Some Bioware game? Overwatch?
>Avatar not the closest to perfection that any cartoon has ever come
Fuck off.
do you realise that you dont just always know you're a lesbian, and sometimes you fuck around with boys to start with without understanding why you're just not interested, just going through the motions?
furthermore do you realise there are people who like both?
Tales of Symphonia 2.
Anyone else actually yell at the TV when Amon was revealed to be a Blood Bender, rather than a genuine "normal" guy who was simply a master of chi-blocking?
Korra is so sexy it is fucking crazy.
That's because I'm the one that made that Bioshock Infinite post too. It's the one with pic related, right?
You post the rest of those now young man. The porn is the only good thing about that show
>tfw no master to do chores for
Yeah, that's the one! Mind sharing it?
You didn't make this thread hoping someone would remember it did you?
I thought season 3 was allright, the red lotus were pretty cool in my opinion.
I don't play Bioware games, but this seems like something they'd pioneer at. And I wouldn't blame anyone for not playing Overwatch either.
Alright, the people currently in this thread have clicked on your pic and been suitably horrified. Please delete it now, thanks.
I didn't make this thread at all, I'd much prefer forget Korra ever existed than start a thread about it on Sup Forums
What the fuck
>wow chi blocking that was op in the original
>now they have fucking TECHNOLOGY
>here's this fucking sick normal dude who hates benders
>he could be anyone
>here's a giant mystery
>haha he's actually this guys fucking brother what a twist
>haha he's actually a blood bender what a twist
Wasted fucking potential.
Yes.I also know they don't make sexuality dime turns if they aren't certain, especially with chauffeurs that are even more poorly written.
>Sup Forums is filled with actual pedophiles
In other news grass is green
Bioshock Infinite.
>Interesting setting/premise
>shits the bed
>normies love it
Does anyone really love Korra outside of tumblr?
It's just not the same without the toned abs.
Diablo 3
So a shitty game that's in almost every way inferior to the prequel.
Fair enough, thanks user
Season 3 made the whole thing worth it desu.
If the first avatar is a plains and korras is mostly valleys, s3 was definitely a peak.
Is there more white korra porn and where can I find it my good man?
He probably got permabanned for that. Even memeing fapfics involving anybody under 18 gets you perma'd. Ask Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /d/.
"What a twist" really describes the whole show
>the anarchists won what a twist
>the avatar spirit is dead now what a twist
>here's a fucking mech what a twist
>haha they're actually gay what a twist
throw in
>great for porn
and its perfect
If I think korra is incredibly hot, but hate melodrama, will I like this show?
Does she have good anal porn?
a sequel to a beloved series that everyone hated but was actually pretty good
korra is street fighter V
A sequel only good for wanking, more like, which fits like a glove.