Is Zelda's butt bouncy enough?

Is Zelda's butt bouncy enough?

What were you hoping to accomplish with this thread?


I think he wants to masturbate to pics of Zelda but can't find any.

She does have a cute butt.

He has a fart fetish and wants to jerk it to the brapposts.

When and why did brapposting become a thing?

>Lick this toad, you will get higher than revalli, more stoned than Daruk

What did she mean by this?

Ask Sup Forums.



She really should have had glasses.


I never knew I wanted this until now.

Glasses Zelda, I mean.

>When and why did brapposting become a thing?

You know how, sometimes, when you are faced with a thing you really hate and other people love, you try to make that thing as disgusting and unappealing as possible in the hopes of making people associate what they love with what they hate?

That's what brap-posting is. Whenever there's a picture of a juicy ass or woman bending over to show off her derriere, people will try to insist she's farting and thus ruin what would otherwise be a lewd image.

What the fuck did you do to that gif?

But farting is lewd.

But that only makes it better.

>slight turd protuberates from anus through leggings
>turd pushes against leggings, forming a slight but erotic tent
>turd pushes even further
>something has to give, it's either gonna be the turd or the leggings
-Omg user, I think I'm having a type 2 on the Bristol scale, it's lumpy and sausage like. I feel slightly constipated but I think I can push it out through my leggings.
*takes big breath*
>turd won't budge, the tensile strength of the leggings won't allow it to push any further
>turd refuses to go any further
>turd painfully retracts into anus
-Omg user, it went back in. I think I'm gonna need your help to get this one out. Can you spot me :^)
*winks and farts*


man this shits dumb

This, more proof that titfags are literal children who still make fart sounds and laugh at poopy jokes.
Literal children.

kys brapposter

Princess Bubblegum?

I thought it was because someone editted a Dva cosplayer video with a loud fart noise and it just kind of popped off from there for various, retarded reasons.



>only arguments towards assfags are *farts sounds* or "n-nigger!"
Literal childre.

Cellulite cottage cheese garbage

you know females aren't all fat old ladies, right?

Why is Zelda so fucking ugly compared to Link?

I mean when people normally say the guy would make a good trap they're joking but she's a wreck compared to him.
Every other Zelda is better looking

No. Zelda's butt is not bouncy enough and not thicc enough.

I think you're just gay

women are naturally worse than everything than men

since beauty is something men can be good at, women are going to naturally be uglier than men.

this is why zelda is uglier than link

No she's pretty ugly have you seen that massive forehead, and bushy eyebrows?
Those aren't feminine qualities, being attracted to non-feminine qualities is gay.
Feminine qualities are small faces and thinner non bushy eye brows.

I couldn't hear you with that cock in your mouth

>massive forehead

And this. You don't seen ass men memeing to ruin the fun if tits. We love those fun bags, we just love ass more, but heaven forbid we proclaim this without someone posting pornhub infographs and no better "argument" then "HURR DURR! NIGGERZ AMIRIGHT?"

Stay in denial your waifu a shit