Should I pick it up Sup Forums? PoE was kinda dull and I'm coming off the high of Divinity and need a new game. Noah Caldwell-Gervais seemed to say good things about it so the combat can't be THAT bad.
Should I pick it up Sup Forums? PoE was kinda dull and I'm coming off the high of Divinity and need a new game...
I literally never understood RPGs.
Like I'm probably retarded but the whole stats system puts me off. Like putting points into specific stats because if you put the wrong ones you can fuck up your entire save. That's literally the only reason I play JRPGs.
And I really want to play Fallout 1, Gothic, VTMB and Morrowind. The classics you know
It's an CRPG written entirely for the SJW market.
If you can stand that, maybe it'll be okay?
I found the combat extremely dull compared to PoE. I enjoyed PoE combat a lot.
Both PoE and Tyranny are significantly worse than Divinity OS.
The conquest thing at the start of the game was the only part that was enjoyable, the rest of the game is just a miserable slog that you will finish just for the sake of finishing it and then never touch again. It's like the NWN2 of nu Obsidian
If you really must play it then at least wait for all the DLC and patches to come out.
you're probably retarded yeah.
>play as rogue
>put points into str for survival
>put points into agi for damage
>put points into int for extra dialogues
>play as mage
>int for damage, str for survival, agi for dodge rating
etc etc, each game has their own system
it depends on your skill and how well you can manage your team
unless you're playing on a competitive level you don't need to min/max everything in order to play and enjoy the game
After you play a couple it becomes obvious, also most games like Fo1 you can't really fuck it up unless you do something really really silly.
But i mean if you don't like building characters JRPGs are fine, they have customization that isn't permanent. There's also Skyrim,
What about divine divinity?
>PoE was kinda dull
I'm guessing you never reached true end game then.
The gameplay is nothing alike or comparable. You literally know this you fucking idiot
>I'm so autistic I can't deal with a stat spread that isn't perfect
haven't played it. I assume OP is talking about DOS
If you thought PoE was dull, Tyranny is arguably worse. It has worse encounter design than PoE (Which is saying something since PoE was pretty fucking bad there), kind of a worse character advancement system although it's similar, and a better but still pretty lame setting. If you can't get enough RPGs it's worth picking up in a sale since it does have some neat moments but it's definitely not that good.
Also you shouldn't try to gauge the quality of the combat in something from Noah fucking Caldwell-Gervais. I get a kick out of watching his spiels but you have to keep in mind that he plays almost everything in the absolute bottom of the barrel easiest setting, even going so far as to play the "Story difficulty" where you can't lose when available.
>the only good part is end game
Sounds like a shit game then
i suggest going through baldurs gate adventures again but i did like this game
>start up PoE
>character creation only lets you create the ugliest and most boring characters imaginable
what am i missing here?
>just spouting Sup Forums memes
End game is 99% of every single MMO or online RPG.
The quests and acts only take a solid weekend to get through then you reach end game where literally all the content is.
but user path of exile doens't have a character creator you just pick one of the classes and move on
this isn't a fucking online game holy shit
if 80% of the game is shit, the remaining 20% can't salvage it
I enjoyed PoE by the way, you're just retarded
oh i thought he was talking about pillars of eternity
>the main game being shit=a bad game
>a meme
Neck yourself you tasteless faggot
Stats systems as they exist in most RPGs are a relic from a time when the tech was too primitive to properly represent certain concepts, so they had to be abstracted. Now that the tech has caught up, there is no reason for most of these obsolete RPG mechanics to stick around
It's not that it has to be perfect
But like in a random stat build Id put some in strength some in dex and some in luck.
What if this fucks me up 15 hours in? I can't play knowing my build isn't passable. I'm not criticizing the build system, I"m saying I can't figure it out.
Buy Avernum
*avernum escape from the pit
it's sort of like the underdark
I'll mention one more, if you're fine with a sci-fi game I recommend Stellar tactics. it is early access but the dev releases updates very often.
>Version 0.091
This is like my western porn games!