Preorders are up at Walmart

Preorders are up at Walmart.

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who gives a shit normie

sweet, can't wait to resell a couple for twice their msrp

Got it :D

thanks senpai
gonna scalp it for $300

does walmart charge at time of order or shipping

i don't really want this enough to pay for it right now

>no limit per customer

Leave now

Dammit I'm broke right now and wanted to scalp it.

Call me when we get the Gamecube one.

>he doesn't want free $200


get it to scalp it you retard

they're gonna cancel multiple orders, that's why I used multiple adresses/names like a tryhard

I said leave

Got one to keep

Scalping that shit like I'm in Blood Meridian.

>cancel order
Well then they're going to have to refund people, since they charge instantly.

thought it was fake because i kept putting in SNES mini in the search bar.
found it by just spelling out the whole thing.

bought 3
separate accounts.gonna keep 1


Don't blame me for Nintendo's stupid fake shortage. I'm just an opportunist. This shit only happens with their hardware.

gracias amigo

thank you based god

Aw yeah nigga

I'm saying sry now.......I pre ordered 3 from 3 stores around my area.....that's like what

1800 - 720 = 1080 increase

might buy more depends if I use my savings

You're a pig, that's what you are. How many kids are going without because greedy fucks like you are hording the products just so you can make a bit of profit?

Capitalism was a mistake

In for 2.

Wow good job on making a quick buck i guess. scalping isn't some genius business plan. Enjoy ur beer money


Thank OP, you're still a faggot though.

Don't try to scalp, there's going to be way too much stock this time

Kids don't even care about Nintendo, user
Thanks bud

What are the chances that Nintendo actually stocks this and all the scalpers have to sell for retail or less

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Nintendo has said there will be a lot more units than there were of NES, and while I also expect more demand, I also expect more scalping. The market can easily bottom out if too many people are trying to scalp these things and there isn't enough demand to drive the price back up

didn't everyone say that about the wii, wii u, and every fucking thing nintendo makes?

Anyone else scared that Nintendo's gonna make a lot of stock and we're all just dropping $85 on something we'll be able to walk in and buy when it comes out? I just don't want a beanie baby situation where I'm stuck with a bunch of these damn things at the end.

>all the scalpers have to sell for retail or less
Zero. If it really is in ample supply, you can just return it to the store.

Can I return it within 30 days? I don't really know if I want it or not

im getting this feel as well
wii u scalpers got BTFO

amiibos are the better comparison here. Most of the later amiibos are way easier to find and not as profitable to scalp

you'd be surprised on how long i had wireless silver gamecube controllers in my stock....sold my last one 2 years ago for $250. it was never opened.

Got one. Thanks :^)

No seriously...This is a way better deal than the NES Classic. I cannot believe they emulated SMRPG and Secret of Mana. The only downside is no Super Star Wars games.

>dropping $85 on something we'll be able to walk in and buy when it comes out

How much do you think you're going to pay if/when that's possible?

Thanks man just scooped one up. I'm going to keep it was a way better lineup than the NES mini. Earthbound and Mario RPG sold it for me.

>Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Classic Edition
Thanks, OP! I just ordered two. Those bastards better not charge me this month.

so you are willing to donate 1 grand? I make 17/hr, doesn't mean I will give away free money. What is that like 60 hours of work, no thx

Does Wal-mart charge right away, or is it like Amazon where they charge when your order ships?

Got one. Knowing my luck, they'll be worthless by the time I get it

>They charged right away
Is this just a temporary charge like Best Buy? That was my lunch budget for next week.

>buying ROMs
>buying English localized, censored and easy mode versions of Japanese games
>preordering from Walmart and paying upfront

What the fuck is wrong with you.

Electronics can have anywhere from 15 to 90 day return windows at walmart. Not sure which this is

At the very least you have 15 days though

In for two, on different accounts. Sell one to cover cost of both.

I'd like to know this as well. If so I'll get another to sell

now you're assuming they won't do a re-issue

>No Chrono Trigger
>No Turtles in Time
>No Zombies ate my Neighbors
>No Mortal Kombat 2

Oh great user, you just encouraged them to scalp even more! But for real

>implying this won't be a repeat of last year

You'll be able to mod it tho

Your credit card has a pending charge on it
It's not a real charge, and it goes away after a few days. Pre-auth charges just make sure you actually have the money

They just wanna scalp

>Up for 30 minutes

NO way they aren't overselling now.

Just got one.

Probably gonna play for a little bit and then resell it for $100.

Well I ordered it. Worst comes to worst I can always cancel it or return it. I still have a working SNES. Just not a lot of games for it since they're expensive

yeah, based on the Wal-mart pre-orders so far, Nintendo actually gave a fuck this time and answered the demand



Not sure if I want to buy it from there or Amazon. Is there a difference?

They do charge at purchase if you use paypal though.

>not getting a $50 raspi and emulating all the system until ps1/n64 era

It's walmart, they'll get a lot
Even the Switch was up for over an hour on Amazon today

>bought 25
cant wait to resell on craigslist my dudes

$220 per unit sold at least. You could probably flip them for half a grand if they're wanted enough.

You telling me you wouldn't put in $240 to make $1,500?

the one sold on amazon has different games

So this means the SNES Classic will be up on Amazon at 3am, right?

Strange how theyre still up. I ordered 2 but it looks like Nintendo might be meeting the demand this time. Worst case scenario I'll cancel my preorders if I cant make profit off them.

Of those I only care about Chrono Trigger. It's the one game I feel is missing it to make it really complete as a package.

>Nintendo has said there will be a lot more units than there were of NES

Don't believe Nintendo for one cotton-pickin' second. ALL their hardware shit is always limited, even the non-limited edition ones. Some people still can't find a Switch just walking into the store.

You wont be able to find a SNES Classic in stores in months, forcing people to pay scalper money, believe it.

>not buying an $80 system with a few games on it
>selling it for $200+
>using part of that money to buy a raspberry pi as well as some profit out of it.

you gotta think like a jew, man.

I've had Walmart hit me with 3 temporary charges for the same game before, tying up $180 for a game that wouldn't even come out for 3 months. Those charges flickered on and off regularly for weeks, Walmart wouldn't cancel my order when I asked. Eventually I had insufficient funds, so a temp charge bounced and Walmart cancelled my order automatically.

aaaand they're out

>This item is no longer available


Aaaaaand sold out

I actually have one, even plays psx pretty flawlessy, but i still preordered a mini.

Does Walmart take more pre-orders than they're expecting stock?

jesus fucking christ i must have just missed it. LOL there are already preorders for sale on ebay for 200+$. FUCK scalpers, this is completely absurd

Game over. That's all folks....unless.other retailers are posting tonight.


that sold out quick


Sold out fuck.
When's Amazon putting their stock up

Buy an Everdrive. The game selections mesh perfectly, this system was made for Everdrive owners.

>placed my order
>literally 30 seconds later it goes out of stock

well at least it's arriving by october 5th...

Its wii u all over again kek

Doesn't matter. Shit will sell out in less than 5 minutes.

>paying for ROMs

It's alright bros, you can have one of mine for only $400

Welcome to Sup Forumseddit.

>Anyone else scared that Nintendo's gonna make a lot of stock and we're all just dropping $85 on something we'll be able to walk in and buy when it comes out?

You won't just walk in a store and find this. Just look at recent Nintendo hardware history. Was the Wii easy to find at the beginning? No. Was the Wii U? No, not even the Wii was easy to find at first. 3DS? It was easier than Wii or Wii U but still somewhat rare at the very beginning. Switch? You STILL can't just walk into a store and find them.

You wont find the SNES Classic in stores just walking in.

the pre-orders stayed up for over 30 minutes.

Just be alert, and you will probably easily get one on Amazon or Gamestop

Amazon version has a slightly different lineup & packaging.

What a madman

>inaccurate emulation
>short cables
>720p and terrible filters/scaling options
>people will pay $80 for this because it's "authentic"
The only thing authentic about this experience is getting fucked in the ass overpaying for shitty hardware. Just like all Nintendo brand products.

>not pre ordering two before shit posting about it


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