What games have the best power creep?
Idk if that's the right term, I mean games where you start as a little fag and build yourself up over time. Love the feeling.
What games have the best power creep?
Idk if that's the right term, I mean games where you start as a little fag and build yourself up over time. Love the feeling.
Stalker. You never stop being a slavfag but you become a slavfag with bigger guns and better armor.
Deus Ex MD
Diabler gaemz
the truth
you get curbstomped by oversized chicken if you're not careful at first, but you'll end up oneshotting a lot of things by the end.
Dying Light
You get so powerful that it ruins the game.
Brody was still a whiny bitch at the end of the game.
You mean progression
>Overlord and Overlord 2
>Tomb raider reboot
>Advent rising
>Jade Empire
>God of War
Mountain blade warband also counts I guess
literally morrowind. the best example of being a literal who nobody who cant hit a crab to save his life to a man/mer flying across vvardenfell at sanic speeds 1 shotting everything with a weapon enchanted with the soul of a legit god
Dead Island
If Far Cry 3 was up your alley, I definitely recommend DI, but expect a heavier focus on melee combat
New vegas
Leon becomes a complete death god when the special upgrades come into play
The first time you met an orc in a hill outside the city he rapes and kill you then he rapes and kill even your corpse
i think thats just called progression
power creep is when every sequel has to be bigger and fancier than the previous movie, leading to them being unreasonably grandiose
Morrowind, at the beginning of the game you can't even hit the enemies but at then end you can essentially be a god.
Morrowind is imba because of alchemy. Need to play it with mods that remove fort int potions.
Hell ya
Dead island was fucking awesome
really underrated in my opinion
enchanting was broken too, even baseline since you could make items which shoot fireballs like a machine gun without any cooldowns
You have to farm weapons though and the zone with respawn fast zombie is really annoying, no idea how to explore it without using all items
Aside from that it's a decent game
i never had to farm weapons before.
idk if its because I a pleb and use lock picking skill
Dead rising 1
You start the game as a normal guy, weak as shit and as fragile as a newborn
By the end of it all you've become an avenging angel of brutal destruction where weapons are no longer needed as nothing is stronger than your godlike fists, disemboweling both people and zombies alike, throwing them through heavy crowds, suplexing them en masse and just being a general psycho whose original goal is left so far behind it has long since died of starvation after eating the last of your dust
most older RPGs and Baldurs Gate in particular makes you start out as a little faggot from bumfuck nowhere and end the trilogy as an actual god if you choose so
probably best power progression I've seen
Fallout does it pretty well I think. You go from being minced by any tard with a gun to being a power armor wearing juggernaut that can bathe your enemies' eyeballs in plasma from 40 hexes away