Does Sup Forums play

Does Sup Forums play

I don't play video games.

Meme normie game shilled by meme normie people.

So yes, Sup Forums plays it.

Drdisrespect should have been banned longer than three days

Oh course, there are lots of trendy assholes here.

There's a fucking thread about this DayZ wannabe every 1-2 hours, so yeah I'd imagine people play it.

Also, nah I just play DayZ Epoch if I'm ever in a PVP mood.

inb4 muh twitch-bait meme game only for fegs. The game is fun as fuck

It's a legit good game why all the hate are you hungry for that chicken dinner user

>DayZ wannabe
Could be a cool idea to actually play the game before posting your criticism.

Eh, you're right. DayZ blows this "EA" trash out of the water.

Let me save u the trouble.

>retards that complain about the price despite it being early access and new contents being added in constantly
>retards that complain about the game being campfest to win even though it's still able to win being aggressive if you just gitgud. i even had a 9 kills win before being damn aggressive
>retards that complain about 3rd person camera when the same advantages is available for everyone, it's not an actual advantages.
>retards that just wanna shitpost despite haven't played the game at all
>retards that watch some twitch streamer play like a retard and decides that the game is retarded
>retards that claimed sniper is OP and hurrrrr durrr while in a real life situation, sniping is definitely more advantageous
>retards that complain about the game running like shit because it's not optimized but it's never realistic to do optimization during early access
>retards that claim it's yet another open world survival crafting etc shit despite the game NOT being that genre. Hell, there's not even crafting in the game
>retards that only wanted to shit on the game because it's cool to hate on everything popular
>retards that claim it's streametbait shit despite it having 100~300k players, which is alot more than Sup Forums's beloved cult's favorite - TF2

>Sup Forums
What the fuck is that?

Blasting nubs and pwning scrubs

>"EA" trash
Didn't Day Z start that genre?

>What the fuck is that
A double bait thread. And for some reason retards are still responding.

i dont play it but it looks alright

I'm talking about the mod, hon.

>ITT: retards
Sup Forums in a nutshell desu

>slower paced, less thrilling game
How about go fuck yourself.

Do you own the Day Z standalone?
Do you own PU:Battlegrounds?

It's legit go get a copy

>unironically playing dayz
Both are cancer, kill yourself

Opinion disregarded

Fuck off normalfag underage

I like it. I come from a background of sixteen years of Operation Flashpoint/ArmA though, so it's obvious to see why I like it. What I don't get is why normalfags like it. Works for me though, I don't have to rely on them to have fun and it finds hundred man games instantly at any time of any day. I look forward to the skirts for my waifu character.

>M-muh instant gratification!
>there's crafting therefore it's not good
How about you go find some medication for that crippling ADHD you have, it's clearly preventing you from enjoying a good game.

>Owning that scam
Nah, but I own Battlegrounds.

>aka damage control because you know I'm right

Someone please explain how "normalfag" is supposed to be an insult.

How dare you reply to me.

>Sup Forums
Reddit pls

It's not.

Bet you want me to do it again.

What's wrong with using Sup Forums

You're replying to a meme older than yourself

either bait or dumb faggot, either way

Dumb faggot plz explain


You're a retard. Battle royale isn't about crafting or hunger or whatever, it's about killing to survive, the majority of DayZ players just liked the killing part and it didn't do it as well as PUBG which takes out excess shit like crafting because it doesn't service the part that people like the most.