How the fuck is this game so good? It knocks all other MOBAs out of the water.
How the fuck is this game so good? It knocks all other MOBAs out of the water
the other ones were just made to ape it
LoL is much better and came first
competent devs
Because Invoker is in it.
I didnt like it. Lifebars are really small, every ability does a shit ton of damage, teamfigths are a chaos, minions being the same heigth as heroes is a bad design choice because it confuses me, too many different items.
Sometimes complexity is not equal to better. Ill stick with lol until i stop licking it.
I play Smite.
hey thats a respectable opinion as a guy who loves dota thanks for stopping by
Thx friendo. I give every single moba a try with the hope it hooks me up and let me drop league.
I guess i would be playing dota 2 if it was the first moba i played tho. It all comes down to what was your first good experience.
are you a brainlet by any chance? I'm a CSchad who watches dota esports every now and then because of my brother and its not confusing at all
I dont know, maybe?
>play international ranked, get stomped first game by dazzle oracle
>check my teams mmr on dotabuff, 3k
>check enemies, 4.7k to 6.7k
>same thing next game except had a mid that fed and afked
this shits terrible I'd rather play normal ranked
also dota is in a good spot right now but the playerbase is fucking cancer
Am I getting too old for games?
I remember when it was all about Quake II or Unreal Tournament but now it's just crab like dota and pubg, etc.
What went wrong?
ranked is a shitfest in dota. theres no decay and theres never a reset. mmr means fuck all
I like pre slark dota 1 more
>I remember when it was all about Quake II or Unreal Tournament
wow new things come out. big fucking surprise
Because it's designed to be a sandbox. There are a shitload of item/ability interactions that make almost every match feel unique, even if you're playing only hero.
The build variety for most heroes is incomparable to something like LoL, which forces you to build pretty much the same exact items every match and play the same exact role every match.
Because it's not afraid to have unique design at the cost of accessibility. It already had the audience to start, so it didn't need to be a streamlined pile of garbage in order to gather an audience.
I can't tell if this is a false flag or if you're genuinely retarded
I didn't like it because I didn't get used to it
I'll stick to the game I'm already familiar with
I don't care if this is your stance, but at least be honest with yourself
>I didn't like it because I didn't get used to it
>I'll stick to the game I'm already familiar with
I don't care if this is your stance, but at least be honest with yourself
If you don't play offensively as Techies and STILL play the passive defensive techies, you are wasting potential.