What was the last game you truly loved?

What was the last game you truly loved?
Not simply enjoyed.

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I loved FE Echoes

im not autistic enough to git gud at dorf fort but still autistic enough to play rimworld endlessly

breath of the wild

Metroid Fusion

Pokemon White 2


Dark Souls and La-Mulana (played them one after the other, it was like an overdose)

when I played Metroid Prime 3 for the first time a few weeks ago



Team Fortress 2. However, it's now a shadow of it's former self
>Granted I can hop into a match every now and again and have a decent time but the golden age is over.

Botw and persona 5.

Metal Gear Revengeance. Makes me want to play some more CUH-RAZZY games.

(insert game with dead multiplayer here)

xenoblade x

Prey, I couldn't stop playing it, I loved exploring the place an reading all the emails and such, ran into a couple of bugs but that didn't stop my enjoyment.

I loved Overwatch with a passion but now it sucks so im gonna say Super Metroid


I didn't know I posted in this thread already


dead space 2 I think

easy Persona 5

Persona 5
BotW just before it
This year has been fucking incredible for games

The Saboteur


Persona 5. Put 124 hours into it in less than a month. Hadn't done that with a game since Persona 4.

Stronghold, stronghold crusader and botw

FFXI. There's been nothing but an empty void since I quit 7 years ago

Gravity Rush 1 & 2. I haven't been so happy in such a long time.


I don't love anything or anyone 'cept for the parents, and not sure I am capable of it.

I'm just keeping busy until I die.

persona 5 and nier automata


Silent Hill 3

Legend of Grimrock 2. Once I started playing it I couldn't stop. Last time I felt like this was 4 years ago when I played Deus Ex for the first time. I'd like to beat it again but I know the puzzles through and through so there's not much challenge unless I do single save crystals run with farmers or something

Huh, came into the thread to say this one.
Good taste user.

Skate 3


Both Grimrocks are fucking top-tier games. Love em.

Yakuza 0
first time playing a yakuza game, and I loved it. I love games that can add a time for comedy, it makes the character feel more human despite their actions and things they do, makes them feel more real