Supergiant thread/Pyre hype

Supergiant thread/Pyre hype

4 fucking days to go boys.

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Well as long as the gameplay is better than transistor I'm hype.

>Bad gameplay
t. no imagination, the game has a crazy amount of depth to fuck around with.

I like it

gameplay looks intriguing from what I've seen and the art is great as usual

Transistor gameplay was objectively shit.

Your tastes*

tfw you will never have a qt3.14 goat gf why even live?

bastion and transistor both had godlike art style and soundtracks, but i just couldn't get into the gameplay of either for some reason. i wanted to like them so bad. maybe i should go back and give them both another go.

new trailer looks good, it's a shame they haven't released the music yet

it's too bad void() and any burst damage (tap(), in particular) busted the game in half

i think the most interesting parts of the game gameplay-wise were those sandboxes where you were given a randomized set of functions that you had to make something passable out of

t. didn't play new game plus

>mediocre gameplay
>fun story
>great visuals
>good voice acting
>amazing soundtrack

>good gameplay
>godawful story
>good visuals
>abysmal voice acting
>good soundtrack

Honestly I have no idea what to expect from Pyre. The gameplay looks really unappealing to me and I'm not really that interested in the setting. I'll probably pick it up on sale in a year or so.

you could only get into the sandbox levels i was talking about in ng+ anyway

void()+tap()+jaunt()+get() absolutely wreck everything, i dunno why tap() has such a low planning cost when it's pretty much always better than cull() or even kill()

guess grant and asher really did break cloudbank

Bad story.

Pick 1.

Post your favorite song from Supergiant games
Also hum or no hum?

if we're talking non-vocal tracks,

humming is great for certain tracks, kind of out of place for others

>play transistor for the q13.14 badass looking singer lady
>stuck with the exact same fucking narrator meme from Bastion for """"PLOT"""" reasons
>said plot reason is just an excuse for you to be stuck with the narrator meme
>everything he says is the cringiest garbage you can imagine

I wanted to like the game, I had to drop it.

are you the chump that got mad when rucks made a remark after he fell off a ledge once

>, I had to drop it.
Shame, it only gets better to the end.
I want them to make a sequel without the planning phase though.

These two by a wide margin