Is the Netflix series any good? How faithful an adaption is it?

Is the Netflix series any good? How faithful an adaption is it?

its short, 4 episodes, 20 minutes each.

Watch it and determine for yourself. The first episode establishes some backstory and is mostly focused on Dracula - the rest is trevor belmont

It's pretty good, although the first season is pretty much a prologue movie cut up and very slow.
I don't think you can really fuck up faithfully adapting an NES game outside of going full retard like the obvious example

Are you into reddit tier "dark comedy" & """action"""?

If yes: congrats youll be amused
If no: stay away

Nigga you just went full retard.

There's an entire war of stupidity on Sup Forums about the shows establishment of a corrupt clergy. So conversing about this show here is a waste of time. It's 80 minutes. You'll probably have a better time watching than being here.

In quality: First episode is really good. Second and third are somewhat boring. Fourth is good.

It's mostly canon. Grant hasn't been established yet. They added the threat of the corrupt clergy. Alucard is also named Adrian, apparently by Lisa. Everything else is pretty close to canon.

Meh, it's pretty short. It feels like it's just the setup for the real show.

Its pretty good.

Like this cartoon
>piss buckets
>drunken master kung fu

I enjoyed it

Anti-Christian propoganda.

It's alright. I respect that they looked at the older games more than anything newer. I look forward to the longer season 2.

Super good. Pretty faithful, but there's been some changes. Nothing major though.

Just remember that Igarashi actually helped Ellis write the outline for this and hammer out some of the details, so it's not gonna be shit.

this is a false flag, ignore it

Watched 2 episodes, didn't really do anything for me. Not crazy about the animation style, and while I'm hardly some kind of purityfag, the excessive swearing really got on my nerves. Feels like something designed for edgy 12 year olds.

Also it isn't anti christian. The church back then was actually really fucked up. They didn't even hold up basic Christian values. They were corrupt as hell.

Bingo its all "muh fuckin vampires, muh fuckin corrupt church *gets drunk* no fuckin shovel m8 oy lay off muh balls"

Don't bother arguing with them. They go into a tangent about how 'the clergy has never been corrupt' and anyone saying otherwise is some Jewish fedora wearing atheist.

If anyone actually paid attention to the part where the demon killed the priest, it was actually very revealing about God and the betrayal of the church.

Wasnt really anti-Christian at all. You're all fucking retards

This is double secret bait because now you're starting a secondary argument about the church.

This is fiction. It establishes that THIS ONE SPECIFIC BRANCH of the Church is being run by thugs and is basically not a Church at all. That's what happens in the story. Shut the fuck up so we can maybe have a Castlevania thread without endless retards arguing nonstop.

>in a universe where Christian blessed weapons are your only hope against demons

>protagonists has a big crucifix on his back

Wrong but nice try brainlet. Also the only reason the "corrupt bishop" exists is to explain why the Belmonts were banished, a direct plot point from Castlevania 3.

It also humanizes Drac a bit.

Just stop dude

>it isn't anti christian

Let's put it this way OP.

The only people with negative reviews are just "MUH RELIGION" people. If you're one of those people, don't watch it. If you don't give a shit, it's a fine show and sets up very well for whats to come. Besides it's not that hamfisted with religion

While this is true, it fixes itself by episode 4. A lot of Trevor's dickishness is from him being drunk and miserable from the fact that his family was exiled.

Once he agrees to help the Seekers and the townspeople take his side, he goes from bad Game of Thrones character to hopeful hero who will sacrifice himself for humanity.

Every thread.

>it's not that hamfisted with religion

did you even watch the show?

the first scene

>hehe master i dabbled in the chemical sciences
>NOT THAT MUCH THOUGH because that would be bad and Christians hate that
>That's right science is awesome and Christians are anti-science!

>excessive swearing

what are you actually fucking talking about? I don't even recall any swearing, so I'll let you pass if you said they dropped "fuck" once

To be fair, in a world of literal demons running around, I wouldn't be looking into science when holy water is proven to kill them.

>hehe master

good question, did you watch the show?

I hate you fucking idiots. Every thread.

How wrong you are, must suck to be retarded.

are you autistic?

Martin Luther was right.

The only people that enjoyed this show were redditor neofags

You can tell by their posting style when they attempt to defend this butchery of castlemania

It's fine other than Slypha's awful wishy washy voice actor. Goddamn that was awful. If she returns to continue doing that characters voice and doesn't get better, I'll just not watch this honestly. She did an awful job.

Its okay but they use awkward shots/framing and the music and sound design is pretty shit. Drains all the energy from the fights. For some reason the subtitles don't match the dub either. Would have been better if they didn't produce it overseas.

>reddit spacing

So Castlevania's Netflix is like Shanoa's game?

shit, you got me

so you understand the intricacies of formatting a reddit post?

you've made many in your time, i see

>why is Trevor banished at the start of Castlevania 3?

>who is shaft?

>what are holy weapons?

I hate this bait post and I wish you would stop posting it. This show is pro Christian if anything. It's going off what little plot the NES game had and extrapolating it.

no it's nothing like it actually

I know one fucking thing. The assholes in charge better get their deaf tone heads out of their asses and put some fucking music from Castlevania on it when it comes back.

The score in this was LAUGHABLE.

>This show is pro Christian if anything

I hate this bait post and I wish you would stop posting it.

It's alright, too short and needs music

The writing is sometimes heavy-handed and the animation isn't the best, but taken as an extended pilot it's promising enough.
>how faithful
It borrows the backstory with Alucard's mother pretty faithfully. Castlevania has never had a story worth obsessing over, though, and III's story is about as basic as it gets.

This is my biggest issue with it.
I was hoping for some good remixes. I got nothing.

Animation is shit, VA is shit, Dracula story is shit, trevor is maximum cringe.
Its just a waste of time.
The only people who enjoyed it are brain damaged weebshits

>suggesting that the stories in castlevania were mediocre or bad

what is with these shills nowadays?

>trevor in the bar
>the characters in the bar go on and on about the HOUSES as if looking right in the "camera" and saying "YOU LIKE GAME OF THRONES RIGHT?! WE GOT DIFFERENT HOUSES IN THIS!"

Pretty pathetic.

But the church did nothing wrong

The main bad guy is just a bishop. Not a pope you DOUBLE NIGGER

Also it paints the humans in general as a mixed bag, that's the whole fucking point. Some catholics power up your weapons, some are phonies and burn your wife at the stake. Is Dracula justified against killing humans? Maybe, it's simple Jungian "duality of man" type shit.

See, let me tell you why this image is bullshit:

1. Sypha's backstory was retconned from Castlevania 3 in Castlevania Judgment, a strange fighting game spin-off that managed to establish various canon. Trevor and Sypha are confirmed to have married, Eric Lecarde was Alucard's pupil, Grant remained in a monsterous form after Trevor saved him, and most importantly, Sypha was a member of a knowledge seeking clan that were being persecuted and executed for "witchcraft". So with Judgment, Castlevania Netflix's Sypha is 100% canon.

2. Yoko is a member of the church... in 2035. The church is no longer burning people alive for "witchcraft", and the church is far less corrupt than anything Castlevania Netflix has in store. So yes, in this time, several hundred years later, the church would be far more accepting and less insane.

3. "I hate science and I'm evil". In that era, science was considered witchcraft. Any attempt at scientific advancement was considered devilry and stepping away from God's grace. I will say, however, the 'army of priests with switchblades' is stupid.

But they were though.

It's great. I loved it. Watched it twice.

Only real problem with it (besides being too short) is that the anti-clericalism was a bit too on-the-nose. I would have preferred having a more positive portrayal of religious folk alongside the corrupt priests.

thumbnail makes him look like he has crazy eyes

where did i say anyone was a pope in my post you retard?

the games never dabbled in this retarded jewish criticism of christianity. that's why so many people are calling the show "reddity"

the show is anti-clerical, not anti-christian

The Bishop is masquerading as a Catholic in the same way you are masquerading as a reasonable person with a valid argument.

what actual Sup Forums poster would write this post to defend this awful hack show?

ask yourself this question, marketer, before blowing your brains out

>Watch Casltevania
>"Holy fucking shit, this is great"
>Only 4 episodes long
>Ask for other Anime recommendations with similar settings (Dark/High fantasy with a gritty tone)
>Only recommendations I get are old as fuck Anime like Berserk, Claymore, Basilisk, Ninja Scrolls, Vampire Hunter D etc that i've already seen 10 times over
>Ask for modern recommendations
>"So yea dude, there's this Anime about a boy in a school who has a harem of qt Witches"

What the fuck? Why is every modern Anime starring some beta fucking teenager or surrounding some pink haired moeshit slut in a school setting?

Where the fuck are the Modern day Ninja Scrolls etc? This isn't even a rant, I don't care about moeshit, to each their own but come the fuck on.

It's not a war, it's a couple of shitposters trying to bait people.
The fact that they seem to succeed every time shows the state of Sup Forums.

The criticism of "Christianity" feels more Protestant than Jewish given the blatant christian themes alongside the anti-clericalism.

not an argument

Dracula's Curse's opening story was a minute long slide show, the classic games aren't exactly known for their story

Well that "one banana spoils the bunch" logic doesn't really hold water when the protagonist and everyone fighting demons is literally given special powers by a Catholic god.

Even the demons tell the corrupt clergymen that they are not legitimate. What more do you want?

>defending marxist propaganda
>posts image of JBP

high level

I really, really hate this. Waifufags ruin everything.

Castlevania isn't an anime.

It's an American-based production, produced in English, in the United States, for Americans.

The real question is why are all Western Adult animation vulgar comedies and sitcoms?

>Castlevania Judgment
Was never canon. It exists outside the canon. It was never meant to be canon.

For every 1 of you, there are dozens of neets who prefer the underage panty quest XVIII moeblob animes where nothing happens at all whatsoever.

You are an extreme, EXTREME minority. So give up.

Ah, it's the daily Judeovania netflix marketing thread.
Upvoted sirs

The events of the game aren't canon, but it detailed the canon events of past games.

Shaft might not have been part of the church at all. We don't know what order he considers himself a priest of, if any.

theres literally nothing wrong with reddit

>Ask for a Fantasy Anime
"So dude, there's this anime about a kid in a school who has a watch that sends him into this MMO fantasy universe! He also has a bunch of qt waifus trying to fuck him."
>Ask for a Sci Fi Animation
"So dude, there's this anime about a kid at school who has this watch that sends him into the future! He also has a bunch of qt waifus trying to fuck him"
>Ask for an Anime like Berserk
"So dude, there's this anime about a kid in schoo-.."
>Ask for an Anime like Monster
"So dude, there's this anime about this guy in Medical Schoo-."
>Ask for an Anime like Cowboy Bebop
"So dude, there's this anime about a school on the planet Mars and he ha-...."

I love the Bishop's voice acting.

>Martin Luther
>not Thomas Müntzer

and the rest of the series has some intriguing storytelling throughout.

you don't need to be overly wordy to have an interesting story. you certainly dont need lots of le epic swearing and hella awesome mutilation for a cartoon to be interesting.

the show feels like a disservice to the castlevania franchise, written and produced by people who have no understanding of the games

you might like parasyte

One of the best voice actors in the show. Along with Dracula. Every word that came out of their mouths was articulated so well and sounded like velvet.

Wish the same could be true for the rest of the cast.

>there are non religious people ITT who make fun of SJWs for getting triggered for other people while also getting triggered by this show

What kind of retard reacts like this when proven wrong? is your ego this fragile?

these are the people who defend netflix castlevania



Weebs are literally feminist tier.

>Hate attractive women starring in movies because it makes them feel insecure over how unattractive they are
>prefer some overweight mediocre looking loser to be the star instead

>Hate attractive and strong men starring in movies because it makes their loser selves feel insecure
>prefer some average joe or beta fag to be the star instead

Naw they're not edgy teens who think contrarian traditionalism is cool so they're fags

How to spot a moron: the post.

market elsewhere jew

>Netflix has literally made the best Anime in 2017
>it's not even real Anime

I'm glad that shit tier medium is finally dying

He literally did nothing wrong, even before becoming evil.

You better play Lament of Innocence and SoTN, and not pulling shit out of your ass.


>they show him sending demons out to people all over wallachia who didn't do anything wrong
>implying they're making him out to be a victim

>has no argument
>gets proven wrong
>hurr shill
>gets called out
>hurr le kike le frogposting do I fit in yet?
kill yourself.

market elsewhere jude

Imagine being so desperate to be counter culture that you defend corrupt institutions like the catholic church and scientology because atheism is le reddit.

it sucked

Alucard is the only thing saving it

who's defending scientology, jew?

very stiff boondocks tier animation