Does Sup Forums play Grindframe?
Does Sup Forums play Grindframe?
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No, I like having fun.
I used to, but eventually I had played so much of it that just thinking about it now makes me feel sick. I'll probably try it again when Plains comes out, though.
yeah, grinding aside, game's fun, senpai
Is Loki Prime nerfed yet? Don't see the point in grinding if all you need is Loki with a Tigris Prime?
but then you dont get to try out all the other actually fun shit. like the vastly superior Sancti Tigris.
Occasionally but the game just hasn't been as fun to me since U7. The movement changes were okay I guess.
I don't think I could ever stomach playing this game for any extended time period again. I could play World of Warcraft on a shitty Russian hosted private server and it would be more fun than this.
>Sancti Tigris better than Tigris Prime
>He doesn't know about shotgun status
I played enough to get nova prime then focused on true end game.
I stopped playing when my friend stopped. It's fun with people.
they're basically on par with that, except the sancti reloads faster, has the ballin syndicate proc and is generally a better choice unless you want to go balls to the wall on endless missions
When will wattchewant give us more loops
A weapon being more convenient to use on lower level enemies does not make it the better weapon.
It does make it more accessible, I guess.
The fag has been in so temporary hiatus and hasn't focused on SFM porn as of lately
Sometimes yeah
That faggot probably won't make any more warframe content
I swear to god, sfm animators are the most weak-minded trash to ever exist, a little criticism or people getting mad at them for not freely releasing their models and they threaten to stop animating forever
I know next to nothing about this game. What exactly is its connection to Dark Sector?
I did but I got tired of the grind
if by lower level you mean like, the difference between your usual 40 to 100 and somethings run and your 140+ one, then yeah
press F to pay respects
It's apparently what they wanted to do with Dark Sector before publishers told them they needed to get rid of the cool space shit and make it a gritty realistic shooter
Aside from that there's only a few references here and there such as Tenno being named after Hayden Tenno, and a few frames having skins based on characters from dark sector.
Dropped it like a sack of shit when they turned all my sweet mods into almost completely useless cards years ago. Never looked back.
I put like 1500 hours into it. Fun while it lasted but the fucking devs have 0 direction and instead of focusing on one aspect they just create some new gay shit mode that won't be used in any interesting way again.
I don't regret the time I spent playing it though.
The DEvs may have ADD when it comes to direction but I'm curious to see how Plains of Eidolon pans out.
That plains area is just a glorified hub which can't fit more than four people in it at once. It would take years of development to get anything close to open world-esque gameplay.
Looking forward to seeing how broken and retarded the animations for shooting small arms while in archwang mode will be
>your playtime on Plains of Eidolon has been used up, pay 25 plat to speed up your wait timer to return!
There's no way they won't jew the shit out of this
Fuck you Jordas drop your fucking shitty Arcane Energize already
>They got rid of Draco farming
I have no reason to play anymore tbqh senpai
>Draco kiddie
Admit it, you weren't playing the game at all. Draco kiddies have no idea how to play the rest of the game. Every public spy is a disaster and LoR is a slog with these faux MR23ers
Got a link?
>not Warfarm
Shit thread OP
I did for just long enough to start finding the ridiculous glitch-based movement fun, and then they announced they were removing it so I quit
Flying around at mach speed with the Tipendo was pretty entertaining for a while though.
I sort of feel like getting back into it, I never did give the parkour stuff a chance, but I'm pretty doubtful. Also I heard they nerfed the shit out of Trinity. I'm not sure I can handle not being an immortal god of lifedrain and healing after experiencing it.
>Not Waitframe
Do you even wait a week for a single frame senpai?
Trinity just got infinite range god mode nerfed. She's still a walking battery and with link she can tank with the best of them. Her kit still needs a rework though.
stop that
I did for a long time, but I actually grinded to the point where I got everything I wanted. I got Rhino Prime, Frost Prime, all the other Primes I like but don't use as much, all the weapons I wanted, forma'd them all to near perfection, did all the quests, did tons of sorties, and generally got everything I was ever interested in or wanted to use. Everything else in the game either isn't as fun to use for me or just isn't viable late game. I came back for a couple of the updates, but neither the infestation frame or musical frame interested me. I did the quests, but those are finished pretty quickly.
I got everything I wanted out of the game, beat all the bosses, finished all the quests, and basically completed the game until something major comes out. It's a good game, but it has some seriously big issues and feels pretty unfinished in a lot of ways. Still provided a couple of hundred hours, but yeah, I've hit the limit of my interest for the content. A new gimmicky frame or slight tweaks to missions isn't enough to bring me back in anymore. I might check out that big update they showed off recently, but open world Warframe sounds like the buggiest, most empty shit imaginable considering the developer's track record.
>Expelling gasses but swelling instead of shrinking
Explain yourself degenerate
There's no way she'd be able to hold all of that in one go!
No thanks. I'd sooner go through the trouble of figuring out how to play PSO2.
She is digesting something. The digestion process creates gas as a byproduct. It is being created at a rate faster than it can be expelled.
>Sick of grinding for Vauban Prime, so I just buy it off someone
>look at the resources required to build it
>nitain extract
>fucking 20 of them
Yea I think Im done with the game, its taking the piss with this shit. Not only is the resource rare as fuck, its also used for everything now. I would actually consider spending real money to just get the goddamn resources so I can have so fun with the game instead of grinding and losing interest before I get what I was working on.
I played when Vauban came out, before they patched his turret placement glitch.
>Boobin first comes out
>Bust my ass to get him
>Do an infested defense mission
>Lay bounce pads on every single approach angle
>Enemies literally can't get to the objective and die after a few bounces, all I have to do is reapply here and there
Last I played it wasn't rare. It pops up on alerts like every half hour. It's slow to get them, but they're easy to get since the missions tend to be easy as well. It's something you shouldn't focus on and instead just grab whenever they're available.
Still a shit method of getting an important resource, but that's Warframe for you. They love locking content behind a paywall/time.
e621 dot net / post / show / 806874
It's the only game I can think of that I've played for years, I don't understand the whole "grind" meme, I've played plenty of games that are more grindy that weren't free, after trading came out the grind is almost irrelevant. Even aside from that, the gameplay is actually fun, which is what keeps me coming back.
I loved throwing loads of zappy balls onto my drone and then dashing through stages like fucking super sonic.
Stopped after 380 hours
It was fun while it lasted but there was no real reason to keep playing because things never changed.
>A good chunk of all the weapons are 100% useless and you'll be farming for Riven Mods if you want to make proper use for them
>Some levels literally only have 8~ rooms total with no variation
>"Reworks" earth but nobody actually plays on earth because its all low level missions
>Frames need a reactor and self-sustainability and CC in its kit otherwise solo play against anything above 40 is out of the question
>Grineer Napalmers on a defense mission hope you've got Frost in your cell edition
>Archwings in general
Pretty much lost all interest, Hopefully the open world garbage will bring me back for a bit
I used to do that in small defense rooms, just cover the whole place, boobens house of bounce is great.
Are you having to grind for r10 mods? Because thats what broke me last time. Doing excavation missions over and over and over, having to play frost or vauban over and over and over again. God it was fucking cancer. That and fucking kuva farming, jesus christ it was cancer.
>3x3 km of space for DE to "Playtest"
>Could have had extra help with their new team but they're busy working on Keystone instead
brace for impact, they're gonna fuck it up hard somehow.
>no one plays earth because it's low level
>kuva siphons
That's 3 high level things to do on earth right there, and besides that low level players go there a lot, it looks great now.
>get dedicated ev trin
>entire room is a bouncehouse
>particles bringframe rate to buttery smooth cinematic sub 10
>[pubfaggot] has left the squad
It's meant to be your new hub as mentioned
I did plenty of that shit. They're boring as hell, but I tend to watch/listen to other shit while playing these kinds of games, so it's not as bad as it could be. They're still awful though, don't get me wrong. Any game that encourages standing around using one move over and over again for something 30-60 minutes at a time for a small chance at an item is fucking trash. But that's a lot of late game content for other games too.
I gave up on truly min/maxing shit when I realized it wasn't going anywhere. I could breeze through most sorties, even solo when using Rhino Prime. If other players were even somewhat competent, they were never an issue. Otherwise there were those raids, which are total shitfests. So yeah, I got my frames I liked to the strength I liked and stopped caring about that shit.
I don't buy it, theres gotta be some kind of catch to this
I'd grind on that frame iykwim
I'm gonna go back to it probably. Nothing else F2P keeps my interest.
>being so new you've never heard of warbros
lurk moar or just stop using Sup Forums entirely
Yes, it's a neat game but needs better enemy design.
"Grindframe". Pathetic.
Back in my day we called it Warfarm!
Progression is way too slow. This is coming from someone who got to mastery rank 10. Glad I quit.
Love the gameplay, absoloutely loathe the grind. I wish there was a way to jump into higher level games, it sucks having to sit in survival for about 30 minutes before it starts getting hard, the game is great fun to actually play, its all the "paperwork" when you arentl fighting things that is the problem.
You should have seen the requirements for Vauban Prime when it first came out. DE's "explanation" is that they wanted to spend some of the older player's stocked up resources. 14k Oxium my fucking ass.
played it for a while the other year. once I got my hydro and leveled it up I realized there was nothing else in the game I felt like working towards and lost interest
>tfw joined warbros on the ground floor but quit the game long before they became a meme
I have points where I play it non-stop, but I usually try to play other games when I'm not in that mood or when I take a hiatus.
Recently I didn't have too much I wanted to do other than MR and plat grind, but that was a bit of a snoozefest, so now I log on for the daily bonus, check what's up, then go do something else.
Did you prod?
Already have Endura and Destreza and a fully maxed out Limbo so my want to play is low, despite loving the gameplay in itself.
Looking forward to the open world. Exploring is a 10/10 reason to return.
That's pretty funny. Comparing dates. From when that uploaded and when update 7 hit, I quit playing literally the week before this happened.
You missed out on the first ever dojo in warframe, completed within 24 hours.
I wonder if it would have overcome how salty I was about losing my fat stack of mods with list of effects a mile high I spent months grinding with the bros on pluto for.
You don't know that.
i play a game with a similar amount of grind but very different style
If I remember right there was a successful petitioned DE directly for re-compensation for that.
She'd hardly be able to move!
Well at the time I felt the new system was inferior: a limited set of cards with specific abilities compared to getting a lucky drop that does several amazing things at once. I once had a mod for my gorgon that upped the fire rate, penetration and ammo cap in one turning it into a rape cannon from a single slot. The new system felt too cut and dry for that.
Turning all my old mods into fuel to upgrade the new cards at that point felt like insult to injury, even if they were generous with the conversion rate.
yes, and i hate myself doing so
I don't know which is more fun about this game - farming for ivara for 40 hours, nidus for 30 hours or calculating the probabilities for getting the part drops and crying when statistically the part you need should have dropped with 99,5% chance in the number of runs you've done
I don't know, are you nr.1?
no I play Paragon because it has actual graphics
>Play solo
>60 fps during battles
>Play with people
>30 fps all the time
This is why I stopped.
>come for the shitposting
>stay for the shitposting
Comfy as hell.
Guys, will people bully me for being a low MR excal if i'm just doing the starter planets, no high level stuff?
>Need to get to Saturn to get the resources you need to craft Rhino, your very first crafted warframe.
really feel sorry for the newfriends
i played it for 600 hours in 2013, and probably 80 this year again. forgot to log in one day and now im free again.
its pretty fun but the only real content they added since 2013 is archwings and theyre hot garbage
I only got this recently, it's annoying as fuck since fucking pubbies are already halfway to the objective by the time my toaster which handled it fine just a year ago lets me move again.
I'm even playing it windowed for goodness sake, they must've really fucked it up.
It's grind for the sake of grind. You play missions to unlock new weapons which you grind missions with to level up said weapons which levels up your overall account which allows you advance and grind more gear. Over, and over, and over.
All I enjoy it for now is the porn.
>tfw Saryn will never melt you with her farts
help me
There is no return after the frog has claimed you