*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

>Copies your assets

What was the first job you beat him on? Did he give you any trouble?

So no.

>Will never know the joy of living an escapist MMO fantasy because too poor to pay ongoing subsciption fees

SAM here too. I heard about the pain of our RDM brothers.

Used a wing to get my TP up and then Penta Thrust, Jump, High Jump, Penta Thrust. Not sure if I even got to use my 2 hour, though it was in the plan.

Beat it on lolDRG because all you have to do is Penta Thrust 2-3 times.

>tfw there will never be another MMO that actually simulates a large, dangerous world because in new games you can just do all the content in 2 months and spring through all the zones

Mamool merit parties were better than Colibri.

>summons a giant robot

lost the first time and had to get potions from my linkshell

>be a mithra
>get help from some guy for a large portion of my ffxi life
>he finds another mithra who's actually a girl
>gives them more attention than me
>first time feeling jealous over a girl stealing my guy
>never speak to him again

>not leveling blue and killing mobs with their own moves
>not having the coolest move ever: Fry Pan

>Can't join CP parties or do any endgame stuff because my accuracy is too low

Shit sucks, man

>be a catgirl
>girl irl
>when people find out they cling
>then people get jealous over it and blame me
i just wanna play the fucking game desu

>tfw miss going to the dunes and PLing random groups


Took me 3 tries. Tried BLU first time and oh god that fight is PURE luck.

>PLing friend's dunes group as lv.41 RDM
Boy, that was embarrassing.

Paladin, at the time I heard paladin was one of the harder maat fights, but he only killed me once, seemed you would just either get fucked by his asuran fists or your wouldnt, it was fine if you just kited him during invincible

I had some girl in my linkshell that jocked me because she had a boner for elvaan players, weird shit mang

>Just want to be a cute catgirl
>all the horny boys playing catgirls and being lewd ruining it for the rest of us.

I woulda played mithra if they didn't have garbage animations desu senpai

>Some asshole made a goblin train at the zone line in valkurm dunes and they're killing everyone in the vicinity

I had one in mine as well that was like that
She was a Mithra too

>she started ERPing with some Elvaan player in our linkshells chat one day

Weird as hell

>tfw the overworld was fucking dangerous and REQUIRED groups to do almost anything at all
>XIV the overworld might as well not even exist

>Start doing new maps a month after expansion launches
>realize I never went back to new zones to unlock flying
>took a month to notice

This makes me sad because at least the 1.0 areas were dangerous to explore or even travel through

Because nobody tells you that a lot of your extra accuracy comes from Job Point Gifts and that they expect you to solo the slowest part of CP grinding.

I remember the black shroud in 1.0 having goobs that were level 90 or some shit and would just destroy people out of nowhere cause of their aggro range

>leaving boy tree after doing ramuh with some friends
>one friend has the bright idea to pop the sleepga 2 NM and train it to the entrance
>he does
>after zoning out he starts getting angry tells about the chaos he left in his wake
>it led to the killing of almost every party it came across because of sleepga spam
the good ole days, FFXI was always hilarious with how status effects lasted for years

>tfw XI fatasses will forever be living in the past while XIV chads keep on thriving

How do we stop XIV, bros?

What was your and/or your linkshell's reaction when Square Enix announced the level cap would be increasing beyond 75?

So he's gonna be one of the Omega bosses, right?

A lot of anger at first but most of the gear stayed relevant because it didn't go the wow path of stat inflation

Ultimately the game is pretty good at 99, though its true that it will never be what it once was

Modern XI isn't as great as golden age but it's still better than every other major MMO that's out now..

Well I heard DQX is good, but I'll never play it because it will never be localized.

Throwing on pure accuracy gear and eating some acc. food MIGHT just barely put me at the required amount for CP parties, but then I'd be losing out on shit of stuff like DA/TA
Seriously, it fucking sucks
If I could just unlock the first Job Gift for BLU I wouldn't have to worry nearly as much

DQX fucking sucks, retard

is he originally from V
then no

>tfw you can summon Trusts now for the Maat fight

I want his wild Onion!

DQX is casual as shit. If you hate FFXIV for being casual but think DQX looks good then you're inconsistent.

How do we stop XIV????? IT KEEPS GROWING!!!!!!!!!

All I said is I heard it's good. I didn't even offer my own opinion.

I would help random party's for hours when waiting for my ls to come online haha raising my healing.

Least common denominator will always prevail. There's nothing that can be done.

it's good by jap standards


On the off chance you are serious, it would require a complete shift in the current demographics for video games. It starts with removing normalfags from the picture.

Are WARs finally the MTs again?

How is it casual? I literally have never heard anything about the gameplay

You can play it through some fuckery if you want, but just go look up some gameplay videos. It's like FFXI but extremely watered down.

yeah FFXI has probably the best horizontal progression I've seen in an MMO, but its age keeps it a pretty exclusive club at the top as most people that play it still are super vets with every job at 99 and relic/myth/empys up the ass.

You can't even group as a paladin anymore without both an ochain and aegis. I've struggled to get my friends into the game despite them liking it, because of its barrier of entry to the endgame, they'd prefer to play wow cause they are caught up and progressed in it and don't have to put much effort into it.

The ironic thing is, once you get caught up in FFXI though, its super chill and laid back, and you have the comfort of knowing that nothing you earn is going to be obsolete in 3 months

I'm thinking of resubbing. Can someone give me a rundown on the current state of support jobs? I'm interested in GEO

fuck no, they were never meant to be, they are just a bridge class til you got the real tanks like paladin and shit. They could never take a hit for shit

dead game

just play xiv

Pretty sure GEO is still OP as fuck
Same with SCH

1050 before Sublime Sushi shouldn't be too difficult to obtain. What are you wearing right now?

its so easy to level that you just get everything to 50 and take the shit you care about to 99, you can figure out the rest after that goal is met. Still, due to this fact most people expect you to have what is needed, XI is all about versatility now.

If you are interested in geo though, they pretty much replaced bards, and are a highly valued class, so you cant go wrong there

So... can we talk about xiv in this thread or..?

no ITT we pretend XI was good

FFXIV is hemorrhaging subs though. People are finally realizing it doesn't contain the quality XI had.

>FFXIV is hemorrhaging subs though
Stormblood is the biggest XIV has been

t. your fat ass

BLU shouldn't have too much trouble building up accuracy, augmented Taeon armor, NQ Ayanmo armor, Accuracy Bonus from spell traits, accessories from High-Tier Mission fights, and even basic sushi should get you up to at least being able to participate in many Level 124 events. If you're having trouble figuring out steps to take to build BLU to a basic level, there's a guide on BGWiki called Out of the BLU that has great info to help out, just keep in mind that it's written by a 12 year old and try to endure the cringe.

Gimmie a few minutes and I can tell you

GEO is in just about every party setup, but at the same time, there are usually a lot of GEOs to choose from.

Good thing that they exist in a game where bosses don't hit for shit outside of busters you use CDs for

>augmented Taeon armor
Not worth the investment unless you plan on playing melee RDM.

you say that shit and yet ninja could never tank anything besides XP parties because they would instantly get deleted if they got hit by any HNM auto

This is my TP set at the moment
Claid has DMG+16 and ACC/ATT +11
Taeon Tights have ACC +19
All the Rawhide is augmented for ACC and same with Niburu

Best I've been able to do solo
Also I thought I needed more ACC than just 1050 for CP parties

>tfw I lost almost all my pics from back in the day but still have some from my shitty PB account
I kinda miss old zerg dynamis but not really

Could probably pull more shit from some of my friends dead livejournal accounts but fuck that garbage

was so happy when I finished this stupid shit, little did I know that was when the nightmare would begin

You need 1150, so 1050 + the ~100 from Sublime Sushi. I was going to suggest an Ambuscade cape, but you want a CP%+ cape there. Your next best option is either Ayanmo or Carmine in your head or leg slot. A second Nibiru for main hand would also work.

>Carmine in your head or leg slot
You can get those from Ambuscade right?
I've only done it a couple times in the past, mostly solo
I'd like to do it with a group to make things quicker but I feel like I'm not geared enough for the parties

>second Nibiru
As much as I'd like for that to happen, it was a pain in the ass just to get one
Fuck that part and its stupid poison

>Carmine in your head or leg slot
>You can get those from Ambuscade right?
Carmine is from the Shinryu abjuration in Escha - Ru'Aun. If I remember correctly, it drops from the Book T2.

Ambuscade is definitely something you want to start doing, though. The capes you make completely trash any other option you can put there for almost any scenario. "VD Volume 2" should be accessible for you in a party, but I'd wait a while to start joining Volume 1 parties.

>games where you wipe to rabbits

better than games with 4 buttons and a 2.5 global cd

What's with the low level gear they keep putting in the login campaign
Is there a use for it or something

So, the non locked tomes are completely useless? Can't I trade them in for some poetry?

I've played every mmorpg running, ffxi is still one of the best for me. I burn out on all wow clones in a few months.

Buy items to make crafted gear or gear for an off job.

Otherwise they're garbage.

that doesn't make your game good though

Where do I get that stone for the ilvl 330 weapon?

wiping to rabbits being a meme doesn't make it bad

come at me with a real argument, you can't

>join HNM shell
>unbeknown to me, said shell was the notorious jackass group
>leave after 3 months due to leader being a dick
>try to join another
>all turn me down due to being in said shell
Oh, well. I got the Black Belt I wanted, anyway.

>Ambuscade is definitely something you want to start doing, though
I probably should, I just wish I had a linkshell or something to actually do these things with
I feel pretty unwanted trying to find people to do it since everyone would rather run the harder ones

>Carmine is from the Shinryu abjuration in Escha - Ru'Aun
So that's a no-go then
Guess I'll look into Ayanmo

>absolutely love tanking in dungeons
>get scared of tanking raids and trials

it's not like your meme argument was terribly convincing either, lad

>post a factual statement about XIV
so...we done here m8?

raids and trials are even easier than dungeons to tank wtf
The only moments you could potentially fuck up is during tank swaps and only a very few select fights have those

Guys stop fucking making ff11 threads you're making the ff14 froth at the mouth.

care to tell me which job has only 4 buttons?

Not him, but I got one.
>Game where Sisyphus Fragment and Torn Khimaira Wing (fail to) exist.

>tfw no private FFXI server up to Wings of the Goddess

How come FF14 players hate FF11 so much?

Because their game will never be as good as it's predecessor.

No idea.

They shit up any given mmorpg thread and try to recruit people to their erp only groups, but FF11 threads really take the cake. FF11 threads are like a crime against nature to them.

You'd think they would be some veneration at least for the precursor to their favorite game.

i dont desu, honestly seems more the other way around. look here:

criticises FF11 but says nothing else, bringing up no other game
brings it onto FF14 in literally the very next post

>FFXIV is hemorrhaging subs though

t. ruskie/favela dweller/wowfag