So why is half the team black whenever I play this game in multiplayer? We know there were some black soldiers...

So why is half the team black whenever I play this game in multiplayer? We know there were some black soldiers, but overall, they were a tiny, tiny percentage of the largely European conflict.

Have games sunk to the level of historical revisionism just to please political extremists now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>the more black people you have in your team = the more chance your team gonna lose because all of them are snipers who do nothing but sitting on the otherside of the map taking potshot instead of taking objective
like pottery

developers confirmed for subtle racists

Does it actually bother you? Or do you only notice because your fake internet friends make a big deal about it?

Legit question though. Why?

This is meant to be a historical game based on a war, why are there so many black people running around when that definitely wasn't the case in reality?

It kind of bothers me that political extremists are trying to revise history to please an audience.

This, nogs themselves aren't the target but the jews pushing mandatory-diversity in everything for some reason.

Because history is being rewritten, user.

being soccer-mom level concerned over black people in a video game makes you either a lunatic or a political extremist, regardless of whether you're for or against them

I'm not that guy and haven't played the game, but if it is unrealistic, I would find it annoying because it would be ahistorical. I think we should discourage the thinking which might motivate that ahistoricism, "it is racist and therefore bad to accurately portray history if that history is racially unequal because we don't want to discourage monorities". It just takes you out of it. Imagine having 10% blacks in some japanese samurai game, or a game where the roman legion was not gender segregated. If they want to be ahistorical they should just have a fiction setting.

Nothing about Battlefield 1 reflects history. The weapon choices, the combat, nothing. Why does the color of player avatars' skin stand out to you more than the fact that you're playing a WW2 Shooter disguised as a WW1 game solely for the sake of marketing?

You should be playing Verdun if historical accuracy mattered to you.

DICE lead game designer Daniel Berlin.
"Battlefield 1 is definitely rooted in history. There's no alternate mix of anything else. All the stuff you see is equipment that was available. All the vehicles you see were available at this time."

Given the heritability of IQ any nonblack should look unfavorably upon any propaganda which normalizes or encourages reproduction between blacks and other races.
Like, in that Conan game, the black race has a larger dick size by default. Wtf?

Anybody who denies this, please remove yourself from the gene pool. There's no reason DICE couldn't just let people customize their character






What's your point? He's emphatically wrong. Their bar for weapon use in the game is that at least one prototype was produced during a specific period of time. Their battlefields and the weapons used on them are not historically accurate in the least.

If you want historically accurate WW1 games look into strategy games. If you want actual history, read a fucking book (something like "A Very Unimportant Officer", a soldier's memoirs of his experiences in the war). You're not gonna find it in a Battlefield game.

If you want to complain about the historical inaccuracies of Battlefield 1, the shade of skin on player character models is hardly the worse offense, or the most noteworthy unless it's the only thing you really care about.

>Baiting essays from Redditors when they get btfo

Like clockwork.

It's a shame nobody can discuss literally anything about this game other than muh black soldiers

i think we are all just a little afraid of the inevitable culling of the white race, as shown to be evident through american entertainment trends.

>Have games sunk to the level of historical revisionism just to please political extremists now?

For the same reason so many people are running around with machines guns, which is also very inaccurate. Why don't you react to that?

I am a historian and I once put a comment on the YouTube channel, the Great War, complaining about the women in the Russian dlc being put as the figure head and they responded with a "they fought too and they stronk, nothing wrong since both parties are accepted" but one of them named flo is a Marxist fag which truly deceptive intentions

yes, that is the case.

I just said history is being rewritten, nothing about race being the biggest focus.

Though, it's certainly case that the white race is under attack these days.

Everyone's dying shortly, regardless of skin color.

Because that is politically irrelevant and not part of a larger trend in entertainment media.

Yeah all the stuff was there but it was never used the way the game show it. Germans didn't used zeppelins to bomb the battlefield like they are in the game.

Political agenda corrupting my fucking games bother me.

>politically irrelevant
As someone who is deeply involved in gun politics let me say fuck you.

White people are literally the only people in the world concerned with 'diversity', 'multiculturalism' and having open borders.

We're also the only people concerned with furthering western society.

The two are likely related.

Not really, there's always the eventual retard in some shithole/arab country that vomits that shit over there but they just get killed for being retards.
Communism did this to the west and it's too late anyway.

>letting a flood of people in from other cultures and parts of the world so that they threaten to subsume their native population
>furthering western society

pick one

Seriously, only the west allows open borders like this. Everyone else in the world realises it's suicide, take Japan for example, they know what would happen if they open their borders, so they've kept them shut.

Game is meant to be a shooter, not super realistic. They just want to ride on WW1 hype.

its historically extremely inaccurate but never stated it would go for accuracy

its pretty authentic tho

Just to make a point, I'm not saying all immigration is bad. But the mass migration we are seeing at the moment is.

Then how come India and China manages to pull off diversity and multiculturalism?

So why is 3/4 of the team using a submachine gun when I play this game in multiplayer? We know there were a few automatic weapons, but overall, they were a tiny, tiny percentage of the largely bolt action-armed military of the time.

Have games sunk to the level of historical revisionism just to please CoD kiddies now?

I mean, it's pretty clear we're being co-opted and invaded at this point.

Direct force has never worked against the west.

They don't. China is very xenophobic and India is a literal shithole

What the fuck.

Because that's how history revisionists work.
If it's a historical work or just any fiction taking place in those time periods, they just make half the people black. As long as they keep the historical events and setpieces more or less accurate why does it matter if all the characters are black for no reason? Soon it will become a common belief that blacks always made up large portions of the population, everywhere, every time.

>inaccurate video game
>political extremism

>India is a literal shithole
Which parts?
They are, and they aren't on the brink of civil war or anything.

Then you also have the UK

>for the past century white Germanics have been able to play
>various sand peoples
>and blacks

And soon it will become common belief that the slaves in America where migrants who came seeking new life in America.

What was their role?

hahahaha what?

Both are extremely xenophobic and have incredibly tight immigration laws compared to the West.

Why hasn't China taken in any of the hundreds of thousands of migrants coming into Europe from the Middle East and North Africa over the last couple of years?

>that quote
If you knew anything you would know that Nordics are incapable of saying something that they don't mean literally. When he says "alternate" he's talking about shit like from Wolfenstein.

Nice strawman

What are you even on about?

>Which parts?
All of it, it has one of the worst sanitation problems on the planet.
China not only is a polluted shithole but it's also quite xenophobic down to the common man.
Oh yeah, the no-go zones, rape scandals, constant terrorist attacks and social unrest. Looking really good there.

Nice usage of a term you don't even understand.
Its a pretty shitty starting point to be complaining about history being re-written when its been happening for centuries without the help of token minorities being thrown in.

But they have
I was mostly referring to Scotland, England and Wales. Multicultural

But you're still moving the goalpost regerings China and India.

So you are complaining that in the past white people played different roles in movies because actors from those countries generally weren't available?

With the rape scandals you could just say that they are integrating well ;)
The whole exoteric narrative taught in school about politics is wrong. The french bourgeouis political religion created after the revolution only serves to conceal the always present reality.

>but they have

The number of migrants that have is comically minuscule compared to how many the west has let in, let's not kid ourselves here.

>So you are complaining
No I'm saying I didn't give a shit because it didn't matter, just like with BF1, and neither should you.

Keeping moving that goal post

> The UK going from 99% white to 70% white in under a generation is "Laughably minuscule".

The goal post was never moved. The topic has always been that western countries are being flooded by migrants compared to non-western countries.

>Creating virtual characters is the same as hiring actors who know the language and know how to act

maybe because its a multiplayer mode thats not meant to be historically accurate you Sup Forumstard autist?

I'm talking about China and India.

The (((media))) is working overtime to put niggers in everything. That includes historical revisionism. Soon 6 million dindus will have died in the Lolocaust along with the chosen people.

Why the fuck do you play as women during the Lawrence of arabia shit?
It adds nothing interesting to the game other than greatly push my suspension of disbelief that an islamic community would ever consider giving a woman an important mission. Like fuck you want to make a fictional story about strong female hero in WW1? Why not just do some behind enemy lines vigilante girl in france or someshit

We need more games with sexy white men.

>be game developer
>see that the salt right gets really salty when you do something as simple as put a few black or female characters in a game
>all the internet butthurt gets your game more attention and therefore sales because the salt right doesn't buy games anyways
It's as simple as that. Want them to stop? Just stop acting like this is literally white genocide.

Bedouin people aren't as rooted in Islam as you think

That's not why they're doing it though, they do it because millennials love their extreme left politics.

Ignoring the problem isn't going to solve it, if anything it will just let it get worse.

What is the problem user?

Tokenism and politically motivated historical revisionism.

Good goy, fall for their trap.

>he's emphatically wrong

Uh, no he's not?

>be game developer
>see that the salt right gets really salty when you do something as simple as put a few black or female characters in a game
>all the internet butthurt gets your game more attention and therefore sales because the salt right doesn't buy games anyways
worked well with ME:Androgynous right?

>you will never go back to the time where this is seen as an obvious parody that would never actually happen

Things are just gonna keep getting worse from here.

This is in no way tokenism he is simply a black soldier. I don't see how it is politically motivated historical revisionism, black soldiers fought in WW1. What exactly is being revised?

>have been able to play
You see, there's the implication of choice there.
Maybe do a bit more critical thinking and a little less dicksucking, honeycake?

It didn't sell well because the game was bad. Games like BF1 are legitimately good, so giving it more attention will only lead to more sales.

>This is meant to be a historical game based on a war
The series thakes a setting as an excuse for setting a tech level and then warps it hard
Many of the guns are merely prototypes that hadn't really seen combat, for example

>play ninja games about girls with enormous tits which don't sag
>Nothing to complain about
>play a casual war game

Maybe because the game is set during those specific battles where black soldiers took part?

Use your head, dummy.

No, the counter-movement has already begun.
The SJW movement is mostly our generation

White genocide is literally a good thing. Sup Forums wouldn't be full of these kinds of threads if white people weren't allowed to exist.

>future games depict nazis as black people
>"wait stop we dont want minorities in video games anymore"

The fact that they were a tiny, tiny minority in the war, but they are literally half the team whenever you play multiplayer, and are even on the front cover of the game.

Seriously, even in WW2 black soldiers were relatively rare, but WW1? Jesus.

compare the culture of migrants to the cultures of the nations they immigrate to. Europe has no need for these migrants, but these migrants have great need of Europe's resources and opportunities. The fact that even a single one of them can get away with a single scandal should enrage even the calmest of intellectuals. You are either willfully stupid or actually stupid, and either way someone like you is a great detriment to white people. I wonder what will happen.

>you will never wear your hypercolor shirt and reeboks while blowing on your nes cartridge, listening to Rick James and looking out your window wondering what kissing a girl is like
take me back to the future

>just to please political extremists now?
Yes, and if you say anything about it you will be censored and persecuted like the good extremists they are, and to top it all they consider themselves moderate and well leveled.

its the jews trying to pander to what they thinks blacks want
i dont know a single black person that cares about this diversity shit in games like this, and i sure as hell dont

Millennials love leftwing politics and 'social justice' etc. Buzzfeed, Vice, all that crap is aimed at them.

Generation Z are allegedly a lot more conservative, probably because they see how retarded Millennials are and they've flipped the other way.

but it got lots of attention therefore sales
are you retard

>Legit question though. Why?

>This is meant to be a historical game based on a war,
Because this isn't true, BF1 is just a big playground where you get to fuck around with WW1 era toys.

Come back to me when you've learned English.

>This is meant to be a historical game
Fucking lmao, no

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