>in game with 6 randoms
>one is a girl mercy main
>trash talk her
>the whiteknights jumps to her rescue
>whatever troll the game and move on
>next game the girl and the whiteknight is in premade
In game with 6 randoms
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>playing Overwatch
why are you such a faggot op
Win thread
This one is going straight to the screencap folder
include me in the screencap
all me
>play Overwatch
well the only use to >playing Overwatch
is as a sadomasochistic exercise. there's really no other purpose to it actually.
>in game with 6 randoms
>one is a girl mercy main
>mumble a little bit out of my mic
>they all make fun of me
>w-hatever haha epic troll
>next game the girl and the whiteknight is in premade
fixed the story up a bit for you
>playing Overwatch
Jackie Chan
>playing overwatch
haha it doesn't matter if the chain is broken, we can edit that for the screencap later
I like this thread unironically though
Just some anons shooting the shit with a joke
>playing overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>Not telling the girl she sounds like she weighs 250 lbs.
>playing overwatch
>playing Overwatch
>It's another hurrr you're a girl mercy stop using your pistol
>enemy genji attacks me
>none of these "manly" men help me
>blast genji 9 times
>he dashes to large health
>blast him ten times and kill him
Fuck you faggots.
I'm top 10-100 global mercy in dps stats and I just do it to defend myself
Maybe if you peeled and did your fucking job instead of think your only job is RUN INTO THE ARMS OF MEN maybe I shouldn't have to do my job and your job for you
>NOT playing Overwatch
>NOT NOT playing Overwatch
You sound like a faggot
You think playing Overwatch is a joke? It's a highly cancerous activity and many die every year from high levels of faggotry
Don't even start
That's just because she wants penis. Specifically, my penis. Not ruined by the likes of Overwatch, my penis is especially fragrant due to playing hours of Gwent this evening after masturbating and not taking a shower. The cum and pre buildup under the foreskin fermenting as the cards hit the table, building to an ultimate flavor sensation. I'm sorry to have to tell you this Anonymous, but you don't stand a chance. There's no way she can resist me.
>playing Overwatch
Had a similar experience, on CoD a few years ago.
>Playing cod
>2v2 Search and destroy almost the entire time
>I had just picked up the game so I was pretty fucking terrible at it.
>Getting a feel for the snipers
>some old ass and a girl on the other team
>we play a couple of matches
>constantly lose and they laugh when we tell them we'll be them next match
>but when me and this guy win we talk a shit ton of trash.
>girl starts getting salty because I start to understand the best areas to catch someone off
>for a split second each time I hear "FUCKING WHAT"
>Im feeling diabolical
>she disconnects from just that
>the guy starts telling me Im an asshole and deserve to get my ass kicked
>He sends me messages for like 2 hours straight
>told him his girlfriend's pussy probably smells like a giant bucket of fish
That was my first experience of Call Of Duty, I'll never forget that.
Sorry I don't lie whiney submissive faggots like you that complain about others instead of failing to follow their orders and even go above and beyond the call of duty. I need real tanks and dps I can depend on. Men who don't laugh coyishly in the face of danger and present their bottoms. I bet you see symmetra and run away with your tiny baby weewee flailing between your legs