What was your first console?
What was your first console?
Your mom
Nintendo 64
sega was the first i personally owned
First console was a NES. First game was the shitty Metal Gear port.
FAMICOM. and no not the gray monstrosity.
So, how was this your first console exactly?
gameboy advance with leaf green
NES during the SNES/Genesis era, we were poor.
Bought straight from Japan as a birthday gift when I was a kid. Also not living in the US helps
my dad bought*
This thing. The white parts were black on mine though.
the first console I played were ps1
the first "console" I owned were this piece of shit
Given an NES when I was two and now here I fuckin' am. Thanks a bunch uncle Rob.
Genesis, probably around the time when the PS1 & N64 was out
Gameboy Color with Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Gold. Played the shit out of both of them, but I liked Gold way better.
Sega Master System
N64 or GBA, can't remember which one came first.
Genesis back in 92. Been playing vidya since I was in diapers.
Atari 2600 with Asteroids and Ice Hockey. It was okay.
A N64 was the first one I completely owned, but an SNES was sometimes traded around the immediately family.
my nigga, had Cingular before they got bought by AT&T.
I remember coming back from my first trip to Disneyland and getting an NGage and I think the Sims Bustin' Out? Thanks for the flashback user
One of those brick game monstrosities, clear blue and shaped like a rocket ship. I though it really did have 9999 games and I just had to unlock them.
1993 version of the Sega Genesis. I saved up and bought it myself.
It was fun.
Nigga if you're too dumb to put literally every game available on one card that's your own fault
Until the powerbox blew then it got given to some op shop, never got to see it again. Wonderboy, Shadow of the Beast and Robocop were my shit.
this one if android gaming doesn't count
Shit. I had a Game at.
NES, even tough Ps1 was released a year after i was born.
My dad got a Ps1 when i was around 6 or 7, and that was when i started really playing vidya, between those consoles i had a sega genesis model 1, wich was later replaced by a model 2 when i asked for one on my 10th birthday
NES First game I remember playing and beating was Zelda 2
My first console was a modchipped PS1. Whoever installed it fucked it up though so it'd only play pirated games. We'd have to rent a game, take it home and burn it onto another CD before we could play anything.
Super Nintendo
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I think it's Sega genesis clone. Anyway, it handles original games.