Is this shit a meme or is it actually good? I don't particularly care much for raiding or pvp much anymore...

Is this shit a meme or is it actually good? I don't particularly care much for raiding or pvp much anymore, so how is the story/questing?

Questing is typical fetch shit. Story starts out slow and takes a long time to pick up, then it's decent. Don't play if you have a low tolerance for repetitive tasks.

Story is the main thing going for it.
I enjoy it, but there is a lot of the typical MMO quests, like fetching and going back and forth, etc.

Quests are the worst I've ever seen in a big name MMO.

The delay in actions, forced dismount talking to NPCs, and spotty clicking of items that you're constantly inspecting/picking up makes it very hard to enjoy.

Writing is okay, for an MMO.

A lot of dungeons, many of which you'll see only once.

t. someone who just leveled 1-70, on two jobs.


Are we talking recent WoW levels of decent writing or Star Wars where you actually get to interact instead of just being talked too all day?

Storywise, ARR is pretty eh up till the late part. I like that you start in a different city depending on your starting class and you befriend a different scion/scions due to the difference in location.

HW is mostly good. Expect a bit of facepalming when it comes to the DRG dude making asshat decisions.

Haven't finished SB yet but I've enjoyed the story so far. Muh mhigger gets a bit annoying, but the Doma stuff is good.

You sometimes get a few canned responses but you don't get to make any actual choices. It's still leagues better than WoW's story which happens mostly in books and has absolutely dogshit writing.

Sometimes the choices are pretty fucking funny which is a bonus

SB has been great for the different choices.

>Doing the sidequest where the merchant wants to sell to the Au'Ra tribes but can't get permission from the mute fuckers
>Have to go convince one of them with emotes
>"She might not like this one..."
>It's /dote
>Extremely exaggerated blown kiss because Roe

The combat is so fucking boring. Played for 12 hours and couldn't go on. Just not my thing.

is the blonde girl a virgin


fully intact, unbroken hymen

>Doma stuff is good.
Weeb detected

Get a load of this Mhigger.

p2p model is a huge fraud. 13-15$ to have 8 characters per server. 13$ for ONE character on ONE server.

Usually when you pay more months in advance you pay less. Fuck this game.

Mhigger detected

>wanting more than one character
what's the point

the real fraud would be f2p model
p2p model also has the added benefit of weeding out niggers and literal kids whith no income because good luck convincing momma to pay a subscription fee in the age of f2p garbage

So, if anything, p2p is a blessing and I hope they won't ever abandon this model.

The point of learning the fucking game i guess? It is an MMORPG, you casul. If i go PvP without experiencing any of the other characters i am fucked.

I need the anticipation. But you wouldn't know would you, casul?

>without experiencing any of the other characters
He doesn't know

you clearly know next to dick about FFXIV
congrats fuckwit

you do realize you can level every job on a single character right?

congratulations, you got yourself caught

It's pretty fun but YMMV.

Not that I expect to convince you to come back or excuse it, but the combat at low levels is pretty fuckin terrible on like... almost every class. Essentially once you hit 30 and get a jobstone, most jobs become have the core toolset of their class and become mildly fun, and it's uphill from there.

Pugilist is the only class that kinda gets to be okay quickly, as it gets its core combo system by like level 8.

I spend $25 a month on this game get on my level

With the amount of martial arts and kicking she does i doubt she still has it in tact. Most athletic girls have it broken on its own doing athletic things

just started leveling mch again at 60 to get to 70, what's the rotation now with the changes to ammo and a heat gauge?

also if she ever road a chocobo

the rotation is switch to BRD

>road a chocobo
Nigga wut

He probably meant Rode a chocobo.
Which is the equivalent of riding a horse, you spread your legs wide enough that your hymen can break, supposedly.

It's essentially just do whatever the fuck you want and when you're about to use Wildfire, just flamethrower to put yourself into overheat and then do it. Outside of your opener you probably won't even need to do that.

Or don't do that and just don't overheat, it really doesn't make much of a fucking difference.

it is late and I mixed up homonyms

I see

I assumed you were just using voice to text you dirty phoneposter

If you can't tell Machinist is kind of depressing at the moment. I really would suggest trying something different.

Good, just way too expensive.

if you like themepark MMOs with hotbar combat then it's great
i really like it personally

joke's on you, I guess

>Win 10
>Facebook tab
>Tumblr tab
>Named Vincent
>No gay sex with hats on
No, joke's on you

Don't ask Sup Forums, just download the free demo and see for yourself.

hey man

I just follow a lot of artists


>Katie's comic
>machismo comic
You're alright.

classes are pretty much across the board atrociously boring until 30 and don't cross the border into "fun" until mid 60s-70
leveling takes far too long after you max a single class out because you can't repeat quests
endgame content consists of 6 raid bosses and 3 dungeons and not much else
it's full of weebs literally everywhere, you can't turn a corner without seeing a kirito or a sasuke
you have to fucking dismount to talk to any NPC in the game which is incredibly annoying and will never be fixed
all in all it's a pretty fucking great game, i enjoy it and would recommend it

leveling is way faster after you max your first class, though

maybe a week to 60 then maybe another week for 70

>classes are pretty much across the board atrociously boring until 30 and don't cross the border into "fun" until mid 60s-70
i have the shortest attention span with games usually, and i have no fucking clue how i managed to stick with this one. that said, i quit for a couple of months twice during my first 1-70

I feel you on the weeb names. If they're not named sasuke/kirito, they have some retarded google translated ""Japanese""" surname.

>playing mmo for the story

if they're a lizard or started as one, that's what comes up with random name gen

fine enough, even good for mmo standards
stuck in 2005, even fucking world of warcraft is more modern than the quests in this

You'd best believe I told Alphy this wasn't my fuckin' fight.

>Name shit everywhere
That holds true for every fucking mmo ever
There will ever only be four types of names
>The RP ones
>The funny ones
>The just plane unintelligible
>The unoriginal asshats
Unoriginal asshats are the worst player, and the most stupid people you can ever find.

You know there's a name generator in-game during character creation, right? And that for Raen the names are all transliterations of real-world middleages Japanese names? That and its lore-friendly to give midlander Hyurs Japanese names.

>tfw talking to somebody on a mount used to give you a goddamn error saying it wasn't allowed instead of dismounting you

It's ONLY lore-friendly to use middle-ages Japanese naming schemes for Midlanders if you're roleplaying as a Doman Hyur.
In any other situation it is not lore friendly.

My favourite was "Know beastman that I'll kill your god if I have to. Maybe even if I don't."

>when you deploy biship autoturret and hypercharge and the tank holds the enemies out of the aoe

I'd like for this trend of "The WoL is sick of everyone's shit" to continue.

>4 different yeses
Wow, such choices. Thanks Yoshi.

Everyday, there's something new on the PF

>implying that every other catgirl doesn't have a shitty nip name

i'm really mad they didn't have anything along these lines for yugiri's idiotic plan in yanxia

Raen Au Ra (the light horned ones) have old Japanese names for their naming convention.

Xaela Au Ra (the dark horned ones) have old Mongolian names for their naming convenion.

(The other naming conventions:
Highlander Hyur (taller swarthier ones) have medieval Germanic and Normandic names for their naming convention.

Midlander Hyur (shorter fairer ones) have medieval Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, and Briton names for their naming convention.

Both Elezen have faux-French names; males tend to have longer names with silent endings of -x, -t, or -d, females tend to have shorter names with endings -ne, -ette, -elle, or extended vowels like -ie.

Miqo'te Seekers of the Sun have 26 tribes, and will always begin with the letter and an apostrophe for their tribe. Males only have two "family" names- either Tia, which indicates that they are not a breeding male, or Nunh, which indicates that they are a breeding male. Each tribe generally only has one breeding male at a time, though larger tribes may have multiple (usually a 1:50 ratio of Nunhs to females). Nunhs are not often the leaders of their tribe. Females have the first name of their father as their "family" name (That is, without the tribal prefix). So Y'shtola Rhul is Shtola of the Y Tribe, daughter of Y'ruhl Nunh.

Miqo'te Keepers of the Moon tend to have smaller tribes, and are named along matriarchal lines rather than patriarchal. Females tend to have shorter names, but unique names. Males have their mother's names, except with a suffix on their surname indicating their order of birth: In order from first to tenth- 'a, 'to, 'li, 'sae, 'ra, 'ir, 'wo, 'ya, 'zi, 'tan. So a mother might be named Cemi Jinjahl, while her second son would be name Cemi'to Jinjahl. (It's rare that there are more than two or three boys per mother)

Lalafell have patterned names.
Plainsfolk, the normal-eyed of the two, have an AB - CB scheme for males (Alka Zolka) and a ABB - AB scheme for females (Ulala Ula).

Dunesfolk, the pupil-less ones (has to do with natural protection against desert sands), have males with an AAB - CCB pattern, with A and C being one syllable (sometimes rhyming) and B being two (sometimes appearing as one because of in-world language drift); Momomena Lolomena. Females have an AAB - AB pattern, both one syllable; Tataru Taru. (Royals have their house in the middle; Nanamo Ul Namo)

Roegadyn names are all Descriptor + Noun convention; Sea Wolves use their native tongue (which is kind of a Norse/Welsh feel) and have family names that are basically "son/daughter of dad's name" (-syn or -wyn). Hellsguard use Eorzean tongue (so translated to English for our benefit) and forgo a family name.

Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn= Merl (Sea) + Wyb (Woman) Bloe (Blue) + Fhis (Fish) + Wyn (Daughter)= Sea Wife, daughter of Blue Fish.

>naming your daughter Sea Wife
what a guy

Can I be a healer i this game? Can I make clothes for people? Can I be a chef and cook for people?

These are important to me playing an mmo.

Yes, yes, yes

Are you talking about Stormblood or the entire game?

Quests are mostly very generic. You may enjoy them just for the sake of learning more about the world but they don't have you doing anything interesting gameplay wise. For story, let's see...

ARR is kinda in the middle. The story isn't terrible but the writing is incredibly padded and you will most likely find it to be a slog unless you are immediately really interested in the setting and wanting to learn everything about the world. The best things about it in my opinion are Gaius who is a pretty good villain and the buildup to Heavensward because some real shit goes down.

Heavensward is just fucking great. Shitty characters fuck off, great new ones are introduced, you get to go on a genuine adventure to unseen mystical lands and the bros you are traveling with make for a fantastic dynamic of characters. The pacing is way WAY better and genuine feels will be had. I get goosebumps from thinking back on Heavensward's story, at least for the Dragonsong War part, I just loved it so much. I don't really want to say much more, just know that it is a big improvement from ARR.

And then we have Stormblood which is just a piece of shit. For the villains we can throw understandable goals and motivations right out of the window. Fuck charisma too, no one needs that. Let's just have a fucking cartoon villain that masturbates to "hate" and the "thrill of combat", that's SO badass! So evil! It'll be the best villain ever! I let my 12 year old son write this villain! But the bad guys aren't the only shitty characters. Lyse is perhaps even worse. The main gal of the expansion is the most vapid, poorly developed, useless fucking cunt that could possibly have dragged herself along with you throughout Stormblood.

I was about to go into a massive rant about this but I'm running out of text so TLDR: ARR is okay, you may like it or hate it, HW is great, if you don't like it you're shit, and SB fucking blows.

>Sea wife
So THAT'S why she's the best

>Shitty characters fuck off
But Alphenaud is a large part of stormblood

Err, heavensward

The choices don't make a difference, they're just there to give your character some flavor.


one character in SB makes up for everything else though

Well that's a whole lot less scions than we had to put up with before isn't it? I think Alphinaud improved a lot from 3.1 to 3.5 anyway. I used to hate him in ARR but I kinda like him now, he's an alright lil fella. It's a shame they had to put Alisae in the spotlight for SB, she was almost as bad as Lyse was.

She really is. I wish Thancred was around more.


Best mmo on the market. No, really. What that says about the mmo market is not flattering.

did wesker do this to her

>Susanoo loves fighting
>WoL was arguably who summoned him.
>Primals take after the mental state of their summoner.

Yeah you can say it is because he is the lord of Revel and have fun time doing ANYTHING, but why would he go for "LET'S FIGHT TO THE DEATH" immediately if not for WoLs influence when the Blue Kojin said the treasure Kami would let you leave without a fight.

the Blue Kojin were rusing us

Man I wish we could get some statistics on this, I wanna know how many people chose the fourth option.

How do I get "friends" in the game?
You can do most stuff by yourself and everything else is instanced.

Just be yourself

Float from FC to FC and try to find a decent comfy group to just hang around with. I know this sounds retarded considering where we are, but try to go out of your way to run stuff with others when you've found a decent group. As you've said, most stuff can be solo'd anyway and that's not gonna change anytime soon.

Join linkshells and an FC, people put ads in the party finder thing under the other tab all the time for recruits/social

Join a FC or Hunt LS.

Just because you CAN do shit yourself doesn't mean you should, teaming up gets shit done faster and with better success rate, always check with you FC before doing Duty Finder, you would suprised at how many Tanks/Healers are willing to join in on the old shit and cut out the wait time and ensure you get Content disrespecting pulls/The AoE/Healing to do such pulls while letting you watch cutscenes at your leisure, unlike DF groups.

>not fl@
fuck off

I just finished HW main story and I bought a set of Shire gear

Is it worth upgrading it (whatever the method may be) or should I just continue on into SB?


it's barely even worth buying since you get i255 gear from the first SB quests and i260 from the first dungeon

Thanks, I had enough poetics for 95% of Shire gear so I'm glad I didn't have to grind hard for this shit either.

Gonna do the HW after story quests. Does it suck as much as ARR's? That took too long and was boring as fuck

Those are both worse than upgraded shire gear. Upgrading now only costs 100 poetics per item.

Stormblood gear wont start to outclass upgraded Shire gear until Violet Tides, and not in any meaningful way until Bardam's Mettle.

HW's post story is half "why should I care about this" and half "this is fucking amazing"

Where/How do you upgrade it then?

or you could spend the poetics on something else, I dunno. A relic or something. Getting Shire gear is pointless since you start getting gear that outclasses the un-upgraded version at 62

Same NPC you bought it from. Under the Wondrous Sundries tab.

Darkest Gobdip upgrades weapons, Darkest Carbontwine upgrades armor, Darkest Carboncoat upgrades accessories