pls no memes
legitimately curious as to what it's like
pic unrelated
pls no memes
legitimately curious as to what it's like
pic unrelated
Other urls found in this thread:
>Work long hours
>Put together something beautiful
>Corporate tells you to scrap it all and turn it into generic garbage so the chads will buy it
>Ruin your product
>Get death threats because people aren't happy with the product
>Corporate blames you and fires you
>Move to next company
its okay i guess
No, I just cover the industry.
If you want to work in video game industry and you also don't want to go insane NEVER work for bigger companies.
Make indie games instead, and if you want to get rich, never try to do your best, because making your games popular is just a matter of luck, but you still have to make your games good enough.
Make your games playable, release 1 game per year, and you should be fine financially.
Graphic designer for blizzard.
And no I don't shill for them, I came here before working for them.
I'm a design lead and programmer for a small indie studio. It can be pretty amazing when everything clicks and you're able to see a ton of progress, but much of the time it can be grueling, especially since we can't afford to hire as many people as we'd like (currently have 8 people but we'd love to expand into about 15-20 at some point, and eventually focus on the AA market but that's a long way off, if ever), and so everyone's got to pick up the slack. Deadlines can be horrifying, very long hours, most of us don't really see our families as much as we'd like which is also doubly bad for the three parents on the team because we try and take care of everyone as best we can, including their family's needs.
The thrill of shipping a product is immense, but then the post support starts which can frankly be a little annoying when you just want to be done with a project. We've done some of our best work with post-launch content though so I am proud of that.
Overall I'd definitely suggest going for the indie route if you're interested in vidya, I once worked with Ubisoft and it was soul crushing. Indie is more creatively rewarding by far, though it's really risky unless you get lucky. We've done alright for ourselves so far. Mobile is a good way to get some experience and quick money, but it's as soulless as AAA corporate wasteland.
Its hard. Require a lot of hard work and study. Extremely difficult to get into. Once in the industry you work your ass off for penauts because if you complain you will be replaced instantly with someome else.
Oh yeah and every two 40h weeks there is a crouching week with over 60h in it (extra hours not payed of course.)
Worked 3 years at two fairly large companies. Crunch time is very real and is constant. The salaries are lower than average for the skills required, and work out to an absurdly low rate once you factor in all the additional hours. No game developer pays over time, they pay time in lieu, which might not be so bad normally, except you can never get time off approved since it's always crunch time, so your saved up hours are basically useless. There are no pay rises, only promotions, and if there's not a place to promote you to, you're stuck where you are. I know dudes who programmed tools on 35k AUD for 5 years. It's an incredibly cutthroat industry, very difficult to move up in, and has massive problems with people employing their friends/family over more qualified people. Massive problems with 'pet projects' - designers who have an idea and to not waver from it. There's been companies sunk because of this.
That said, I've seen plenty of guys and gals sit in dead end gaming jobs and love every minute of it. If you're single, lead a fairly spartan lifestyle and really honest to god just love fucking programming for programming's sake, or whatever the artist equivalent is, or just have that many stars in your eyes about the whole thing, then maybe give it a shot. If you're after a creative outlet and want to have input into a game, these days you'd be better off developing as a hobby and trying to get something greenlit. I know I definitely enjoyed developing games with friends in university, but there was basically no correlation between that and working in industry, totally different experiences.
Eventually I got into the serious games/simulation industry, which I found much more interesting, since teams are usually smaller and projects are more varied and have more capital proportional to personnel. So day to day the work was quite similar, but with far better employment conditions.
Yep. I'm about to go in shower, so ama and I'll answer when I get out.
Hahaha rigger at Blizzard here, what is your name? I might know you
My dad works at Nintendo
I'm one of the network technicians for Netherrealms Studios if that counts
I don't do anything involving the games I just keep the network at the office running and occasionally order supplies
The only "in the know" thing I knew about was Triborg when MKX came out because the guys knew I was a Cyrax main
I've been trying to get someone to talk about Manta but they've been tight lipped
Destroying your childhood working for mercurysteam for almost a decade
So you are like Finn from Star Wars?
I was looking at the progress of Revolution 60 a few months ago
All the Tweets Wu made in regards to its progress
Constant work she was apparently putting in (though not really since it delayed almost non stop despite being "next to ready")
I can only imagination how long does project has been with it and how much this must have meant to it
That feeling of pouring your soul into a piece of a work, desperately hoping it picks up traction and some people might like it
That game has an all time score of 2 concurrent players and no one has played it in the past 8 days.
In the past 3 months it's only been played 15 times.
How does feel?
lots of normies and suits these days
I work as a freelancer artist in several indie studios.
The pay is decent, I choose my working hours. It's not bad.
I am EA
I do. No indieshit either.
Its allright.
Designer at a fairly big publisher
I did from 2009 to 2013, right after the indie boom.
Modeled some of the 3D graphics of a game you probably played around that time.
It was a nightmare from beggining to end. Worst working environment I've ever seen. Cool people there, but the bussiness side is as pushing and stressful as it gets.
Would not recommend.
>35k AUD for 5 years
Jesus Christ.
Why not just go on Centrelink at that point?