Russell Brower laid off from Blizzard

>As the company has grown, the topography of the Sound team has adjusted accordingly, and the last couple of years have been no exception," he wrote. "With the success of a 'sound de-centralization' initiative, my current position of overall Sr. Audio Director/Composer is no longer relevant and is being eliminated.

sounds pretty scary honestly

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If pic isn't next, the furry gestapo is real.

Literally who?

>an American music composer and three-time Emmy Award-winning[1][2][3] sound designer who has created sounds for Tiny Toon Adventures, Animaniacs and Batman: The Animated Series, and video game music for games including Joint Operations, World of Warcraft, Starcraft II and Diablo III.

Well he can suck my nuts

hed do it too now that hes homeless

translation: we're big enough to get Hollywood composers for more ((((levity)))).

Expect full-on capeshit soundtracks in whatever's next from WeHollywoodNSheiyt the Game Company

>sounds pretty scary honestly

It does? How?

Sup Forums forgot that if it isnt some idiotic slant eye, the weebs will claim "literally who" on everything.

>some bearded white guy in an industry that's 99% bearded white guys lost his job


Diablo 3 music succk balls ass dick penis

Blizzard music was never fucking good I can think of one memorable song and that's when you kill the fat fuck on the top of the first waypoint in Act V of diablo II holy shit

The rest are just memorable because they get stuck in your fucking head like the warcraft II music.

They're fucking ActiBlizz with retarded Naughty Dog/FF-tier budgets just hire John Williams and be done with it imo desu.

Blizzard are the ones who are lesser for this drastic mistake. Another company should act quickly to get Brower into a contract to compose for a game series. This is a huge opportunity for someone like M$, EA, Ubishit or Sony (the folks that would usually dole out the big bucks for things like this) to try and get some top-tier music for a heavy hitter

Imagine if Brower did the OST for that Spider-Man game they're doing for ps4, or the next Last of Us or Halo

Loss of creative control and singular vision when it comes to sound design and music. Get ready for generic template hollywood-esque garbage

Sounds like he's glad to be moving on to other projects.

You don't start a "sound decentralization initiative" unless somebody senior was complaining about being overworked. Now his time is freed up to relax and focus on whatever he feels like doing next.

Sucks for him, Blizzard has really gone down the shitter and now they're trimming everything they can to save $$$ since every franchise they own is currently dying.

What's up with the modern hate against white males?

He was quite good, fucking blizzard can't stop ruining their games, how long until we get a Mass Effect Andromeda from blizzard?

Zionists pushing culrural marxism

They know they'd get WoW: Andromeda if they tried making WoW 2.

What we'll get instead is Hearthstone 2 on mobile first, and that will be the countdown to the end.

so nobody?

>Blizzard music was never fucking good
This is probably the most contraion thing I've ever read on Sup Forums.

>Some Xenomorph loses his job, word "gets out".
Stop oppressing the Xenomorphs, we're all equal, but he's much braver and better than you.

Good luck citing a single example without coming off a total Blizzcuck or Tolkienfag.

this is worse than when i found out John Romero has to work at a gas station nowadays to make ends meet

That user is a retard, but I think it's worth mentioning this guy Brower only started working at Blizzard after vanilla WoW launched.

he looks like jeff bridges and john goodman had a child together

>I heard it when I was a kid so it's good
mmmm, sorry sweetie

this is worse than the time a tripfag repeated a stale meme

That's fine but WoW has phenomenal music.

>muh grizzly hills nostalguh comfy
so bland they made it the hold music for customer service

ERPfag pls go

Keep grasping kids.

>m-muh taste in music is fucking superior haha git rekt!!! xDD
Shouldn't you be in bed right now, young man?

Companies always lay off unneeded management after a reorganisation. He probably got an insane payout anyway.

I dont know why people on Sup Forums expect game developers to stay in the same company all their life.

I don't care.

>With the success of a 'sound de-centralization' initiative
What the fuck does that mean?

Why would you ever play a Blizzard game? Serious question.

>Nobody bought the Necromancer or gave a shit about HotS 2.0
>Fire the sound guy to make up for it
Real nice Activision.

>Loss of creative control and singular vision
Sounds like the opposite of what happened in Blizzard

What happened then?

Have the poo's do it.

You can break it down to its components and still be wrong about GH being an objectively good score.

It's a melodic mosaic of chordal identity crises. A beacon of nonfunctional harmonic dissonance. Is it a string piece? Bagpipe accompaniment in the B section with a 2 chord vamp why?

The whole score is a disaster, likely due to feedback of wanting it to sound like multiple sources (nature documentary/celtic influence/country tones, etc.).

It's the kind of blase disjointed lack of resonance that plebians seek in Hollywood scores and Hiroyuki Sawano pieces on Sup Forums. It's a disaster and you should feel bad for liking it.

I'm still crying to figure our what
>With the success of a 'sound de-centralization' initiative
Mean, but me best guess is that with a "'de-centralization' initiative" they mean that they want their sound like centralized meaning it should allow for more creative control and less singular vision.

You don't hear about the other ones. Just the upper managers squawking to stroke their egos.

Neoblizz is probably a revolving door for everyone else now like most game companies.

>analyzing it on a faux-compositional level
that means every orchestral song past the 20th century is garbage you pretentious fucking cunt
hint: he's an order of magnitude better than Nobuo Uematsu or any jap orchestral kitsch

Blizzard used to be my favorite company but after WoW was released i knew it would go to shit. Now it's just a mockery of what it once was. I hope they die faster.

>Diablo 3

The fucking faggot deserved it.

Good riddance.

That's not Jeremy Soule so why should I care?

Karazhan would have to disagree Khadgar

How will they spin shit like this in their next earnings call?

>Music department progress up 1400% year over year! (sorry cant disclose hiring/firing figures)
>Biggest department progress in the history of music studios ever of all time in the history of everything
>DICE nominated for game best department progress vs. Bethesda and Gearbox

>remix the same song every 5 years

>i knew it would go to shit
I too have a crystal ball

Pretty sad. WoW music is iconic.

His best work isn't even elder scrolls.

I don't have a crystal ball, maybe you need one if you are a moron.

>The rest are just memorable because they get stuck in your fucking head like the warcraft II music.
I stand by this for kara too. And KEK for listening to it on loop for 40 minutes while your retarded tank waited for cooldowns to refresh after the 18th wipe of the night on Moroes.

Did he make this?


Sam makes best Pandass

I'll miss you, Russell

>melodic mosaic of chordal identity crises
>beacon of nonfunctional harmonic dissonance
>blase disjointed lack of resonance
Those are some hot buzzwords, user, but you're still wrong and it's pretty clear by your rebuttal that it's making you upset that not just myself but thousands of people disagree with your conceited approach to music. Much to your dismay, I find it enjoyable and I'm not alone. It doesn't need to be a compositional masterpiece - regardless of what you might think (which is pretty amusing coming from a guy who apparently thinks that nature documentaries are a source of musical inspiration) - to be well received by it's listeners and to provide a clear and distinct audible experience. Music in Warcraft provides a unique and immediately recognizable thematic note. It does this very well in nearly every one of it's dozens of zones, dungeons, castles and cities. You would be hard pressed to find a more diverse, yet equal in fidelity, soundtrack to a video game.

Inb4 Danny Elfman and the assorted puns

He didn't make music for Warcraft RTS, StarCraft , or Diablo II the only Blizzard games with good music so he didn't really matter.

Well that sucks. It's one of the most iconic themes for a western game in the past decade.

Guarantee this is an excuse to get a diversity hire or ship his job off to India.
When will the white man fight back? They took everything else from you, now they're coming after your videogames.

Neil Acree, Jason Hayes and Russell Brower are all credited for it.

WoW's music never really stood out to me, but it always did its job of conveying the ambiance, and he's clearly got a lot of fans. This is a disappointment, but not particularly unexpected for Acti-blizz to consistently become worse over time.

Why would you post a picture of grass and mountain? I already saw a picture of brick wall and that didn't make any sense.

It didnt stand out to you because your a pleb. With a walnut sized brain.

WoW OST is really good though. I don't know if he did this but it's good anyways.

>tfw faggot composer of Gothic series still didn't released his fucking "Journey' album

I just need more of music like this.

Opposite of what is happening: they will have to play more now (more People invovled) since all of their games are successful

You know not all songs are meant to stand out and notice them before the thing they're supporting right?

aw man, the WoW music has been consistently great.
like the only part that never suffered in any expansion.

The fixpoint of hate for literally everyone, feminists, brown people, you name it. You can thank liberals for this.

To me, this was WoW. This is what separated WoW from the rest. It

you have shit taste retard

Damn, the WoW team is fucking dead.

That's not him though

using sweetie ya you are subhuman tumbletard go back you're pit subhuman you have no value here or anyone for that matter

>Guarantee this is an excuse to get a diversity hire or ship his job off to India.
That's pretty much exactly what he implies when he says de-centralizing.

>tfw some of the best tracks come from the Cinematics

He didn't work on vanilla.


Plus whatever he did as sound director which is a question mark.

Thanks for proving yourself incorrect you fucking retard.

Guess you can't even read.

that's just like your opinion man

who /echoesofwar/ here

Haven't played the game since cataclysm but the music's still good.

He didn't compose this, and this is the essential WoW piece

So you got as far as seeing 'Burning Crusade opening theme' and didn't look 5cm lower and see the vanilla music he worked on, you fucking retard.

ahh shit man, fuck that brings back memories, what a great soundtrack

fuck, I feel like resubbing now


I think Jason Hayes made a lot more of the iconic music from WoW, like for example, and the Stormwind theme. Both of those songs make me feel really nostalgic about old WoW.

They were both good composers though.

thought for sure this would be the theme for cata at the time:

>make a really good music track for WoW
>it never gets used in-game

how come nobody knows any songs then

I think they used this in the trailers all the time.

That guy is a legend.

Why would you get rid of someone like him? Do they want bad music?

They want cheap music. People are too dumb to call out shit music.