Nomura explains why he's obsessed with Belt'nzippers and will never stop
>“That was my preference back when I first designed the characters, so 15 years ago,”
>“At that time, people teased me about zippers and belts and whatnot and I’m the type of person if somebody eggs me on I’m gonna do it more! Nowadays, I’m not as conscious about adding them in,” he noted.
>“I’m not the type of person that would shrink down when people tease me about it,”
>“I’m gonna fight back! I’m gonna go back at it and do it more.So, if people egg me on saying ‘oh, Kingdom Hearts III is delayed’ well, I might even delay it further! (laughs)”
What a loony madman designer he is


Other urls found in this thread:

>people sad he delays a game
>Oh you think THATS a delay! the upcoming delay will really get you going!
How does he keep getting away with it?

Just how many fucking interviews has he done in the past week?

I see all the belts, but which designs have too many zippers?

a lot

He give Lulu so many belts specifically because he could and to see how far he can push the 3D modelers.

He's always been kinda of a dick like that.

Heartless are made of zippers.

I thought they were made out of hearts

>made of hearts

I love him. I love creators that don't give a fuck. That's why I love Ridley Scott and James Cameron. You fucking loathed Avatar? Here's 5 sequels, you absolute cunt. You're going to like my universe or else, kid.

Nobodies are empty bodies

What FF characters if any do you want in KH3? Desu I'm fine with what we've got, maybe let Tidus, Wakka and Selphie appear again as young adults.

Give me bartz and we are set

Bartz or Gilgamesh would be good fun.

I'll take anyone as long as it isn't fucking Lightning.

Oh god, now I'm worried Lightning is gonna replace Sephiroth as the 2hard4u bonus boss. Wasn't there an interview about them discussing whether Sephiroth will be back the third time or not?


Heartless are made of hearts and nobodies are made of bodies


>if people egg me on saying ‘oh, Kingdom Hearts III is delayed’ well, I might even delay it further! (laughs)”

Seymour and Kuja as the game's Beavis and Butthead.

you gotta admit though, sora had a shit load of belts and zippers in kh2. Probably had over 30 belts alone on every piece of clothing he was wearing

I unironically want Noctis and Sora to have a rivalry


Jecht and I want him to bully Tidus and I want to fight him

holy shit this guy was lowkey based all this time now i hope it never comes out the mad assed man

>Heartless don't have bodies and Nobodies don't have hearts
Pure pottery

Exactly why he should just be the art guy not the design guy, like back when they were still squaresoft. Its not just the belts and zippers hes just a bad designer for everything but enemies maybe.

>doubling down on the belts and zippers
the absolute madman

The best XV character.

Maybe Alphinaud since he is arguably the second Main Character of XIV after ARR, even when he is in the background like SB he is still failry relevant, unlike the other scions, but im no idiot, if a XIV character gets in it would be Y'sthola.

And that is a pretty big if since Nomura gone on record to say he basically only uses characters he designed.

if you going to pull the trigger on the MMO games, then it would have to shantotto from XI, she represents 2 games technically since she showed up in XIV for meme points

Probably, But...

I hate Shantotto vigorously, i don't know why, i just do, sh is to m,e what Korra is to Sup Forums i only want to see her as a broken potatococksleeve.

Gotta keep avoiding developing KH3 somehow.

Sabin as a replacement for Sephiroth as a superboss.

Balthier at minimum. If he's the only representative of FFXII I'll be happy. Also maybe BASCH FON RONSENBERG OF DALMASCA.

let me guess he uses suplex on your stupid disney theme park ride if you try to summon it? xd memes am i right?

After Alien Covenant I am fully convinced Ridley Scott is senile. You can't make a movie that stupid unintentionally.

Also The Martian was disgustingly saccharine. If you actually distilled Reddit into a movie that would be it.

So the trick is to keep sending him messages that we want him to keep making games to get him to stop?

Fuck the train suplex meme, Sabin is just a general badass that held up a burning building and kh has a habit of pussifying any ff character that isn't Sephiroth or Cloud

>all these FF X babbies
Terra you fucking niggers

To be honest: Lightning will probably get to enjoy not being pussified as would Shantotto, because Shantotto's whole shtick/character is basically being a unbeatable rhyming Mary Sue and you can bet you ass that would be enforced even in KH, Sabin was a badass, but he had more to him then just being one.

That said, my ideal inclusion of Lightning would just have her as a grumpy Radiant Garden guardsman, basically her Pre-XIII self.

I think it'd be funny to lean into what Lightning has become, rather than what she was intended to be. A well-meaning but completely awkward person who wants to be liked/popular but only has one real fan.

will she hand out Toblerones?