Still playing wrpgs

>still playing wrpgs

explain yourself.

1 outta those 4 is a good game.

On both sides

every game you listed is pure trash, sounds more like an argument to not play RPGs.

I fucking hate anime style

I don't like the cheesy childish artstyles, anime tropes, and completely predictable cliche stories that every eastern RPG has

Put more effort into your Paint images breh

>le super cool kid contrarian face xD

Brown & green vs Silver and colour


The games you mentioned are either meh or shit. Play more rpgs you faggot.


The majority of both WRPGs and JRPGs are both terrible, Japan just happens to make good ones more frequently.

Why do fucking normies who hate anime come to a website where anime is fucking everywhere. Shouldn't you be on Facebook or Reddit or something?

>Putting the Avatar with other WRPG shit characters
Fuck you, the Avatar was great until EA happened.

The thing that this image reminds me of in regards to JRPGs is that they can do completely ridiculous concepts, like Persona for example, but play it off completely serious and create a better tone because of it, but WRPGs can't, see modern Fallout for example, who's concept has litterally been diluted into "le wacky freaky 50's XD lmao"

>le if they don't like the trash I posted they're le contrarian and le edgy xD

JRPGs are, with the exceptions of Matsuno's games, all poorly written without exception
you can't have read more than 5 novel in your life and take a JRPG seriously if you aren't underage
and I'm not saying that because the plots can be childish, the prose is just terrible and the overall story extremely poor and devoid of meaning or try too hard to be "deep" but ends up being an unpolished mess

I have played more than a hundred of jRPGs in the past and I can say that wRPGs are definitely better (even if they may be lacking gameplay wise, Fallout 1 is trash because of this) even if I finished less than 10 of them

Fuck off with your waifu/pedo bait garbage you porn addicted manchild

3rd game being described is suikoden 2?

What game is that third one on the top?

That's okay user, that just means they have lots of room to tackle difficult real world problems like being transgender or how capitalism is destroying the West.

Look I can confirmation bias too.

only 1 of those games are good on both sides and I dont even need to name them. you should already know.

What is this a picture for ants?

but is telling a story about that, in the end, fun?

>every japanese rpg is pedobait porn
Fucking retard.

NV is good but Xenoblade definitely isn't

>implying any of them are good

oh fuck right off, I used to play wrpgs all the time when I only had my 360 and all of them are fucking trash, with awful, stiff gamelay to boot. It's usually their settings that are unique, but nothing else. Like Fable.

>mfw one game on the left, NV is infinitely more replayable than everything on both the right and the left. MFW it still creates discussion 7 years later.

Most of them are, yeah. Chink fever should be considered a mental illness, the only reason you fags play these absolutely terrible :"games" is to simulate the love you never felt.

>NV is good
Obsidrone discarded

I agree with everything on the right but you're scraping for the bottom of the barrel for still defending wrpgs

No. But their Marxist video game design professor and the Marxists who work in the video game rating agencies will utterly trash your RPG if it isn't full of good, progressive values. It baffles me that people still buy western games, they're just Marxist indoctrination machines.

>only had my 360

found your problem
and it's not really better today, I'd say there isn't more than a single good wRPG per year, the rest of them are trash

a lot of other genres are also suffering from the death of videogames as an artistic medium though

>all these assumptions and projecting

Most WRPGS are boring, bland, and uninteresting. They haven't captured my attention as well as JRPGS have done.

>The Witcher 2 is a western RPG now.

Damn.. how do you fuck that up so bad..

end yourself

Is that why Sup Forums is clogged up with weeb porn 24/7? There's so many yellow fever boards for you fags to go to but you still shit up Sup Forums spamming your pedo garbage everywhere. You can't enjoy a videogame unless it has some waifu bait shit for you to jerk it to. That's mental illness, sorry

>shitting on Malik

>Even remotely implying Neptunia is worth playing
Even if you're shitposting, you should do humanity a favor and jump into the nearest natural disaster.

I can only think of Persona 5 that came out recently


why do you spend time on a chink cartoon website if you are so put off by Mongolian slideshows?
you have to go back you baka ass nigga


JRPGS are for lonely virgins who like to jerk off to depictions of underage girls. Literally 90% or more of JRPGS have some kind of perma-virgin bait like this.

I am playing Dragonfall right now.

I like VNs.

It's still the best site to discuss videogames on. I just filter the trash and move on most of the time
Yeah yeah Sup Forums is le anime colony because it started as a site to discuss anime on wew haven't heard of this argument before. Sites evolve, moot doesn't even watch anime anymore (not to mention he left *hint hint) and you are still a manchild.

>It baffles me that people still buy western games, they're just Marxist indoctrination machines.
What exactly is Marxist about Grand Theft Auto V or DOOM?



Doesn't exist. Spastics not understanding that jrpg is an actual genre, not necessarily a note of origin.

Thinking about this, Japanese games even do progressive themes better than western games. If a character in a jRPG is gay or something it's just part of their character. Meanwhile in western games:


WRPGs have no subtlety.

The one on the right still beats out the one on the left though

Way to prove him right

So you want a math game instead of a ROLE playing game like the pic on the bottom. Good fucking job retard

Excellent choice of forum to be posting on then, here's a (you)

>dark souls

Who hyped for the GOTY in September?

Why does the same weeb make the same thread daily?

>sites evolve
The site is still the same as it was before retard. you just came here to a place full of shit you don't like and then you bitch about it. There's a billion places on the internet for you to talk about videogames -without muh anime boogeyman- and yet you come here. Fuck off to one of those other sites or better yet, kill yourself and never reproduce so that we don't get more morons like you.

>Grand Theft Auto V
If you tried really hard you could make a case that it shows how vile and corupted capitalism society is and therefore present it as communism propaganda
communists don't like religion, therefore it's your job to remove any traces that could prove existance of otherwordly forces

>Generic female protagonist meant so show how progressive they are.

It's called a fetish. Japanese love strong females with optimal boob sizes

>There's a billion places on the internet for you to talk about videogames -without muh anime boogeyman- and yet you come here.
They're no anonymous, though.
I come to Sup Forums to get away from the baggage of user names and reg dates and post histories and all the pointless crap that distracts from just wanting to talk about shit.

>sites evolve

No, fucking normalfags flock to sites where they don't belong and then piss and moan about the native population. You fucking people are the Muslims of this website.


Yeah, moot went off to have a gf and got openly chucked by some brown man. He also doesn't own the site anymore. Some guy called Hiroyuki does, sounds very Japanese to me.

Western devs don't like playing stories straight. Jap devs played DRs story straight-faced. Western devs kept moving it to silly until you wind up with the wacky zombie killing adventures of Frank West in DR4.

RPGs used to be hardcore maths, they were essentially D20 games on PC. Stats and probability should be a huge part of a decent RPG.


Pick one and only one. Skyrimjob is a fucking content roller coaster, there's no roleplaying to be had there.

I started playing Fallout 4 again with a luck build and sawed off shotgun
and im having fun

>Eryth Sea
God tier taste user, may you and your family have a wonderful life ahead of you

Kill yourself

I envy your ability to enjoy such thoroughly mediocre and at times outright shit gameplay. Really would open a lot of opportunities for me.

Name eleven games that do this
>hard mode: no bioware

They both suck now a days.

What used to be a genre where you figured out your way through the world using different builds and characters to try and figure out the plot they've become extremely linear on rails cinematic experiences where in the past your character might want to step back and do some side quests and get some new equipment the game just scales the challenge to your level rather then challenge you directly.

Red Dead Redemption is a great wrpg that redeems the genre.

>witcher western
dont group supreme slav magic with western rpgs together!

I like both, as long as it's turnbased.

PC doesn't have any JRPGs worth playing that aren't ports of extremely old games. Western games exist only because we PC bros don't have a choice at all; had PC not been a viable market, the west would die and Japan would conquer the industry.

So Chrono Trigger Xenoblade and the the last to are?

get that chie garbage out of here

>RPGs used to be hardcore maths, they were essentially D20 games on PC. Stats and probability should be a huge part of a decent RPG.

Roll a D20, if the result is equal or superior to THAC0 minus the enemy Armor Class it's a hit.

Wow, so complex. My head almost exploded from doing basic math.

>minus the enemy Armor Class
You didnt need to put this since you already said THAC0, fucking casual.


I think the third is a FF and the last is Persona 4.

Holy fuck Chie is the most breedable tomboy.

THAC0 means To Hit Armor Class Zero. If the AC is not zero you need to do the sum, retard. Have you even played ADnD?


Are you retarded?

WRPG, JRPG, who cares? First person dungeon crawlers a best.

I only play vidya for the stories, boss fights and gameplay that's more complicated than "press a to swing sword" scares me.

Chie please be my wife please please please be my wife PLEASE CHIE I WANT YOU TO BE MY WIFE


>being Normie because you dislike anime
Anime is fucking Normie tho.
Anime visuals are just childish and Over-exaggerated.

>final fantasy XV on future
Hindsight is a bitch

Well what lies to the west of the US? Fucking Japan. So is that also a western country?
(but really calling the Witcher western, is fucking retarded.)