What videogames do stereotypical fedorafags tend to enjoy?

What videogames do stereotypical fedorafags tend to enjoy?

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Entry level weebshit like Tales of, Danganronpa, Persona.

Life is strange
All games that can be described as story>gameplay (does not mean that story is good)

PC masterrace -tier shit

At least know what you're talking about before embarrassing yourself you genZ faggot

Anything made by Valve

Console games mostly. The typical fedorafag plays exclusively on Vita and/or PS4.

"movies" like LiS, Heavy rain, and others with no gameplay. JRPG's and other jap games.

you're favorite games

>butthurt typical fedorafag and "le 90's kid"
Thats the proof of moviegames are fedoramagnets.


Heres a conversation I had with someone who actually wears a fedora.
>PC is the best platform hands down user
>I know, but I dont play that many games to warrant spending that much on buying a good PC to be honest, I can play everything I like alread-
>ohh youre a casual, tsk, why do you even play games then
>what do you mean?
>tsk, consoles are cancer, PC is literally the only way to play videogames properly, instead of playing CoD you could play Overwatch, its like CoD but better
>I dont play CoD, havent in years. Isnt Overwatch on consoles?
>Consoles. Hehehe.
>He just shakes his head and giggles to himself while other co workers in the room shoot awkward glances at eachother
This was a lunchroom conversation we had, he fucking greentext in real life, this is what a fedorafag talks like. Dont get me wrong, owning a PC doesnt make you a fedorafag, but the reason for owning one and how you act about owning one definitely can.

Japanese. Anime-esque. Waifu Bait. Games where you can choose to play as a girl. Older games that suck compared to games these days, that fedoras claim to be GOAT and if you don't like it you have shite taste.

Steve... why're you posting about me bro? I thought we were ftiends.

>What videogames do stereotypical fedorafags tend to enjoy?
posting on Sup Forums

Life is Strange

Planescape: Torment
Chrono Trigger
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines

5 nights at Freddy's

JRPGs, indie games, early access survival sandboxes


Anyone who said this is just plain wrong.

Fedoras go for japanese games, especially ones that show nudity.

I used to be a fedora, so hear me out.

Anime fighters
Anime rpgs
Mass Effect
Half Life
Story-driven games
WoW (Rogue)

D-Do Fedorafriends like Open World Games?

>Games where you can choose to play as a girl
Are you a fucking faggot or something?
What's wrong with girl mcs?

Not really
Minecraft was a fedora game long ago, but nowadays it's more of a kid game.
Fedoras may be spergy, but they don't really share vidya taste with proper autists for some reason.

Nowadays fedoras are basically more hipster hipsters.

Thats minecraft teen/streamer tier, not fedora tier

VN are movies, also games like persona and danganronpa

You're thinking of a completely different type of person. The tumblrite. Which while similar, is not the same.

The actual list for fedorafags would be:
Dark Souls
Street Fighter
Most anime games

Games I don't like.

>you're favorite games
>making a typo in 3 words

Nigga you are so retarded... you better not forget to breath

I'll fucking kill you, asshole


t. fedora pro

Console games if im PC player, PC games if im console.
Name one post that is not biased like that you can't

I'd imagine they like pretentious art games that they can point to so as to validate their hobby in their minds.

Choke to death on three pounds of steel, faggot.

The only faggot here is you


>What videogames do stereotypical fedorafags tend to enjoy?
>lel i'll just write the names of games i don't like lmaoo yasss xddd
This thread and all posters who "contributed" to it are fucking retards.

>raging and not actually reading the thread


>being so deluded
>le pc boogeyman

this, everyone else is wrong and has never encountered a fedora fag in a game
like this retard trying to bait

Weebshit and VNs loool

this desu

Anything Zelda.

Any indie game ever

how can they while you're their to remind them

Nintendo games.

anything by bioware

most of the are pc gamers actually

fedoras HATE Japanese shit

t. fedora who likes jap stuff

fedoras HATE weeb shit

this is the wrongest post in the entire thread

Just stop, you're not fooling anybody

>instead of playing CoD you could play Overwatch
this is where your fake story falls aparts, fedorafags actually have good taste and definitely don't play casual normie trash like mobawatch

>fedorafags actually have good taste

t. Fedorafag

I'll take things that never happened for $400

>they have good taste
Maybe you could share some examples.

Common mistake. Weebs don't wear fedoras typically. Fedorafags are westerncucks, enjoying games such as fallout, elder scrolls, mass effect, dragon age, and valve games

*tips fedora*

Mostly weebshit:
>Dark Souls
Fedora is basically a neckbeard who prefers weebshit to western shit

Well he is right. All the fedorafags i know hares japanese games other than maybe persona.

No a fedora is a neckbeard who wears a fedora.

I'm not defending weebs here but you have it wrong, they love nothing more than WRPGs and possibly strategy games. Also Dark Souls and mainline FF games (bar maybe 11 and 14) are normalfag as fuck.

Videogame Fedoracore

swap bioshock 2 or limbo for vtmb

Pretty good, but:
Those are more hipstershit than proper fedora
That's more normie than proper fedora.

>Witcher 3
>Production value = pretentious

1 level up from trash so they can shit on the normies, one level bellow top tier because they're still plebs at heart.

This guy gets it. Fedorakeks love feeling superior over everyone, be it vidya, religion, etc

But they are all literal walking meme-jokes and embarrassing to be around

Bethesda and Valve games.

So basically reddit?

That sounds about right

Fedoras play Dark Souls, but consider is super hard and inaccessible to normies. There's also the strange YouTube fanfic scene that a lot of the "hardcore" Souls fans seem to be into, and that's definitely not for normies.

So basically Sup Forums?

That sounds about right

>There's also the strange YouTube fanfic scene

Do you mean the super long lore speculation videos or actual fanfics?

I always find it funny when people try to analyse DaS to the 9th degree. It's all about the subtext, if you're trying to piece the story together literally you've somewhat missed the point.

>But they are all literal walking meme-jokes and embarrassing to be around


So basically reddit?


Games that aren't mainstream but aren't obscure

Overwatch and LoL.

Fedoras hate infinite

I don't know about that, Bioshock 2 would be a better on to remove, Fodora's hates sequels that don't act as a second part of a plot with no ending.
I think Undertale can stay, anything Yahtzee loves is high in fedora.

Nintendo games mostly.

They don't, most hate 2 but not the dlc.

Spec Ops is likely the most FEDORACORE.
It really has nothing else going for it.

Spec Ops.
Prince Of Persia, The Sands Of Time.
Bioshock Infinite.


It's fuckers like these that stop me from telling people that I play on PC