So are you supposed to level Vitality or not...

So are you supposed to level Vitality or not? I put 10 points on it early on because I wanted to wear some cool armor god damn it, and now I feel kinda gypped. I have Havel's Ring and Ring of Favor yet I'm not even close to being able to wear the full Lothric Knight set without fat rolling.
And how does Poise even work? Why is it a stat? Doesnt seem to do shit for me, even when I ditch the bow so I can afford some heavier gloves, I get stunlocked by rats if I try to swing at them.

Your armor doesn't really make a difference and poise only works in certain moments when doing certain attacks on certain weapons.
All that actually matters is you're under 70% carry load so you don't fatroll.
Well done From.

Vitality is basically a dead stat until SL 100+

>Your armor doesn't really make a difference
Except that it lowers the physical damage you take.

>Except that it lowers the physical damage you take.

Yeah by 1 damage, that's really worth wasting your points for.

The difference between the stats provided by heavy and lighter armor pieces is relatively insignificant, which along with their weight disparities and the way equip burden and rolling caps work, make armor choice matter only for fashion souls or hardcore minmaxing.

Hardly. Or you can just roll and take 0 damage. Armor never really did much "protecting" in any soulsborne game. The only thing they did was give you poise. But now that that's gone, there is absolutely no point

Yes, a lot of vit
The game has practically no armor stats since everything does a shitton of damage with infinite stamina enemies and there's no poise ingame

But hey, that's DaS3 for you.

Armor doesn't amount to shit in DaS3, only slows you down
DaS3 is shittily thought out after, same as resistances

The least they could do is make VIT give you 2 equip load instead of 1. They already nerfed armor to near useless and do not want to get rid of the new stat, fine, but this is unbearable. Spend an entire level to gain one equip load, wow.
>game is full of cool looking armor sets
>they require an extremely hefty stat investment and do mostly nothing

>Armor never really did much "protecting" in any soulsborne game. The only thing they did was give you poise
Shut the fuck up petition master, poise is only a Dark Souls thing
Kill yourself

You level it if you want to wield heavy shit and still mid roll, or medium heavy shit and want to light roll.

You can make up the difference with prisoner's ring/ring of favor/havel's ring so it's generally not an important stat. Only if you wanna go like greatshield+UGS or something.

>wearing a full knight armor set
lel, casual faggot

Fashion souls, sweetie. And its my first char for DS3 so I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want.

>I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want.
yasss slayyyy queen

Armor poise in DS1 and DS2 is a retarded idea anyway.

How so?

Doesn't 3 have weird ass damage absorption as a hidden stat? I'm pretty sure that's why split damage is so garbage because they both get hit by the absorption before the actual resistances from the armor kicks in.

Not him but it is handholding and has no place in an action game.
Its passive. Everything else is reactive and about timing.

It was overpowered in DS1 since everyone would want END anyway. DS2 was balanced for having a separate stat for equip load, DS3 is stupid for nerfing armor directly while not removing the huge indirect nerf.

If someone is attacking you it's natural to get staggered, with or without armor.
Being able to perform actions like nothing ever happened just because you are wearing havel set isn't realistic.

If anything you should actually get more staggered if you are wearing armor and you are getting hit
Especially with blunt weapons.

>Being able to perform actions like nothing ever happened just because you are wearing havel set isn't realistic.
It isn't realistic to wear Havel under any circumstances. That set is made out of stone and you're playing a fantasy game.

It still follows basic rules of physics even if humans are enhanced via magic in it.

I hate this "its a fantasy game so EVERYTHING should be fine" argument.

desu i just want str to give a little bit of equip load to compensate for the fact that str weapons are always heavy as h*ck

Weight should simply translate to poise
No reason to have two stats and them being largely unrelated.