Does Sup Forums own any delisted games?

Does Sup Forums own any delisted games?

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What? I buy physical.

Several. More than a dozen I'd bet. Maybe more.

I'm especially happy I own Blur, pretty much one of the only racing games without rubber banding AI

MvC2, that's it.

Riddick mother fucker

No. I don't think so.

There's at least a few I wanted though (Muh after burner climax)


Wallace & Gromit series by TellTale.

In physical format: Pac-Man Galaga Dimensions which has no digital version on the 3DS eShop for some reason.

I own Vanilla Skullgirls

I own the HD remake of Castle of Illusion but I heard they recently listed it back again.

Scott pilgrim.

Probably the best game I've gotten for such a low price too, got it for £2 on sale. I hear the arcade version is even better.

>delisted games
As in not on the store anymore, or still there but without the option to buy it?

GRiD and DiRT 3

You can still pirate this game, fortunately.

A shame that it doesn't have all the tracks and content of the 2006 version, this thing could have been perfect.

>tfw you don't have Cryostasis on Steam

I have some, I remember trying to redownload something from the store but it wasn't there so I had to download it from the "list of shit you own" section on PS3. I really do wish I had Outrun OA though, I learned about it only after it had been taken down.

Nigger not every game gets a physical release

People still upload content to the Steam Workshop.

Scratches, my dude.

>tfw I do
>everytime I want to replay it I don't because I remember it runs like garbage

Fable 3 on steam. I ended up buying it retail and the key didn't work so I ended up contacting Lionhead themselves complaining that I bought a game with a defective key. They gave me a new one for steam and that was that.

Now there's no way you can get a non pirated copy because Lionhead has disbanded and there are no more keys available.

Also Dragon Age II
My first lesson in pre-ordering games.

Fable 3 barely works thanks to GFWL

Are you retarded?

Call of Jaurez on the 360.
Catan on the 360.
Forza Horizon.
Alan Wake on both the 360 and Steam
Tony Hawk HD on Steam, PS3 and the 360.

And plenty others.

Whenever I get word that a game is being delisted I try to nab as many copies of it as I can. I have severe OCD when it comes to that shit. I still kick myself in the ass for not getting Scott Pilgrim vs the World when I had the chance.

And when it comes to Alan Wake, I gotta give credit to Sup Forums for that one. If nobody made a thread about it being delisted I wouldn't have ever known.

It'd be nice if a team got together to fix it. Even though it wasn't great, I'd still like to play it again.

Duke Nukem Megaton
Neverwinter Nights 2

Yeah, Alan Wake lol

They did. I purchased it right after they put it back up.

If they did that shit on purpose just to fuck with me, that's excellent marketing strategy.

>refunded Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
because back then before fat shit gabe got sued by Australia, you could only refund a preorder and if it was bundled you have to refund the whole bunch of games for who knows what fucking reason

next minute fat shit fucking gabe removed it off the store.

I've never been this fucking angry, he literally did after the steam sale.

i think this is the only delisted one i own. was surprised to see that the community stuff is still active

You are one dumb motherfucker.

Breach sadly

What a meme game

I used to own this on my 360 along with MvC2 and Scott Pilgrin.

But had to reset the console and eventually sell it.
