What a finale, what a game

What a finale, what a game

>game is about collecting masks
>collected all the masks
>rewarded by missing out on boss fight

I know man. Under 25's won't understand

Best Zelda game to have ever come out.

Just finished this game right after playing Ocarina and I have to say, don't get why everyone talks about Ocarina more

Sure Ocarina did more in terms of breakthroughs and innovations but Majora just one upped it entirely, better characters, better world and better atmosphere

Temples are boring, minigames are boring, collectables are mostly boring, transformations/abilities that come with them are meh, landscape is ugly (sure, n64 limitations, but it's uglier than oot)

Worst of all the constant time pressure and limited saving makes it annoying to play.

Sure, I liked it as much as any nintendo/rare game as a kid, but besides a few cinematic moments it's mostly not that good/a lot of boring filler.

>worse dungeons
>less dungeons
>zelda game
At least BotW put in Shrines. Most mask side quests are boring as shit and don't make up for the gimped dungeon count.

The temples are far more interesting than usual Zelda fare, especially the flip around temple, plus the designs taking notes from the transformation masks give them unique flavour

Collectables I'd say stray fairies are boring sure, but still have unique rewards, and other than that all the collectables have pretty outlandish stuff around them so I wouldn't say boring

I mean it's all subjective whether you find it fun but I'd say it undeniably nor boring, especially compared to the formulaic series surrounding it

>Defending shrines
The next Zelda isn't out yet you can't just skip cycles of the zelda cycle

>>less dungeons

If you go my numbers sure but that dungeons in Majora are larger and have not stuff going on in them, plus some dungeons in Ocarina are tiny and barley count, they're no different to say Sakons Hideout

not him but BotW is almost universally acclaimed, the zelda cycle has never really been a thing - people disliked WW when it released, but generally liked TP (and many still do), whilst SS was hated early on and still is.

>less dungeons
>worse dungeons
>brings the argument that BotW put in shrines

>less content = bad

Just ignore this guy from now on please.

You are boring dude

Do you own a PC?

Just played MM recently. It wasn't bad, the different masks changing playstyle were fun for the most part. But it seemed like a lot of content was recycled from older games and not that interesting. Having to do the same things over again if you run out of time wasn't fun. I didn't particularly enjoy any of the side quests. Gyorg was a horrible boss fight.

Yeh, is there something I must do?

>minigames are boring
They are exactly the same as in OOT.

>collectables are mostly boring
They are acquired in the same way they are in OOT. This argument makes no sense.

>transformations/abilities that come with them are meh
At least this game has something new adds to the gameplay and puzzles. It's well executed and definetely not bad.

>landscape is ugly
Again, it's the exact same as in OOT. I would say the OOT is more boring. A way bigger hyrule field with nothing much in it to do. Majora's mask is smaller and feels more lifiler with things to find at any corner.

>pressure and limited saving makes it annoying to play
The only fair argument I see in your post.

You're a fag.

>Gyorg was a horrible boss fight.

Yeah but Goht, Odalwa and Majora are some of the best in the series

I also think Majora is best enjoyed with a partner who knows what they're doing so you are far less likely to get caught trying to do something on day 2 that needs 3 days or something

It was too annoying and nerve wracking.
Played once and never again 6/10.

MM's dungeons were generally way better than OOT's.

Hold on my boy, are you over 25?

>the lore is deeper than we ever imagined

why Sup Forums loves majora mask?
it is boring, really boring

Because fun is a buzzword and therefore it's antonym, boring, is as well. Whether you find it boring or fun isn't important for discussion, why you find it that way is

I love Majora but it isn't a better game than Ocarina, not by a long shot.
>recycled assets, characters, items, etc.
>overall smaller world
>less dungeons
>no adult link (not a big deal but I prefer adult link, myself)
>constantly repeating tasks/quests over and over due to the time constraints
>aside from masks, less items overall. no tunics, no boots, etc.
>music isn't as good
Just off the top of my head. Majora stands out for its unique, melancholy story and great graphics/art design, but as a whole I just don't enjoy playing it as much as Ocarina.

>overall smaller world
>less dungeons
those are no valid points. Your're saying
>less content = bad

>worse dungeons
everything that isnt forest/shadow/spirit is worse than any mm temple and even the stone tower shits on all of them

Goht was fun, Odalwa was okay, and Majora (except for the first phase) was fun too though the Majora fight wasn't too different from Twinrova in OoT. And you're right about that, I just started using a guide because I didn't want to have to keep doing things over. I was trying to upgrade my sword, and I didn't know you had to start that on day 1. It was really annoying having to do the Goron race again, since it seemed to be partially luck based.

I agree with most of your points. I liked it but still prefer OoT. It's a neat concept, just has some flaws. I'm okay with Termina field being smaller though, Hyrule field was mostly empty and boring. Tunics don't really add anything to the gameplay itself but there was enough item variety and usage in OoT to keep it interesting. It was fun speeding around as Goron Link in MM though.

>those are no valid points. Your're saying
>less content = bad
Yes, they are valid points, you just don't agree with them. Less content is bad. If it were a matter of more bad content versus less good content, that would be one thing, except in the case of these two games, the quality of content is equal and MM simply has less of it.

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I think MM is a great game, but OoT is a hard act to follow. If they had found a way to make the time management less intrusive, used original assets, improved the itemization and let you play as adult link, I would give the edge to MM. Sadly it did feel like a bit of a chore to play at times, which I can never say about OoT.

Stone tower was annoying as fuck. Having to play elegy of emptiness 20 times for shitty puzzles was shit. The whole ikana part was just terrible and annoying. Everybody harps on zora egg collection, but the mummy well and the powder keg surprise were just shit.

OoT = FF7
MM = FF9


>putting TP and WW above OoT

thats before the dungeon tho
but yeah that part is annoying, I think the zora eggs are way worse because you HAVE to do it in one cycle while ikana has lots of shortcuts designed

Straight up bullshit, 3 day cycle turned my 11 year old mind into what the fuck after beating ooc. I was so pissed that I had a time limit that I quit playing almost immediately. Did I miss out? Should I go back and replay?

get tp to the bottom and its perfect

OoT is bad though

Agreed, it was fun learning to use the statues at first but got repetitive quickly. The ninja enemies just became tedious. I just used a guide for the trading sequence because it wasn't fun, and there was nothing gained by needing a powder keg instead of a regular bomb on the castle roof.

The game had good ideas but it was just a chore at some parts that made it not fun like said. If they could have worked on that a bit more it would be a much better game.

>OoT is bad though
No, your opinion is. OoT is right up there with ALttP as #1 or #2 in the series.


As a kid I use to really dig Wind Waker. I enjoyed traveling around all the islands and doing random autistic shit. As I got older, I went back and played WW a few times and realized how fucking terrible it is. The character designs and overall art style are awful, the story is retarded, the items are probably the least interesting in the entire series (not to mention many of them are straight up useless), the list goes on. WW does not deserve to be anywhere near the top of any Zelda list.

Stone tower was fun for the most part, even though it got a bit annoying I liked the part where you have to get to the switch as Goron Link before the flames came back up. And I liked seeing the eye statue enemy thing in 3D. The only part that really annoyed me though was the part where you had to get grabbed by the hand thing to get thrown up onto the platform with the key. I spent a lot of time just wandering the dungeon and trying to leap out of the water as Zora Link because forcing the player to walk into an enemy is a bad idea. It just made me mad when I figured it out.

Did you figure out that you can play the song of time backwards to slow down time? It's not so bad then, the timer isn't much of a concern during dungeons if you do that and know when to reset the cycle. Still a bit tedious having to potentially redo some parts if you do ever run out of time though, but at least you don't really have to worry about running out of time in the dungeons.

gtfo arin

They probably don't expect most people to get all the masks on the first go. Do remember that this was still in the midst of their nintendo power hayday, keeping shit obscure to sell guides was in their interest.

If you personally happened to get all the masks in your first run, that just means you are an exemplar, diligent player, but one who happened to have a lesser experience because that isn't the demographic the game is designed for.

>The character designs and overall art style are awful
nigga what
>not to mention many of them are straight up useless
every zelda has this problem

I barely rememeber the dungeon. My favourite area is Snowpeak. Mainly because the whole thing was designed around Goron roll. Despite the fuckery with getting the lulaby it's all very self contained and you don't really have to backtrack like an idiot.

After Snowpeak MM becomes 'that part' the game

>The only part that really annoyed me though was the part where you had to get grabbed by the hand thing to get thrown up onto the platform with the key.
[s]I always did it with zora link, it took the internet to knew that wasnt the intended way [/s]


>nigga what
I'll say it again, the art style is shit. Link looks like a faggot and the exaggerated bodies/faces of the characters don't fit the vibe of the series.

>every zelda has this problem
Nah, not really. Some moreso than others, but WW is especially bad. Potions are useless once you get the soup, multiple other bottled items are useless, bait is mostly useless, spoils are mostly useless, mask is useless, hookshot and grappling hook are practically identical, etc.

>The character designs and overall art style are awful
You can say ANYTHING but this, the game is from 2002 and with an HD upscaling with dolphin it stills looks great even today
>the story is retarded
> the items are probably the least interesting in the entire series
You'll have to elaborate here dude

If WW is at the top of a lot of zelda lists, it's for a simple reason : it does perfectly the OoT formula while being it's own thing with things like the sea
I guess that you were just disappointed because of how blind you were thanks to your nostalgia

>spoiler fail?
Really? It seemed like even when I set it up perfectly I couldn't go high enough to get up that way. I could leap out of the water on to the platform during the Gyorg fight though, maybe I just didn't try enough times but that part in the stone temple still bugged me.

Honestly, the stuff you do in Zelda games between dungeons has always been the more interesting and fun part for me, which is probably why I like MM and BotW so much

I got all the masks on my first run.
I always counted mojaria mask the worst simply because, as a kid I rated games by their final battles.

It wasn't till years later I found out that without that powerful mask, the final boss was a real boss fight.

The art style was a retarded decision. They tried to make 3D games look like top down 2D games. Wtf nintendo. I don't mind the cell shading though.

>You can say ANYTHING but this, the game is from 2002 and with an HD upscaling with dolphin it stills looks great even today
No, I can say this. It holds up from a technical standpoint, sure, but we're not talking graphics, we're talking art style, and the art style is cartoonish, slapstick and stupid looking.

>You'll have to elaborate here dude
Almost no items that weren't featured in previous games, a majority of them have very limited uses or are basically useless, and most of them don't do anything interesting.

> it does perfectly the OoT formula while being it's own thing with things like the sea
No, it doesn't.

>I guess that you were just disappointed because of how blind you were thanks to your nostalgia
Nope. It's just not a very good game.

TP aged a lot better

yes it was possible, it required a downright perfect jump tho

>mojaria mask


na not even the 3DS version is worth it. I got bored after the first dungeon which kinda disappoints me. also I don't like how some shit is so damn cryptic you have no idea what's even going on. but to each their own I guess

You don't have to put it on. You can get all of the masks and fight the final boss normally.

No I didn't figure out playing the song of time backwards I was really young and my excitement for a new Zelda after ooc I just jumped in then straight out after I seen the timer bs, I was a kid and was disappointed to say the least. It was a rental so I just told my mom to take me back to movie gallery (kinda like Blockbuster) so yea I guess I need to go back and replay it

Yeah give it another shot, I got annoyed and stopped playing for a while after running out of time in one of the dungeons but once I learned about that it was okay. I don't think the game specifically tells you about it, you have to talk to the scarecrow, and he doesn't directly say it either, just that he "knows about a song" that does it.

I know the feel I got the same feeling with this, and with windwaker. Yes WW was easier but man it really gave you a good feeling at the end.

I got the feeling in WW when I went under the sea and saw The hero of time statue in the Temple of time.

Too bad no other Zelda game has ever done this again. Twilight Princess. Skyward Sword. And BoTW all lacked this feeling.

It's time for a dark Zelda game again.

Games should reward you for collecting everything by giving the player a coupon at the end for %50 off at any brothel of your choice.

Having just played through Majora and Ocarina one after another, what Zelda should I play next?

I've played Minish Cap, Four Swords Adventures, Skyward Sword and the OG Legend of Zelda

I know Windwaker is a super popular one but was wondering if anyone wanted to sell their favourite to me

Wind Waker is the last good 3D Zelda game in the same vain as OOT and MM.

Twilight princess is basically just a remake of OOT but made worse. Skyward Sword is a joke. And BoTW while a good game doesn't really feel like an actual Zelda game.

>music isn't good
Way to completely destroy any kind of point you may have had. Opinion discarded.

Zelda 1 and 2

>the art style is cartoonish, slapstick, and stupid-looking.
"stupid-looking" is the only adjective that is actually some form of judgement, as opposed to a simple description, and even then it's a very empty, baseless criticism. You can point at anything and say "that looks stupid" and it's hard to disagree because it's clearly an incredibly subjective judgement. The other two on, however, are simple descriptions and has nothing to do with whether or not the art style is bad. Because for a lot of people, that is exactly why they like it.