What happened to this game, man?
What happened to this game, man?
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Devs treated people like shit and started banning people because they accidentally got glitched since they dont bother fixing the game.
t. a backer.
Devs killed it.
Devs didn't give shit what playerbase wanted.
I played it around 40 hours in the first 3 weeks it was released, kinda felt like I had seen everything by then so I just stopped playing. I wish my friends had this game so we could team up but they don't really play video games anymore.
My brother and I were thinking about getting it but knowing that it's highly possible to get banned for the shittiest reasons was a huge turn off. No way am I gonna piss away money on a game and end up not being able to play it because the devs are buffoons.
>still only 3 maps
>only 1 game mode
>barebones content
>gameplay gets stale after a while
>devs banning their own playerbase
Booty shorts could only keep it afloat for so long.
40€ for this broken mess was way too high
>entire review page is nothing but negatives ones
>they're all talking about the devs banning that one guy purely because they wanted some pussy points with no evidence for it whatsoever and put a permanent cheater mark on his profile despite him having never cheated
These devs deserve to be jobless for the rest of their lives.
>june's flavour of the month streamer meme game
it turned july
Seriously this. PUBG is next on that list.
Bad game that would have died week one if it didn't have the F13 license.
Paying for beta testing is a mistake to begin with.
Dead by Daylight
it happened 1 year earlier
I mean, it's been FOTM for like... 4 months now.
When is it going to stop being FOTM?
Except PUBG has sold more in the past month than it did its' launch month
It was never good.
Got sick and tired of playing like 50 games as a councilor and 1 as Jason.
Wouldn't even be that bad, if it wasn't un-fun because most Jason players are either don't know how to play him, or are fucking tryhards who go for all the kills they can. I'm sick of being a councilor and getting killed by a Jason who kills the instant he grabs, and teleport grabs with the morph power or whatever it is.
cucks got scammed. what else is new? lmao
It's a ridiculously memed and shilled game for some reason.
Basically it's another DayZ/Early Access buggy garbage but "This time it's good"
What does any of that have to do with the population dying off? The point is it's still active and shows no signs of slowing down.
They fixed nothing from Beta
Devs are retarded when it comes to PR
The game is design with the idea that it should be seen, not played. Jason gets a majority of his tracking abilities within the first 2 minutes of the games making it impossible to hide and run from him if he teleports to your area. If he finds you out in the open, you're pretty much done. The rest of the math is spent watching 6 other idiots do nothing while 2 morons hide in the corner of the map trying to wait out the clock. You are not allowed to leave the match unless you don't want to collect your XP, and if you do leave, you end up bugging out the comeback mechanic (Tommy) from the rest of the team
The game is fucking buggy as shit
Patches to fix critical issues take for to come out. The Xbone version might as well be vaporware.
You get people that leave lobbies because they weren't chosen to be Jason, so you end up with scenarios like 1 v 4
There are people who deny XP and achievements from others by quitting before being killed. That includes Jason players.
The game is a mess.
I also find Jason fucking boring to play as. I much rather play as Counselor as there's at least an actual objective and challenge to face. The challenge being overcoming the game's buggy as fuck design, Jason's mixing hit boxes and timing your attacks so that you get him on the one frame he doesn't have invulnerability. Setting up traps in cabins is pointless as Jason players can just shift over them or hold block and walk past them. Fighting him one on one is all luck as Jason can straight up ignore your attacks if he was already in the start up of his own attack/grab move. Fighting is pointless against a Jason who knows about combat stance as he will just ignore everything you throw at him.
But if it weren't for the shitty bugs, Jason would get stomped because the devs thought it would be a brilliant idea to spawn shit like the phone fuse in the same area the phone spawns.
Incompetent developers had the golden goose and they screwed it.
game made by leftists
I think they would have benefited more if they didn't have the license.
Now they're stuck sticking strictly to the F13 worlds and rules. Outside of doing a boat level (with New York City in the skybox) and space, they really can't add any other variety. They can't add new killers, and new players would just be variations of what we currently have.
I think they would've benefited more from learning how to code
What are you talking about?! Making a game entirely out of buggy blueprints is perfectly reasonable!
Game is shit and streamer bait. 40 dollars doesn't justify copyrighted content when there barely is any. The game is riddled with bugs that the devs won't fix and the gameplay mechanics are still pretty unpolished. This thing will be long forgotten in a few months if not less.