When did you first realise that FO3>F:NV
When did you first realise that FO3>F:NV
There is no part of Fallout 3 that is better than New Vegas. Hell, Fallout 3 is worse than 4, because at least 4 had decent gunplay and power armor mechanics barring the limited fuel system you could farm ez pz.
Why do you have a photo that argues against you?
After I played NV, obviously.
I like 3's atmosphere way better than nv.
Average FO3 fan yeah.
When I developed a mental illness
Anyone with that opinion is a fallout 3 babby
Keep these coming, Sup Forums needs to here the truth about vidya, & these men clearly know what's what.
well it's impossible to not be a fallout 3 bebe considering how it was the first nu-fallout to come out, and the previous ones were isometric games more than a decade earlier with completely different gameplay to the point of not even being remotely recognisable as part of the same series.
I liked the DC setting since I live there so 3 appeals more to me. I dont get why people are so autistic over this shit, people have different reasons for liking things more or less
Heresy user, thou shalt not speak such blasphemy in this thread.
When I replayed 3 and realized I could go in any direction in the map instead of a pre-determined U shape trail.
When my 2 int 10 luck idiot hero defused the bomb at Megaton by shoving my arm in and messing around.
You can go straight to new Vegas from good springs, without going the "quest" way. I do it all the time. If you can't you just suck, also invest in sneak.
Are lucky idiot-builds fun? I usually just go for max intelligence.
Lucktards are fun in games that don't relentlessly punish you for sacrificing intelligence, but it limits character choices to worse than Fallout 4 level and gets stale after a single run.
>settlements have no food
>followers like you because your a good guy or a bad guy
>teh enclave is evil
>brotherhood of white knights
>forgot what made the old fallouts good
>realistic world
>people have food and organisation and government
>followers are actual human beings that will like or dislike you based on your choices
>casears legion isn't the big baddy like it easily could've been
>karma is dumb, lets get a system that actually works
AND new vegas was rushed out of development
>there are brainlets who like FO3
pic related
this desu
>LARPing cowboys and elvis impersonators
>Realistic world
I can't even...
FNVabbies everyone.
Can't be any worse than LARPing VAMPIRES
>factions vying for control of pivotal hoover dam because water is pretty important
>people vying for control
It still retains the fallout 2 goofiness while actually having a competent story and world. As if fallout 3 did it better.
We have those IRL too user.
Muh atmosphere, as if the green tint and radiation misconceptions didn't break the immersion.
It's a single player game ----> STORY first
and FO3 story sucks so bad I can't believe it's what they came up with first.
NAME ONE THING that FO3 story has better than NV? Not in complexity, in rewarding, in resolution, in ... whatever
When did you realize FO has already been irrelevant?
Undertale had a better story than New Vegas.
A few hours into NV. I was glad to get more Fallout, but at it's core it's just a full price FO3 mod with more boring locations.
>It's a single player game ----> STORY first
So this is the power of fnvdegenerates. Impressive, this thread ends here for me.
what movie is that webm from?
I will say that Damage Resistance is a better armour system than Damage Threshold because it makes shotguns and automatic weapons more effective. Also, the The Capitol Wasteland is more fun to explore than the Mojave.
Other than that, NV improves on 3 in every other way.
There are some parts of fallout 3 that are better than new vegas, fallout 3 had way better interiors and dungeons, there is less invisible walls. I can't think of much else but some of it is better.
We all know that, but it's no fun to just be civil and agree we like different things...it's more fun to fling shit at each other and argue about which is better even though it's subjective.
>not just installing Tale of Two Wastelands to get the best of 3 and NV
that is, only the new vegas part
yeah and fallout 3 combat is soooo solid LMAO
fallout 4 combat>fallout 3
DR makes armor that the player wears virtually worthless, whereas DT means you actually have to think about the weapons you equip (like using a shotgun to take down dudes in heavy armor is fucking retarded) and more accurately reflects how armor works in the real world