what are the comfiesst inns and taverns in video games?
What are the comfiesst inns and taverns in video games?
Those in Witcher 1, no contest
The Bar.
damn, that looks clean as an elven arse
I can't believe I'm saying this but Assassin's Creed Black Flag / Rogue
>sitting down to play checkers with some dude in a corner
>muffed sound of the rain hitting the tavern roof and windows
>local bards lazily accompanying the singing girl with a sweet voice
It´s cool that they have an arena and shit, but overally it is extrememly uncomfy.
I completely forgot about assassin's creed taverns. Surprisingly I'll add AC3 to that list as you can hear the town muffled going about its business outside while you play some games.
Also taking shelter in a Witcher 3 tavern while an absolutely massive rain or wind storm is going on outside
>I said come in, don't stand there.
>I said come in, don't stand there.
>I said come in, don't stand there.
Oblivion has the comfiest taverns
you don't know the meaning of comfy
skyrim was good. It had titty wenches
Dragons Crown had a comfy tavern.
True comfort is chilling in Monster Hunter lobbies.
this desu, it aint even a contest so long medieval settings are concerned
Stalker gets the cake for modern variations
I know the textbook definition of it, and the bar goes against most of the criteria.
Subjective interpretations are meaningless, because everyone probably has a slightly different version of "ultimate comfy".
But specifically, the bar is the bethesda school of junk-ville(which is funny because GSC did it years before, but bethesda is famous for this kind of idiocy), meaning that they have a supposed safe zone where people come to relax and enjoy life a little, but there are wrecks and junk everywhere regardless, and nobody seems to care that sitting down on a chair might give you tetanus. Stalker gets my leniency because GSC is not affluent enough to make that kind of polish, but that does not change the fact that the bar, or the freedom or duty camps, are repurposed dumpsters.
I loved Daggerfall inns in particular and cities in general, although they always felt like a big lie (good old Toddy never changed), because they were full of people and LOOKED alive, all of them with their own names, place in the world etc, but when you actually talked with them you realice they are nothing but either glorified map markers, or placeholders for possible random generated quests.
God, I love Daggerfall so much, but really more for what it COULD be than for what it is, and I get fucking mad every tieme Bethesda launches a new game that strays more and more for what they could and therefore MUST do, and the worst part is everyone idealize them and declare them as gotys, such a shame.
Now I'm sad, fuck you Todd.
comfiest theme at least
Can't be beat
get out of here stalker
>no goldshire
What are some anti-comfy taverns?
Daggerfall's were spooky, just huge empty buildings with people who might tell you to fuck off because they hate your race, and sleeping and getting attacked because of the quest you were on was a common occurrence
I dont think most Stalkers live in the zone for years at a time, and there are already buildings there so why build new ones just for such a purpose? The bar isnt even that rundown.
>What are some anti-comfy taverns?
borderlands 2 had an irish tavern, with an upstairs. Chairs everywhere. In a town of maybe 20 dudes.
That song is honestly PTSD-inducing
I love SO2 but all I can associate that song with is the ENDLESS fucking introduction to the game, just nonstop exposition with no combat with that song on a loop until you can FINALLY go to Kross and start fighting and doing item creation
>Well you're all such big men!
mein neger
>"Drawn by a haunting voice, you come to the Elfsong tavern... It is a small place, filled with an motley assortment of patrons, and grizzly trophies.. There, the haunting voice is all around you, and the patrons are silent, as the song washes over them. One by one, they all seem lost to it's call..."
Skadovsk from Stalker CoP.
Valda's Inn was pretty comfy.
Imperial bridge inn & Wawnet inn
comfy is just a codeword for boring 2bh
not comfy
Not really, you need some stuff going on to be comfy, a dull brown room isn't.
Howard is one of a few developers to have created four consecutive Game of the Year award winners, with The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fallout 3, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.[13]
my nigga
Can't spell goty without goy.
how will witcherfags ever recover?
Witcher has had consistently great taverns.
Big tits barmaid
spill de bweans
how can you not find that comfy? seriously people comfy isn't all pillows and blankets
>bunch of glorified fetch quest givers standing around in one spot, never moving or doing anything
Yeah, very comfy.
The inns in Skyrim are pretty comfy, even the generic ones.
Candlehearth Hall is a fucking piece of shit though, fuck that place.
Mafia II during the 1940's snowstorm portion of the game
are you a speedrunner? I enjoyed the storyline tho I can agree it did get a bit lengthy at the beginning.
Skyrim, even without mods.
Yeah, I put a mod to add more npc to the cities and that tavern gets crowded as fuck.
"If you need something to split someone's skull, or a helm to protect your own, you've come to the right place!"
I'll suck off anyone who knows this quote
God damn, now I want to play RE3 again.
Witcher 1 had top tier comfy inns, but the random houses you could enter were just so terribly uncomfy. howling wind, no furniture, cold atmosphere... I constantly felt chilly
Mein Neger! Baldurs Gate and World of Warcraft = comfiest taverns ever!!!
Neely's Bar
Vermintide Redmoon inn
the Inn from Dungen Defenders.
anarchist bar in VtM bloodlines
SCUMM Bar from MI1.