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Share your Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain squad setup
Can you use your multiplayer character in singleplayer, yet?
No idea, but I think so.
Multiplayer is fucked for me (can never find a lobby), so I don't use it.
not using custom weapons. what a pleb
I quit after I lost my fucking save due to the stupid bug when I was over half way in the game with no alerts no kills and s ranks on all levels
>no silencer on main weapon with red dot sight
It's like you want to get c rank
>implying s-rank doesn't stand for sanic
All you need to do is go fast, anything else that gives points is meaningless.
Anyone who wears a bandana and/or sneaking suit deserves a bullet to the face.
I have infinite heaven so I usually drop in OSP or with just the lowest rank tranq pistol. The random Skull attacks actually make side-ops interesting sometimes.
ded game
Bandana is ok for asthetic purposes
Schneeky suit is for fags
Man, I just remembered I haven't finished this game. Got around 80 hours out of it, had great fun, but never finished it. I got to this mission but on that harder difficulty and I just couldn't do it. They get me instantly, every time.
just crawl through the river on the right
I played the game again since last year, I guess my Venom is in full demon mode now.
>Tiger Stripe bikini
>3000GMP deployment costs
>Asthmatic wheezing
I wanna play this so bad but I just can't make up my goddamn mind! Help me!
play it you faggot!
Play it.
In return you can get a sexy sniper in a bikini that doesn't even breathe.
*sexy sniper in a bikini that can't even breathe.
ftfy senpai
>people still playing this garbage
And there we have it. We almost had a nice thread, but in comes the nostalgiafaggot cancer to ruin it.
did we even have a thread in the first place? this shit is about as dead as MGO3 desu.
you can ignore them completely
Just follow the river and youll find some cracks on the wall by the end of it. Then you crawl up and keep moving, they will stay behind
it's actually really fun and an extremely well polished game
>soon it will be 2 years since MGSV
the fuck
everytime Sup Forums makes a thread about V i feel like re installing it
No way dude. I just assumed you need to defeat them.
why you even uninstalled you filthy faggot
Nope. You can if you want by getting them from behind once you sneak.
Do it.
ranks are tied only to how fast you finish a mission
alerts, kills don't matter
I tired that shit before but I kept getting shot in the ass by some little bitch on the other side. Had to finish the mission by deploying in a tank. At least now I can try it again by giving Quiet the 50. to kill them bald shitters.
they are based on how much damage youve taken too
Konami isn't getting a fucking cent from me ever again.
rip Metal Gear Survive
You shall not be missed.
>needing to waste that much resources on a FOB event
shaking my head pham
No. But apparently a modder is looking into it
>replaying mgsv
>trying to S rank every mission as I progress, and if reasonably possible, all the objectives
>blood runs deep
>manage to OPERATE all the way into the mission and get to the kids
>no more silencer but still manage to get through the river without alerting anyone except for the last two soldiers
>kid get sniped as I put him in the chopper
>back to checkpoint and now the ennemy pattern makes it impossible to go through without alerting anyone
>try 10 times anyway
>cant fucking do it
>say fuck it and go nuclear
Jesus those kids. I wanted to murder them so fucking bad. They are buggy as shit it's insane
The multi isn't fucked.
Nobody plays it.
not counting the autists desu
If you already have the wormhole upgrade for fultons, just tranq the kids and fulton them.
I don't. I checked and you need to finish chapter 1 first to research it.
You can put them in a vehicle and fulton it tho. I'm ashamed to not have thought about it
>tier 2 tranq pistol
>short silenced shotgun
>semi-auto sniper with 75round drum+red dot
>nothing else
>add all the best parts to them
>get OP weapons for a cheap price
FOB sucks ass though i wish they just added coop already, the events can be really hard. is it possible to move a save from one account to another?
>trying to be an operator in a non-lethal vidya
>not just tranqing and fulton your way to victory
MGSV is about the furthermost away from being operator desu the only way to win is to run, stun, and fulton. Anything else is just a waste of precious time and points. Besides you get more benefits from recruiting.
I like to roleplay. This mission however, is clearly not the best for it, at least for the last part
Shitter detected.
>that deployment cost
good lord
>needing to do the bullshit FOBs
Can't you just CE all of the games content?
How do you get this pistol ?
I tried sneaking but either I get shot or they turn around last second and run away the whores. Might try it again, I'm getting a stealth game urge and this is the best stealth game ever made.
I see you too are a man of distinctive taste
That's my nuclear loadout for stealing nukes.
Only offline shit and resources, as well as turning male staff to female.
It's from one of those FOB events, new world order.
this is what peak setup looks like, you may not lik it but this is it!
>just crawl through the river on the right
or save yourself 10 minutes and just drive up the river at full speed.
>a shotgun
Pfft, nerd.
If your on PC and your stealing nukes isn't that kind of pointless since you can just dupe them? Here on the xbone nobody has had any nukes for the past few months.
I played Mgsv on release and I don't think there was FOB events yet. Is that shit available only on some days or can I unlock those weapons whenever I want to ?
May be pointless but it gives me an excuse to fuck up someone's base.
God speed on your endeavors then user.
whoa. I didn't know that skin made the weapons and vehicles look like they're from the PS1 era too
-10/10 get good you fucking scrub
>bikini has jiggle physics in multiplayer
>but not in singleplayer
Right now there's the skulls attack event where you get a really shitty sniper rifle, so you'll have to wait until new world order shows up, which could mean waiting another 4 weeks.
Who kinda looks forward to Survive?
>which could mean waiting another 4 weeks
I haven't unlocked FOB yet on my new playthrough anyway, but this shit is dumb
raises your Espy. rank and has a huge payout.
Also it's difficult!
post the most expensive loadout you can get
it looks like fun
I still can't believe you can't use all the assets and gear of MP in SP. This is the stupidest shit ever
forgot pic
>farmed the skull event for that sweet GMP and camo
>get the schematic to that rifle
>can't even dev it because my shits too low
Fuck off that FOB shit though because I ain't doing that. I think I'll just go back to using my 280gmp nugget desu.
>MGSV: co-op edition
you know it motherfucker
Some FOB events do not have an unique blueprint to unlock, so you might get lucky if the next FOB event is one of those.
I am curious to see how well/how badly it will turn out. But seeing how much I enjoy the gameplay of MGSV is making me cautious about it. I just want more of the Fox engine.
ranks are tied to score, and geting no kills/ being a ghost give you extra points
You're given the most points for completing the mission quickly.
>you can still S rank that shit without having to fully stealth it
man I've been avoiding this shit for the longest time now because of trying to pick up the prisoner passing the Yahoo outpost and trying to fulton the truck carrying the weapons.
Actually no traces gives you the most, followed by time and last non-lethal no alerts.
Just wait all the vehicles near the end of the map, fulton them, and pick up the prisonners on another rank.
S rank is easy for this mission
if they have swimsuits and female options, sign me up
No traces is some pretty long ended trial and error bullshit though. I don't know how you could have the patience and control for that. It would be so much easier to go in and shoot them all, not to mention way more fun too.
>those retardedly high resource costs for developing/deploying high level equipment
>you're pretty much forced to buy more FOBs to be able to generate enough to keep using them
This is some F2P cash shop bullshit.
wow you sound like lots of fun
Though it's the most "profitable" to quickly rush through objectives.
Not if you're on PC ;^)
I dunno, I was able to get all of the FOBs before it was a concern without spending any money. They hand out MB coins every Wed/Sat/Sun you know
the fuck does that even mean?
You want that S rank or not, m8 ?
>not just raiding high level FOBs for those easy S++ and whatever else you manage to nigger off your poor invaded shitter
Thats how you get the levels up bro just grind that shit out for a couple of weeks and your all set. Hey maybe you will even make it into the top five ranks of the world.
All of you must be from leddit/metalgearsolid because they're the only idiots still playing mgsv
What's the best way to invade a FOB ? Can you still go stealth at that level ?
I already did... save the min/maxing for FOB
Not him but I think I'll hold off on that mission for another week or so. I prefer just bumbling around in the rains of Angola in a combat bikini desu. I don't feel up to S ranking anything atm.