>[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
>[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
>[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
>[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
[ PS3 Emulator ] RPCS3 0.02 - Demon's Souls
>hits character with club
>meme i7 80C
>700 dollar GPU
>still lag and glitchy
Maybe in 2026
Let's play the worst of the series instead of the best or third best
Are you talking about DS2?
Cool. Can't wait to play all those good PS3 games like Demon's Souls... and.. uhh... Jackie Chan?
looks like pc master race wins again
>the emulator needs a powerful CPU and you still get slowdowns, crashes and freezes.
>that fake laughter
>really crying on the inside
Nah. He's talking BB
Who cares, call me when someone gets a huegbox emulator working
Demons souls.
Armored Core
Ninja Gaiden 123.
Persona 5
Red Dead Redemption.
Rachet and Clank games
Regardless of your smarmines PS3 has a ton of decent exclusives.
Althou to be fair at this point you can get a used ps3 and mod it for like 160$
So emulation is pointless unless you are one of those people who refuses to get a console out of principle.
Honestly emulation of PS3 systems is only good as a future proof preservation system of its games.
Because not all PS3s will last forever so you have an alternative if your breaks.
i don't want the shitty smegma ninja gaidens, i want the xbox versions. and ps3 RDR is an ASS port.
>if your breaks.
I've had at least two phat ps3s ylod on me and it's hardly worth the effort to fix it since it'll just die again 4-6 months later
I've been looking for a cheap (
Come the fuck on guys the PS3 is 10 years old lol you can't make this shit up. Just buy the fucking thing. I respect RPCS3 as a move toward better emulator tech and fucking over Sony, but I know most of you faggots are unironically buying a GTX 1080 without hesitation then signing a fucking petition to get Demon's Souls on PC when you could've spent that money at most $100 game included on a PS3
where da bloodborne tho
But that is the best
99.99999 percent of people will use the computer they would own anyway making it basically free.
Color me impressed
Now PCfriends can play DeS, which is rad.
Yakuza and Armored Core for me, maybe Ace Combat. Never had any interest in PS3 and no interest in the console gen we're in now.
>playing a Souls game offline
But I have a PS3?
Call me when it can run at more than native resolution and locked 30.
Imagine being this desperate for games
Still crashes at random on loading screens.
Massive CPU at 4.5GHz and its still 10 to 30FPS in the early sections of the game.
Offline only.
Very playable, right PC? For the record PS3 version ran at native 720p, no anti aliasing, 30FPS, no screen tearing. PC can barely hold it together. It is a great feat, but the CPU requirements are not for normal PCs and still not 30FPS locked, good luck. lol.
> PS3 version
That's not true.
>a powerful CPU
yeah like sony faggots know whats a powerful CPU is LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
i already have the console you faggot is just want to play it on my respectable pc
Don't fucking reply to me, console bitch. Post your specs, faggot, let's see who's the bigger virgin
>30 FPS
>no AA as good
i7 4770/ gtx 750 ti (i know)
What fps? Also that seriously looks like a Dark Souls 3 clone. Even the name is similar...
this is not the final build the nigger
Finally PC tech caught up with PS3 tech.
I wonder how it will take to emulate PS4. Probably another 20 years.
PC is a fucking overpriced joke.
>Demon's Souls was 8 years ago
Wouldn't it have been easier to just get a PS3?
>consoletard can't understand the fact there are people who don't want to play video games on consoles
It just doesn't feel right plus you need a fucking space for a fucking TV and the PS3 itself. I don't have much space in my room and there's no fucking way I'd put a console in my living room. I'd end up never using it because I only go there when I'm eating dinner/lunch or invite people over.
>buying dead consoles
Now more people will get to experience the greatness that is Mephisopheles.
Demon's Souls is a DS1 alpha, it has a lot of broken shit like this
>Need a 6600K @4.5ghz just to run a 2009 game at worse performance than the PS3
I get that emulation is a great thing and all, but jesus, stop acting like this is some huge victory. Shit runs like ass and has random crashes still, come back when it's at least matching the PS3 in FPS and reliability and doesn't require a severely OC'd liquid cooled i5 or i7 to run incompetently. This will probably take another year at least.
Please, explain how that DS3 clone is better than DS3?
Now that it's no longer an exclusive, DeS is going to be exposed for how vapid and garbage it really is, especially the bosses
>not buying a ps3 with 3.55 OFW along with a 500gb or 1tb HDD and hacking it so you can play every ps3 game for free and have a convenient 8bit - 16bit emulator box
I'm sorry to hear about your cancer.
>choppy as hell unless you have a super computer worth more than 3 PS3s nowadays
>no online at all
Might as well just dust off your PlayStation 3s, lads.
Are you one of those idiots who thinks that any boss that isn't a False King clone is a bad boss? Aside from Leechmonger and Dirty Colossus which are plain bad, most bosses simply attempt to be distinct from each other.
>laggy and glitchy
>ps4 still benchmarks all the games at 14 fps
Lmaoing at your life right now console poor.
Does online work?
The last of us
Infamous 1 and 2
God of war 3
Uncharted series
LittleBigPlanet series
Ni no Kuni
Tokyo Jungle
in the none exclusive but still console exclusive tier:
Lollipop Chainsaw
SSX 2012
>Having like 4 good exclusives > Having over 90% of all games.
This is what Sony ponies acualy believe.
>Does online work?
Looking forward to it being optimized for anything that's not complete top of the line.
>10 year old game
>still barely works
wow nice consolecucks btfo
I have a PS3 and DeS, but I don't feel like dragging out and making space for a console. I want OG/360 and PS3 emulation to become a reality so I can keep those things in the closet and out of the way.
man demon's souls had some qt girls. what went wrong?
Huh, it certainly has its flaws, but it looks a lot better than I would've expected.
Are there any reliable estimates how long it'll take to be reasonably playable?
no online too
online is the jam on the toast of soulsborne 2bh
>I want OG/360 and PS3 emulation to become a reality so I can keep those things in the closet and out of the way.
What's the point of keeping your consoles if all you want is to never use them again?
> could have bought a used PS3 for 50 USD and the game for 10
> wait 10 years instead
pcbro mustwait race
Damn, that's really impressive. It's still not quite on par with the PS3 in terms of framerate, but looks like it won't take all too long to get there.
Do you really find down syndrome cute, user?
sure is sonyslaves getting mad in here.
You guys knew this day was coming for like 10 years. I thought you would have prepared better.
I can almost feel your anuses bleeding through the force.
>just don't care about demon's souls
Is Skate playable yet?
can I run it ~w~?
>It's still not quite on par with the PS3 in terms of framerate
Uh, the video is far better than the PS3 in terms of framerate. far better.
>the amount it's improved in a short time
>FPS relatively stable and on par/almost on par with PS3 with occasional CTD
>not even closed to finished yet, work still continuing
I played it on PS3 back in the day, and have replayed it since then. I don't want to be digging out and setting up my PS3 anytime I want to play this game because modern consoles have no backwards compatibility.
>PC can play PS3 games
>PS4 can't
What a world
>games can age
lmao dont play red dead redemption pls
>pc gets mgs 4 before ps4
How poor are you? Demons souls is not hard to find it and ps3s are not hard to find. There is no point for emulating the ps3 at this point and time.
>implying 95% of peecucks here even have a PC capable of running this emulation
nigga please. most of these tards are on toasters and meme cards like 970
I am fairly sure online is a huge priority for a 0.02 version build.
In fact, it probably connects directly to Atlus' servers, chances are if you fire up DS now on the PS3, you will run into a bunch of people running the game on an emulator. You can spot emulator users easily because their avatars are displayed in 60 fps on your ps3 at the moment due to a glitch. I'm sure they will fix it soon.
Just set up some space where you have all your consoles ready to go at once.
Sentimental attachment. I spent a lot of time with them.
better than gimmicks
>Hook up console to oc monitor
Since you already game on pc the smaller monitor shoulnd't be an issue.
>In fact, it probably connects directly to Atlus' servers
it probably doesnt
I really don't want to look at them to be honest. I bought PS3 just for DeS and PS4 just for BB and it's the equivalent of getting carpe diem tattooed on your fucking forehead.
At least they were secondhand
Shut the fuck up, it does, OK??
pcbro here
we dont care about these games since we are used to 60+fps at 10 times better graphics than any console ever could achive
the point is to show you that WE CAN play it even though we wont and dont care about shit games like this
Have a fun day
who am I kidding you wont
You obviously don’t care enough to have an authentic experience.
>relevent in emulation
this show how much you know about what are you talking about
who cares
>years of le gold face never ever memes
>suddenly DeS is a bad game
really makes you think.
nice try, nigger
It's still officially exclusive to the PlayStation 3.
>get invaded
That wasn't Demon's Souls, that was Bloodborne silly :). Please don't embarrass yourself in the future, please.
Hope you get that netcode up to par.
Otherwise enjoy playing the game at 75% HP.
or maybe people want to play the game at 4k 60+ fps and not 720p at 20 fps
thanks for spoonfeeding me user. I'll do this.
Give me Tokio Jungle!!!
>Honestly emulation of PS3 systems is only good as
Also, i like to have all my games in the same system. Things get very very messy when you have 4+ consoles
it'll work eventually