

before 2005 i doubt most normies could name the middle one

uhhhhhh fuckinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....
mary, elf boy and speed

mario, zelda, sonic

I just asked my sister to name them, and she named them with ease.

What does that mean?

>The cook

You better start brushing your sister's teeth, that's what it means.

Put a baby in her.

how did you post without any text?
is this the new triforce?

Marry her. She's the husband of your dreams

donkey kong, some kid from a Christian video game and Sonic?

Are you stupid? It's LINK

And this is a board for "gamers"

I can't tell you how many people I've met who think Link is ZELDA for some reason, fake gamers everywhere *facepalm*

merio, zelda and shadow???

>tfw my sister and i accidentally used the same toothbrush in our bathroom for a year
> tfw i'm pretty sure she got mouth herpes from me now and doesn't even know


>Not keeping your toothbrush in your room when you aren't using it

It's like you aren't paranoid of people intentionally fucking with you or someone flushing the toilet with the seat up so shit particles spread through the room and onto your brush's bristles.

Etna's ok, give or take. Not knowing the other two isn't a bad thing in this case though.

Better is if she does, but asks you why the fuck you're asking her to name two characters from shit games to start with.

well, the only one in my house to do a prank degenerate like that would be me, i doubt my mum, my dad, or my sister would do it, they are too "mature" and evolved past that stage

also the bathroom my sister and i used was separate from the toilet, there was like a corridor between. sucks when your hands are covered in poo after a bad wipe, and you need to rush to wash them.

>I'm not the only one who does this

someone post the one with manlytears and other two fags, I need it for testing



How'd you even get herpes dude, are you a normalfag?

That is a christian elf boy, look at his bible

damn guess I'm not the one for a gamer bf. What about a gamer trap gf, can I be the one for her?

>I need my gf to be into my hobbies
I know this is bait but there people who actually think that

j00t, hiroshima and manlytears?

Not him but I know a lot of negro children have herpes simply from sharing cups etc with their disease riddled parents.

Sigourney Weaver
Jackie Chan
Bob Chipman

damn it's almost like people tend to get along with others they have things in common with

uhh the game is called legend of ZELDA dumass

There's a difference between liking the same thing and linking soul mates with hobbies
That's what I'm cross about

No the game is called Legend of Cuck the Warmth of the Vag ASSHOLE

>Comment this on facebook
>Watch as millions of people take it seriously and sperg out
Like clockwork

what is link doing with that bible?

>having a cuckbook

>what does it mean
G U A R U N T E E D ( Y O U ) S

Pointless "how was your day honey?" conversations and a fuck every once in a while doesn't really count much as a relationship. Have you ever actually lived with a spouse before?

Luigi, Zelda and Jak and Daxter

I'd delete it if it weren't the only way to keep in touch with family.

no idea, probably from school or something, or from my parents,

You can get along and have fun with people just fine without having to share the same hobby. But you wouldn't know that because you're a socially inept loser Sup Forumsirgin.

If you have nothing in common, what the fuck are you doing with these people? Getting drunk together isn't an answer.

>Jump Man
>Elf Cleric from an old Atari Dungeons & Dragons Advanced game
>Bubsy with a glitched-out color palette

>All three of these are from porn

>All three of these are from anime

>Mark Zuckerberg
>Johan "N0tail" Sundstein

That was too easy. Give me some hard ones please.

There's an entire planet for you to experience, observe, and talk about together. You're just autistic and can't think about anything other than video games and your hobbies.

My 60-year-old mom could answer these.

I think my gay boyfriend would intentionally call the middle one Zelda just to trigger me into a mindbreak where I get raped by his 10 inch cock until I lose consciousness and wake up in his basement




>things that never happened but prison gay neckbeards love to fantasize about

Damn. Plz gib her number

which does Sup Forums love more do you think, playing video games or talking about fucking their sister?


>I know she's from Disgaea but I've never actually played any of the games

>She's probably from Danganronpa or maybe something from Type Moon but I've never played the former or anything from the latter. If I had to guess her name it'd probably be something like Marie Antoinette


source on left?


Is that Sonic sprite from one of the Game Gear games?

a faggy thread gets faggy posts

now down with those pants I'm on top and poz

>my gf knows all three of these
what have I done to her?

I can't and I've read all the "lolicon + English" tag in exhentai.

Moot 2.0
Moot 3.0
Moot 4.0?

>how to identify a newfag

Jumpman, Minish Cap and Sega

She's from Blazblue and her name is Dracula backwards.

left and right are just guro not exactly loli, only middle is loli


>unironically spouting the jailhouse gay meme
yeah because you get fresh pussy weekly, right?

>bad at games
>shit personality, no redeeming qualities outside of looks
>boring to talk to, gets butthurt over controversial topics
>cute, but becomes ugly in her 30s, losing the only real advantage she has over a man (unless you want kids)
>will get pretty much permanently bored of sex after you've been dating for a few months
>"a blowjob? eh no thanks... let's just watch another episode of Glee, we got a whole season to get through by friday!"

trap bf
>loves to play games with you whenever you want
>great personality, gets better every day you learn more about them
>amazing conversationalist, can talk about anything with a level head
>cute, and will continue to be handsome with age, and you will eventually appreciate their natural looks even if they're not girly anymore
>loves sex, wants to fuck every day, and sex gets better with every passing month
>addicted to cock, wants to suck your dick everytime they see it

chinese moot

Todd Howard, Kojima and Mario Kart

>Being a true fan of video games means only knowing basic shit.


Mario, Link, and Sonic

>your taste is bad -- my strawmen prove it!

>is always there with you while you're playin vidya
>will never judge you or leave you
>not much of a talker, but a great listener
>never ages, is always 10/10 perfect
>always wants to pleasure you in every way
>loves you with all her heart

Damn and I was so sure too

Donald Trump
Donkey Kong
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

>loves to play games with you whenever you want
>great personality, gets better every day you learn more about them
>amazing conversationalist, can talk about anything with a level head
>cute, and will continue to be pretty with age, and you will eventually appreciate their natural looks even if they're not young anymore
>loves sex, wants to fuck every day, and sex gets better with every passing month
>addicted to cock, wants to suck your dick everytime they see it

trap bf
>overly caustic and tryhard at games
>nasty personality due to years of stigmatization for their sexuality and attention whore-y cause of Sup Forums's obssession over 'traps'
>lots of time either empty headed or st-st-stuttering over text and nasty manly voice
>cute, but becomes ugly past 25, losing the only real advantage he has, especially if you want kids
>sex is difficult due to anuses not being made for sex and only appealing in fantasy. has to shave and manscape all the time and if they don't they're just a hairy dude

Is this better then.

Luigi, Zelda, Tails.

who said anything about taste, user? I was merely listing raw factoids. Anyone with a brain can realize women are nothing more than money-leeching, fickle whores.


Mai-chan's Daily Life
or something like that.
that's her baby being poured out of a blender

I've seen middle one posted a lot but never got the name, not sure what right one is.

Mark Zuckerburg, Hiroshima Nagasaki, Jim Watkins

You're clearly a fake gamer. KYS.

I know your post reeks of bait, but let me just stop you right fucking here:
>loves to play games with you whenever you want
Please try harder next time. 0/10 didn't read


A retard, Sup Forums's current owner, the dude who made the latest Sup Forums competition

You've got 10 seconds to prove you're a real gamer by naming this character and the exact game that this image came from

you're so god damned retarded. fuck off. it's really not that hard to meet a girl who plays even decent vidya

Wicked sense of humor

literally who, literally me and OP

Me, me, o-oh

me, me, and me

Not him, but I play Overwatch pretty frequently and there's a lot of girls on the US servers (most actually solo queue, surprisingly) and holy fuck they're all really fucking bad at the game. 90% of them play mercy (poorly) and if they are forced to pick any other character, you might as well just prepare yourself for a loss.

So yeah, even if they agree to play, they're just gonna be dead weight my man. I mean I guess you could play some casual co-op game that's basically impossible to lose...


Willy the handicaped two tails faggot


Congratulations, you are a true gamer.


donkey kong

high elf

crash bandicoot
