Games that trigger self insertfags


Who are self insertfags, and why would this game trigger them?

Reminder that Black Ops did the story first and better than Spec Ops: The Contrived

Witcher 3 comes to mind since it triggers Biodrones and Bethesdafags by creating an actually good RPG story with pre-made protagonist.

both are shit casual nu-console fps

then please tell me what's a good FPS, O great wise man

People who understand that a hyper-linear game that tries to berate the player for doing the only thing they are literally allowed to do is inherently flawed and not a good use of the medium at all.

>tfw Lugo

Hello mr.self insert.

ITT mediocre games that Sup Forums loves

>literal self inserting retard

okay st ory but shit gameplay

"The gameplay is shitty and unpolished"

"It's a dark take on the FOS genre, it's supposed to be unfun!"

Gotta love it when the devs give themselves perfect excuses like that. Any criticism can be deflected with "it's supposed to be shit"

>i play shitty "art" games to justify the fact that i'm a gaymer
Kek how insecure can you get?

Neptunia V2R

>self insert retard misses the point

lol didn't see that coming

So similar to what Kotor 2 does with the beggar but on a more extreme level?

I'm sure they picked that up from your parents.

I quit that game without even finishing it because it had bad controls and gameplay.
I don't really like cover based shooters though so perhaps it wasn't "for me".
I don't care for smug shitty games that try to be meta like Bioshock Infinite either so perhaps I wouldn't have liked it anyway.

>he can't stand being berated for something he did not do

You should tell your mommy, she'll kiss the hurt away.

Says the guy that supports Anita and gamergate.
Doublethink, much?

>game forces you into a roadblock unless you do an edgy thing
>hurrrrr its your fault xDDDD

Completely unrelated, has more to do with Kreia's attitude and less with making the player feel like hes being forced to feel bad for a choice he didnt make

>implying I wouldn't want to self-insert as a shell-shocked war criminal with a thousand yard stare.

I ain't no fortunate son.

>Gets told that the only winning move is not to play
>screeches autistically

self insert fag misses the point


>can perfectly clear all the enemies without hitting the obvious containment cell
>game wont let you off until you hit the containment cell even when all the enemies are dead
>hhurrrrrrrr but my point

i mean, if you're going to railroad the player and give them absolutely zero agency, it doesn't really make much sense to complain about the "decisions" they made
this has nothing to do with self-inserting, a lot of the game's messages aren't directed at the protagonist, they're directed at the player. even the loading screen at one point says "do you feel like a hero yet?" i really liked spec ops the line, but don't try to misconstrue this as about self-inserting; the game very blatantly berated the player, not just the protagonist.


You could have know...turn off the game and stop playing it if you didn't want to do that. You always had a choice. All you had to do was think outside of the box. :^)

And breated the player for what? Playing their shitty game? Isn't that contra-productive and slef-contradictory, not to mention hypocritical from the developers? Berating the player and not giving them any choice at the same time.

did you read my post because it 100% agrees with you

>So similar to what Kotor 2 does with the beggar but on a more extreme level?
No, but that's because you completely failed to understand that example.

Yeah, the braincells of people who play "CoD" immediately disable as soon as they see the title.



GENIOUS. Man all games should have been made this way.

>Pick up the can
>picks up can, turns out when you pick it up a room full of children gets executed
>does not pick up the can, you cannot progress the game due to invisible wall
>oh user if you dont want to kill the children just turn the game off :DDDDDD
>that will be 59.99

>retards implying the developer would just say FUCK YOU for playing our game

The game is telling the protagonist's story and how he's a piece of shit, not you, you self inserting retards.

>being good is bad
>being evil is bad

make up your mind you fucking old bitch

ebin :DDDD

She's right though. Force users are power hungry warlords in denial.

>being good is bad
>being evil is bad
she doesn't say those things
she said being stupid good or stupid evil is bad, being short-sighted and not goal-oriented is bad. consider the consequences of your actions and do what aligns with your goals.

I rolled my eyes really hard at that part. I bet the writers/developers felt they were so clever. All it did to me was cringe hard at the high "intellect".

The trouble with this is that your character is an incredibly powerful force user. I guess Obsidian were trying to explore the entire black/white thing and jedi always manipulating the events of the galaxy, but all I could think was "fuck yeah I'm gonna use my powers however I want, deal with it"

[Influence lost: Kreia]

>She's right though. Force users are power hungry warlords in denial.
She is right, and that's true, but it's also only tangential to her point.

She berates you for every possible choice. Don't be stupid.

i finished the game multiple times with her at max influence, the only place i remember where she chews you out regardless of what you pick is on nar shadaa and that's because the game devs railroaded you into picking short-sighted choices

I think that user is talking about the initial choice always being wrong. If you give money to the guy he gets beat up by robbers and if you don't he starves or whatever. And Kreia always "berates" you because she tells you you didn't consider your actions carefully enough
The actual influence losing/gaining happens based on what you respond to that IIRC

I just realized I basically rephrased exactly what you said. My apologies.

''that user'' just follows the ''hurrrr kreia bashes you no matter what xD'' meme. Dont read too much into his posts.

no worries

You know what's funny about all this? Idiots took the messages of the game is if its an abject personal criticism.
>oh my gawd
>how dare this game make me feel bad for burning a bunch of pixelated twits?
>Im a good guy taht does no wrong
That's pretty much every complainers experience. Its not made to make people feel bad, its just a game that pebbles you with moral questions in a time where brown military, kill bad guy shooters were king. Its baffling how people picked up the pebbles and shove them up their own asses.

I get what the games trying to prove with the scene about consequences and such, I just don't like the fact it forces me to be incredibly kind and give the guy money, or act like a fucking psycho and threaten to kill him just because he asked for some cash. Why can't I just say "Sorry, don't have any to spare" and walk away, or just completely ignore him?

What do you expect from Avellone, the guy who wrote Ulysses in fnv?

You can try to fight the 33rd conventionally, you just can't win. The idea is that if winning or progress is all that matters to you and the only way to do that is to do dispicable things, then maybe you shouldn't be the one who is winning and that maybe any game that pats you on the back for doing similar things isn't a game that should be played.

The answer is that the main character is a pussy and killing people is fun. The game breaks the message a bit by having mostly bad gameplay, but some sections like burning people are good.

Self-insert fags just don't fucking get it.

More like games that trigger people with taste.

>Why can't I just say "Sorry, don't have any to spare" and walk away, or just completely ignore him?
Kreia; this is her Lesson, and one of the most important thematic parts of the game.
Essentially, the reason the Exile has to choose one of those two options is because Kreia is forcing you to - both she can impress her Lesson upon you, and so you can begin to appreciate her point of view. After all, now you know what it's like to make an unimportant, arbitrary choice with the best/worst of intentions - or maybe just out of apathy - and have it twist into a consequence you never anticipated.

That's not how you use the semicolon.

this game is what i usually "self-insert" as, as the op so gayley put it, in most of my games.

The problem with Spec Ops is that due to a very rushed development, most of the ideas for the game that had originally been meant for a branching storyline were repurposed for a linear one instead. In other words, the problem is the game presenting itself as though the player had a choice, when in reality they do not, and the story doesn't involve player agency at all. For example:

>WP scene
>It is said several times, in some instances very pointedly, that "there is always a choice"
>This would ordinarily tip the player off to a gameplay/karmic choice
>However, there is no choice, and the game doesn't give the player any agency in the following scene
>Later on, another leftover idea communicates directly with the player through a loading screen and berates them for making a choice (which they didn't due to story changes)

This is why players feel annoyed. Because the game conducts itself as though player agency is a factor in the storyline, whereas shortened deadlines due to corporate meddling effectively removed this agency from the final product. It's a dissonance between design and implementation. Not "hurr durr I wanted to be a hero" like the pretentious lead writer wants you to believe.

My mistake, user; I originally wrote out a far longer post and was attempting to explain some meta-analysis as well, but it was too confusing, so I heavily edited my post.

I had a friend that kept replaying the same parts over and over again, saying that the game hinted that their were other paths to take.

He eventually turned the game off without finishing it because he said he realized that they jst rushed it.

I bet the devs would jerk off to tHis story thinking "YEAH WE GOT HIM TO THINK ABOUT IT YEAH!!!!!!!" when in reality a Halo hit stores or some shit lol.

Amusingly, there are games out there that handle the "protagonist has a choice and takes all the wrong paths" theme excellently, and - for really obvious reasons - almost none of them attempt to create an illusion of player agency.

It's a very simple mistake, which I really want to ascribe to the game being rushed out the door, with the main story being rewritten literal weeks before release (yes, it's true, there's an interview that explains this).

>Games that 14 year old pseudointellectuals jerk off over because they think they're "so deep"

>they think
"Writers and reviewers told them," more like.

I still feel as though it could have been implemented much better. If the game wanted to give me that lesson it still could have with a neutral option, with Kreia instead saying you made the right choice and explaining why.

It's fucking Shakespeare-tier writing for Burger standards.

black cops 2 was a much better game than spec ops fags desperately want theirs to be.

>game gives you control of the villain but you have to make a choice the villain NEVER would have made in order to get the good ending

>Amusingly, there are games out there that handle the "protagonist has a choice and takes all the wrong paths" theme excellently, and - for really obvious reasons - almost none of them attempt to create an illusion of player agency.
Any recommendations, user?

Soul reaver

Thanks, user!

What do you mean ''thanks''? how fucking young do you have to be to not know this game? Get the fuck out.

I fell for the "deep realism story" shit and bought it on a sale, but I only played 73 minutes acording to steam.
I probabkly didn't even make it to the questionable fake "deep" decisions. I was already turned off by bad third person camera view and the "wave" feel of enemies. Enter a mall, stay in position, fight waves of enemies for 3 minutes, move to market, fight a few more waves from next position, ...

>Spec Ops:The Line

>What do you mean ''thanks''?
Politeness. I was kind of hoping for more than one recommendation, and I didn't want to just let it go unanswered. I've been intending to play it for a while.

>C'mon soldier, use that phosphorous on those people down there! It's the only way out of this mess!
>Nah man, there's gotta be another way to do this
>Soldier there is no other way to do this! The NPCs are constantly respawning and even though you're a trained soldier with decades of experience we were never trained to use this type of weaponry! That's why we have to use it!
>Well, I can't do anything else, and there isn't another choice, so I guess I'm forced to do it in order to enjoy the rest of my 60 dollar video game

Then I cracked the game ever so slightly at the top and got a full refund at Gamestop. The most hamfisted bullshit I've ever seen in a video game, very clearly written by film school rejects who had no idea how to do write a story with any weight or consequence.

>The game breaks the message a bit by having mostly bad gameplay
I don't get this complaint. It did not do anything special as a 3rd person shooter, but it was far from bad gameplay, it was just run of the mill. It was still very competently done, with very few bugs, and responsive controls.

They almost got it right, all that was really needed was a non-obvious (or maybe even hidden) way to avoid the phosphorus part but still make it seem like this is the only option to proceed and manipulate the player into doing it.

No, all they needed to do was make it so that if you said no to the phosphorus more people would die, but you technically wouldn't have a hand in it. Make it so that you have a choice between fucked up actions that save more people and not doing those actions to absolve yourself of the guilt, but it lets even more innocents die. Make it so that you become a monster feared by the people but it's for their own good

That's also pretty good user

or just let you turn around and leave

except that black ops is history revisionism and spec ops is just fiction.

The Last of Us

>Game has several points where you the player get to make the choice of what you want to do
>But you only have one real choice in this scene because we need drama!

>make a zombie game
>make it stealth instead of action
>have npc partner
>make the game piss easy by having the enemies ignore him during stealth sections

you're damn right im triggered

Whats wrong with a zombie stealth game?

The fact that it end up not being a stealth game at all since they had to make your partner invisible to enemies because they couldnt make it work.

I never really had issues with her just running straight in front of enemies and sometimes she stays behind while you clear them out