Help Sup Forums, I have problems

Help Sup Forums, I have problems.

I am a very angry person, the world pisses me off easily. can you suggest a cathartic videogame that will let me work through butthurt by killings things?

Pic related, one of the best games I found for the purpose. But I finished it.

Postal 2

>angry manlet pissed off because his life sucks because he made it that way
>is able to get his aggression out by playing one of the most casual action games released in recent memory

fucking casual

Goes with out saying, but have you played God Of War? Any of em? If not then do so.

Any Elder Scrolls
Fallout works too
Mount&Blade Warband if you don't suck you can slay hordes of enemies with your pinky.

I heard this was a really mediocre game, is it even worth the 4 bucks to spend on it?

Space Marine, kind of similar to SoM in that it takes from popular series, but does it better. And has lots of satisfying weapons to use to kill yet more Orks. Also recommend Vanquish and the Transformers Cybertron games.

Hey man I'm not here to impress anyone. I found a way of working through what lowers my quality of life.


I found it fun. Make of that what you will.

Hell fucking yes! That game was my shit back in the day. Shame we never got more especially considering they had a trilogy planned.

dynasty warriors is perfect for that.

Played ES, Dishonored, Fallout. Will try M&B

Will try it

I haven't played any of the, will try.

Played it. I'll try Vanquish.

Thanks all.

Damn that's a big series. Do you recommend starting from 1 or do you have a suggestion for a jumping-on point?

>loved the chainsword and bolter combo
>had to ditch it for the power sword/axe
Man I just wanted that thing to carry me all the way to end game desu, loved that thing.

I see you are also a man of taste

Musou games? Berserk or Attack of the Titan are both more violent, but I had more fun with the Dragon Quest and One Piece games.

Well worth it, paid a tenner for the GOTY edition a couple weeks ago, solid 7/10(legit) game. Pro-tip play the campaign missions until you get the branding ability, then do as you like.

normally, i would tell you to stat the serise from 4 or 5 but if you just lazy and want the best the serise has to offer, you can start with 8. its the best of the series so far.

>Musou games
Wow I haven't even heard of these before. Thanks user.

The only bad thing about the gamrplay of the game is that you were forced to play with the weapons they gave you, and couldn't keep the ones you already have.

Might want to check out metal gear rising revengeance, its pretty satisfying to slice goons into bits


Those moments were unironically badass.

God of War 1, 2, Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta. If you don't have a PS2/3 or Vita you can emulate them all.

Serious Sam series



>automatically ditch your combat knife and bolt pistol the moment you are handed the chainsword
If it were still feasible I reckon I would have gone through most of the game with that starter knife. And its not like it would be totally shit since the knives given to Imperial forces were so good that the men who found the STC for them got planets named after them. But for overall gameplay I can see why they would expect you to go with the flow.

Here's a (You). Only person in that thread without a reply

If you want to kill a shitload of people easily with flashy attacks go for Samurai Warriors 4 and/or DW8

It's not that the knifes are very good. They're just slightly better than they were before. But seeing as it's goddamn archeotech and their got to re-equip countless billions of soldiers with a slightly better weapon, then the people who found the STC got planetary governances as rewards.

Stealth games also can be your thing
Try out Tenchu games, they have some damn good killing animations
Also RE6 Mercenaries No Mercy unironically

I'm sure that we just have a Tenchu thread a couple of hours ago. Does it mean that ninja games are making a comeback?

Threads aren't something that have any influence on vidya industry my man
But still there's something like Nioh out there, this kind of games give me hope. And yes, I do hope that FromSoft is doing something with that as Acquire with Shinobido and WotS (4 was really bad)

>Shinobido and WotS (4 was really bad)
You know after Shinobido I really went into the WotS series expecting all of the gameplay and fun to be the same and it just wasn't. I mean if felt so half arsed in comparison. I tried to like it but the feeling just wasn't there and anything that you did in that game amounted to fuck all in the end. I think Shino might have spoiled me a bit too much on the vidya front desu, nothing as ever been able to compare to that game since.

The protagonist spends about 80% of the game pissed off and you slaughter endless Stormtroopers and various Star Wars goons.

It also has fucking superb gameplay, easily the best lightsaber combat (or melee combat in general) in video games.

Well, Shinobido itself is more fast paced Tenchu
And WotS is, well, a samurai simulator I'd say



Brutal Doom, or Project Brutality. Russian Overkill with Ketchup mod is also pretty cathartic. These are all Doom mods, obviously. It might be old, but it is oh so satisfying.

Go for a run, do something to spend energy on.

>high level saber-only combat
That shit was amazing to spectate, literally Prequel-tier flippan and saber swingan all day. It's a shame nobody has come back to that style of play.

Second this. Best Star Wars game I've played. JKA is fun as well. But I recommend Killing Floor 1 & 2.

I'm an angry person too, but I find more success in playing calming games.
Like The Witness. Any amount of anger just evaporates.

True, I almost wish it would receive the remaster treatment to get people back playing the Multiplayer.

Although I say 'almost' because inevitably they'd probably fuck something up, especially with EA having the SW rights. So honestly, I think I'd probably prefer it just stay buried with all those sweet memories.

If they'd put that style of saber combat into Battlefront, I might actually give a shit about that game. But you're right, it's EA, so we're fucked with SW games for a long time.