

So Valve announced their panelists and casters for TI7.

The main english speaking panelist will be Day9, who has fucking 0 contribution to dota. The only thing he did just streamed some couching with Purge.

Why Valve became such an asshole?

>post "beta release" dota
kys my man

f u, nobody asks you to comment if you don't like.

icefrog is dead
let the game die too

i didn't like a lot of the casters even when they were pretty knowledgeable

don't know shit about day 9 but i'm going to figure that he doesn't know a fucking thing about the pro scene, seems like a likable dude from the streams he was on with purge but this is probably a bad move

Commentators don't matter outside of professional wrestling. When watching real competitions, the atmosphere of you and your friends should be enough.

>professional wrestling
>not a competition

Fuck you

It makes sense because the caster doesn't need any dota knowledge beside the bare minimum to not say retarded shit, a host just needs to keep talking and keep things fresh.
TI means a lot of non-dota people will watch dota so someone who actually isn't deep in the game is better for them. Sort of like old noob stream. Dota knowledge is gonna be provided by analysts and ex pros. Host just needs to moderate all the discussion and play the noob so other people can explain difficult things.

host, not caster, sorry

He's a host, not an analyst.

All he needs is enthusiasm and hosting ability, which he has plenty of.

he only did the dota 2 couching with Purge BECAUSE HE WAS ALREADY HIRED to be the ti7 host by valve

shit was obvious from a mile away, day9 is too beta to go in raw so he thought he needed to "learn"

why do more people care about watching dota 2 then playing it.

Is it a competition to see who can arouse Vince the quickest?

>not even 4k

dead game

I don't even know who this guy is, I dropped dota around the time that guy that casted like eminem started to get relevant. Heard that Sheever got cancer recently tho, I hope she's ok.

Not a caster, not just a panelist. The host.
Meaning that his main job is to manage and direct the flow of conversation between other more knowledgeable panelists.
I don't like the fact that he was selected because some people worked long and hard on Dota and this would have been a great honor for them. But Sean has everything he needs to be a great host.

God I hate that day9 faggot so much.

quite this, it's not dead but certainly dying, wrong "adjustments" and year compendium cash-in shilling, no real changes in the game saw to it

Boy the Activision shills are out in force tonight. HotS numbers must be down again. More down than usual, anyway.

>wanting some barely literate slav to commentate a 20 million dollar tournament because he has "contribution" instead of a passionate and entertaining professional commentator

because its not fun?

I like Day9 but what happened to RedEye ? for a host he wasn't bad.

>tfw no more Yames as host

I only play netease wc3 ladder

>no james
>no redeye
this is the first TI I'll skip outside the finals
I don't even know what teams are playing anymore

>Day[9] got a long history of great casting in Starcraft 2. Hes well experienced in eSports.
>At his best he was the best NA player in starcraft.
>he has followed the Dota2 scene for a long time

hes just gonna be the host. His job is to get the other panelists to talk and to do introductions. Even if you hate him, he won't interrupt your games you will just hear him in the background during piss breaks

Personally I think it's great that TI tires to take a chance. Only seeing the same talent every single event gets boring pretty quickly.

can they give the boot to kacey as well? she doesnt contribute to anything as well

You'd think he'd try get in on SC with the remastered hype

I thought most people just skipped the desk anyway

Cap and Tobi are casting so I'm fine with it for now

Fuck you, who cares? Fuck you, no one gives a shit about who's casting, fuck you. It doesn't change anything on game, fuck you. You are a giant fag so fuck you.