>Ocarina HD
>Majora's Mask HD
>Wind Waker HD
>Twilight Princess HD
Will the best Zelda have its time to shine?
>Ocarina HD
>Majora's Mask HD
>Wind Waker HD
>Twilight Princess HD
Will the best Zelda have its time to shine?
No, because Aonuma hates Zelda 1.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why everyone shits on Skyward Sword?
They already made MM HD though
They're too retarded to use the motion controls.
People bitch about the motion controls when fighting, but they're even worse when flying around. Made me drop the game
my guess is that sidequest are minimal and boring
This actually might have a chance on Switch when you think about it, it would work great with the joycons
Twilight Princess is best Zelda but I haven't played BOTW.
>t. born 1995
I hope so. I really wanna fucking play this.
Its extremely linear for a Zelda game. It's not a bad 'game' but holy fuck dose Twilight Princess destroy it.
>shitty controls
>shitty companion
>small environments
>only 8 fucking tool items
>almost every boss is sword-based
>wretched art design and characters
>overall shit story
>worst music in the series
There you go.
the empty sky might as well be a hub with a few portals, fi's handholding treats you like a retard, shield durability, tears of light 2: out of stamina boogaloo, fight two bosses around 3 times each
bad taste is the main reason
>stamina meter
I liked Zelda II alot even though I could never finish the fucking thing. It has a unique and 'gloomy' feel to it.
I hope they make something similar one day.
If they take out the controller gimmick everyone will finally realize how shallow it realy is.
If they take out the controller gimmick I will finally play it.
Skyward Sword was so bad that it's BARELY better than CD-I games. Think about that.
What went so fucking wrong?
I'm inclined to agree that SS is the worst in the console games.
TP is miles ahead of the whole series. Its athestic is perfect & zant is the best bad guy in the series.
>What went so fucking wrong?
See, Miyamoto and Aounuma have some decent ideas once in awhile, but they are basically complete retards that have to be leashed and neutered, with only their best ideas being allowed into the final product. Skyward Sword is what happens when they get their way and nobody restricts their decisions.
>TP is miles ahead of the whole series. Its athestic is perfect & zant is the best bad guy in the series
No, no actually it isn't.
>3 hour long intro and utterly boring first dungeon
>shitty wolf segments, and wolf form is weak, useless and tedious
>about half of the tool items are literally useless outside of their respective dungeons
>lack of sidequests and additional content
>no magic meter
I could go on, but TP is not "miles ahead" of anything. It's a good game, but not a great game.
Because it is the worst 3D Zelda period.
That includes clones by other companies. That includes Kevin Sorbo's Hercules on the N64.
Skyward Sword is such a fundamental misunderstanding of everything that made Ocarina so perfect and also a complete insult to it and the series legacy.
I'm serious, Skyward Sword is so fucking awful that the series name is actually forever tainted by it.
The ball & chain ice dungon in TP is my favorite dungeon in the series. (haven't played BOTW)
If they actually build an overworld, sure.
>Will the best Zelda have its time to shine?
But BotW just came out, OP.
>Will the best Zelda have its time to shine?
Zelda 1 came out actually 30 years ago, it had its time.
it still has DLC coming out. SS on the Switch (proper remake not rerelease) would be great. It needs redemption after all the shit handholding and bare sky over world.
SS was such a flawed title that they'd almost have to rebuild the game from the ground up. Doubt that's worth the effort.
>Its athestic is perfect
it looks dated and awful, terrible textures, ugly color schemes, and by far and away the worst NPC designs in the whole series.
>zant is the best bad guy in the series
Maybe he would be if he didn't turn into Kabuki Bugs Bunny at the last second. As it stands because of how fucking ridiculous his boss battle is he's the worst by a landslide. Vaati is way better.
At the point where you're completely remaking a kusoge from the ground up to redeem its flaws, is it really even worth the effort?
Skyward Sword is legitimately a 3/10 or below game, why even bother trying to make it better?
The 'ideal' Zelda game is built with a teenager or young adult in mind.
SS feels like it was designed for an 8 year old.
it's a badd game
What fucking 8 year old is going to want 5 hours of unskippable cutscenes and tutorials at the beginning of a game?
It's really good, just not as good as the others. Most people just like to autistically nitpick because of motion controls, so as long as you're fine with them you'll have a great experience.
In terms of highlights it has really good combat (after you get used to it) and really good dungeons. It just sucks that it is too linear, handholdy and has a really empty sky overworld.
Also, the controls seem to work for some and not for others, weird huh? They worked for me and as a result I think it is the Zelda with the best combat.
because it's legitimately not. I don't know what game you played, or you have warped view of review scores. A 3/10 is an unplayable broken mess. SS needed more freedom, they built this great impressionist art style and didn't give you the chance to enjoy it.
not a quick rundown but
The controls are awful aside from swordfighting. Balancing on ropes, swimming, aiming the bow and arrow, bomb bowling, and especially the flying controls. It's all fucking terrible. If you need a dedicated button to recalibrate your controls while playing, you need to change the design of your game.
The hubworld is so fucking empty that it may as well not exist. Even the 3 Mario painting levels feel empty. You can't even explore it at night.
The soundtrack is completely forgettable aside from the main theme.
There is NO ENEMY VARIETY period. You just fight different color bokoblins for 90% of the game. This has been a sore point for most Zeldas since the N64 though, OoT's child Link section alone has more enemy variety than WW, SS, and BotW.
Like TP, the first 3-5 hours of the game are a long tutorial full of boring shitty dialogue sequences.
And the worst thing about the game: It had, at the time, by far the biggest dev team, by far the longest dev time, and by far the biggest budget of a Zelda game yet, yet it's so fucking bad I consider it unplayable. Ocarina was made in 3 to 4 years and there's barely 40 people in the credits yet it's the best game ever made.
SS is so far away from Ocarina that I honestly don't know what happened to the people who made Ocarina. They clearly don't work at Nintendo anymore.
It needed another 3-4 years of development. 2 for actually fleshing out the sky overworld.
The art style is the only redeeming aspect of the game aside from a few charming characters.
You don't give a game that is terrible at everything but looking pretty a mediocre score. It is a shitty game.
>3-5 hours
Literally a meme. The intro was barely 40 minutes, after that you participate in the flying contest, then Zelda gets kidnapped and you officially get started from there.
I consider the intro of a 3D Zelda to be when you're given access to the first dungeon.
Nintendo should be paying people to play this game.
BotW > OoT > WW > MM > TP > peepee > poopoo > SS
No, a .5 or 1.5 is a broken unplayable mess.
A game that sort of functions but nobody in their right fucking mind would ever want to play is a 2.5-4, and that's the space where you get true garbage like Skyward Sword and Metroid Other M.
Meanwhile, in Aonuma's ideal Zelda game...
Is breath of the wild really good enough to be considered better than OoT?
>poo poo below pee pee
piss taste
Poopoo has way too much waiting and busy work. You get right into the action with peepee.
poo poo takes longer, has to be cleaned up, and smells terrible.
also it's much safer to ingest than pee.
I thought so personally, and I say that who's played pretty much every worthwhile Zelda game to absolute exhaustion. The world design is stunning, and despite the scope of the game the NPCs are still absolutely bursting with personality. I also thought the Slate abilities was the best set of 3D Zelda tools yet, since you have so much creative leeway with them.
At this point, I'm just going to make this a post I can copy paste for my own convenience since people are utter retards when it comes to Skyward Sword.
Skyward Sword Pros
>Incredibly good dungeons
>Solid OST
>Motion Controls for combat (Yes, I said it, deal with it you fat cunts)
>Lanayru desert is one of the best areas in Zelda, period
Skyward Sword Negatives
>Awfully bland bosses
>Padding out the ass
>The Sky is shit
>Motion controls being shoehorned where they don't belong (Rotating keys and shit to fit into doors for example)
>Stupidly long intro section
>Lack of hidden shit & points of interest
Now would I like motion controls in every Zelda game? Definitely not, but I enjoyed the fuck out of them in Skyward Sword for the most part and never felt annoyed or limited by them.
I hear people saying the music in SS is bad and I can't help but kek.
I could go on but I'll stop here. Friendly reminder that if you say Skyward Sword music is bad, you're just outting yourself as a shitter with god awful taste in music.
Skyward Sword is a weird one, it gets most of the key things right for a Zelda game, but the shit it gets wrong are so fucking horrible that they can't be ignored.
The bosses are so fucking lackluster, the amount of meaningless padding which only serves to prolong the game needlessly and the sky being a bland piece of void will never not irritate me.
Tank you
Pretty much on point. Only missing the repeated item info upon restart.
Regarding the motion controls even if they can be fucking shit at times they are also the most unique part of the game and if they re-released it at this state just without the motions I don't think it would fly so well.
>Stupidly long intro section
How does SS compare to OoT, MM, WW and TP with their long openings?
Similar to TP.
>worst music in the series
I will fight you
Better do something about that carpal tunnel, bro
I'm still waiting for Aonuma to give us a Ni No Kuni style Zelda.