Any thoughts my fellow Sup Forumsirgins?
Eurogamer: "Playing Civilization as Trump"
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>Failed to replace or repeal Obamacare
>Continues signing extensions for Obama's Iran deal
There are still retards that believe in this clown LMAO
Epic, simply epic for the WIN!
at least he stopped funding the syrian """moderate""" rebels, that was one of the most important foreign policy aspects of last election for me
Longhair on the left looks pretty good tbqh
not to defend trump since i couldn't give a fuck less about american politics, but i'd imagine it's pretty hard to get anything done when the entire government keeps trying to undermine you and rejects everything you propose at every opportunity
you have courts literally illegally doing the exact opposite of what trump says because they don't agree
the government isn't even giving trump a chance to get shit done, they're just outright limiting his power as much as they possibly can
Fucking cuck allowed ruskies to influence the region.
I always wanted to be a fascist!
>mfw someone built the great wall a really long time ago and now I can't
This game is bullshit, every time you build a wonder someone finishes it one turn before you would have
Those deals were made before Trump was even running. They're just now getting around to finishing the deal, and of course idiots that don't know a thing about politics think Trump is responsible because timing.
The Senate had a terrible bill proposed and Trump legitimately wanted it signed and got disappointed when it wasn't. Republicans are saving themselves from Trump's retardation.
Trump legitimately felt for the healthcare bluff that they were doing while they were blocking Obama.
How about you Americans stop fucking funding islamic extremists and stop overthrowing secular regimes?
>Has the entire congress, courts, people and the world behind him
>Hasnt accomplished anything aside from obamacare
>Has EVERYONE against him
>hasnt accomplished anything
You say the entire gov but the repubs basically control both house and senate so I don't know who the fuck your talking about other than that muslim ban shit which was already a dumb idea.
The walking talking cheeto has undermined himself more than enough let alone needing anyone else to do it for him.
Reminder these are the people you are arguing with
I know you're being sarcastic but Obama in his first two years had both the house and the senate and did nothing with it besides the aca which was even worse then what we had before
That means i should adopt Judaism as religion and be as helpful to Israel as possible?
>American politics are such a shitshow the rest of the world watches like its a fucking reality TV series
What a truly fucked up country. Shopping is nice there though.
>you have courts literally illegally doing the exact opposite of what trump says because they don't agree
that's not how it works
I was being serious.
Obama hasnt accomplished anything besides obamacare.
He basically did everything Bush did, except he's black so its cool.
Don't republicans control the house and the senate currently?
I don't care about politics but I'm glad trump is president because he's entertaining as fuck. He's the closest thing to a literal retard we'll ever get in the highest office and it's hilarious how the system is wrapping around him like a 80's comedy.
America is the best country in the world to live in if you're wealthy by far.
Shame the majority of the American population isn't though and gets fucked in the ass the most than any other first world country. America takes care of their poor by far the least. I feel for you Americans honestly.
I'd believe that if Trump didn't win
I hate Trump.
He fucked up US geopolitical power in the west in the long term.
EU are distancing themselves from us. Which was basically our vassals. Our global influence is dropping like a rock. We needed a leader that actually strengthened our relationship with the EU and undermined Russian influence on the world. Also tried to integrating China within the western sphere more and signing trade treaties to fuck over the Chinese.
Instead we get to "fake" we are fighting against the Chinese. While they profit from not having to sign the trade deals with us (that was in our favor). We are losing our EU vassals. Russian influence is increasing in the Middle east and eastern europe which has been in our sphere of influence since the 90's. And we are giving China the extra room they need to fill the power vacuum we left empty by getting out of the Paris Accord. Meaning instead of us influencing and using our soft power on the world. It will be China doing it instead.
Good job Trump. Thanks for fucking up the New World Order the US had since the cold war ended. Terrific job.
Neocons block most of Trump's shit
>acting like repubs like trump
He isnt actually a republican. Did you not watch the debates? Almost every republican hated him because he was actually not retarded unlike most dems and most repubs. This is the problem with US govt.
is there a bigger laughing stock than modern "liberals"?
Oh boy, I sure do love discussing video games!
At least we have Saudi Arabia and Israel on our side now.
I am from glorious Canada where being born a diabetic doesn't fuck me financially for my entire life.
No, but kekistani faggots might overtake them in a few years.
>hurr durr corrupt regimes brainwash the population
No matter your political compass, this is literally propaganda. When was the last time Trump started a war and dropped a Nuke?
You are so misinformed its not even funny
cool and I don't have shitty genes
Kekistan is a meme which should have never left the boards. It's funny online but not when people are doing that shit outside
that's what America voted for. Less of playing world police which always ended disastrously like in Irak or Lybia and more Isolationism and Realpolitik with Russia. Also multilateral trade deals have fucked the US over since the 90s
leftist cringe is several orders of magnitude higher than kekistani
America evidently couldn't influence the region, let the Russians try.
>Rapidly undoing 60 years of diplomatic efforts
>Naw it's fine politics don't matter
>few years
They're already on the same level as them
>t.pic related
That's the cancerous SJW movement started. With tumblr and mentally ill people gathering online, to the point where it leaked into the real world.
Kek, you haven't seen these retards irl have you? I'm unlucky enough to live in a place where I see crazy sjw's and kekistani fags every now and again. They're both unbearable.
You fucking Yankees have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to trade deals, you don't get fucked over by trade deals. You get upset whenever someone starts making money in a trade deal you're not a part of. Milk is a good indicator, doesn't have trade regulations between the US and Canada and so when Canadian dairy farmers are selling more to Canadians than American farmers are, it's not some anti-American plot that means you shitheads can't sell milk. It's Canada doing it themselves for way cheaper and the US crying unfair because it can't leverage something like the row lumber treatise
We are not at war with Russia. I got what I wanted
I don't know man. Leftist cringe just makes me laugh, unironic kekistan shit makes me want to die.
if you dont understand why leftists are much worse and more cringe than any "kekistani" retard, you are just as bad as the leftists
You've described every meme ever made. Well done
Can we all agree that Jen should have won?
Trump was funny for the first couple of weeks because of all the triggered babies but Jeb would have been entertaining for 4 years.
>When a bunch of trap loving cuck faggots try to discuss politics
Cute. But stick to video games.
Before it's too late.
Thanks man. Thinking back it is kinda like that eh?
Remember when the Supreme Court saved Obamacare by ruling it constitutional because the individual mandate — the penalty people had to pay for not buying health insurance — could be considered a tax? They ruled that way despite the fact that President Obama repeatedly maintained that the mandate was not a tax.
Such as?
I am really starting to hate Europe
>>Has the entire congress, courts, people and the world behind him
lol wut
""""secular""""" dictatorships
>wanting Bush/Obama 2.0
>not wanting to wake up daily to see the butthurt from both political alignments and laughing at their anguish
It's a bit schadenfreude to see dems get butthurt when they were the ones to fuck over Bernie. It's also hilarious to see the GOP shit itself when it actually has power. This is going to be a great four years.
how is Assad not a secular dictator? How were Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein not secular?
Does Civ now have a way to piss and moan on Twitter every time a neighboring power does something you don't like?
Nigga, I support Trump but (you) cuckistanis are ruining his image almost just as much as MSM, the kek posting on Sup Forums was fun, but reddit culturally appropriated it and ruined everything
I don't really care about who's the smellier pile of shit. I just want both of them to disappear tbqh.
>its a Sup Forums tries to discuss politics episode
Kill yourselves for not doing the same
>but sage isnt a downvote!
Doesnt matter, dont bump shit threads
>b-but reporting is against the rules
Dont care, do your civic fucking duty and help clean this shithole
he doesn't have the entire government against him, he has both the house and the senate on his side. The Russian investigation isn't just some sour grapes from those damn libruls. If Trump collaborated with the Russians to win the election he is a traitor, plain and simple.