This is the worst.
This is the worst
why are you playing EA games in the first place?
Because 2142 and Titanfall 2 are fun.
It's not as bad as Steam.
The only problems I have with it is that it fucking needs to use my GPU even while sitting in the background doing nothing(close to tray).
>not as bad as steam
But steam isn't bad.
never go full retarded
I have more problems with Origin than Steam but their customer support more than makes up for it. Although I don't use it or have an active account any more.
>pay for Access
>BF4 is included but without premium
>buy premium membership instead of premium edition by accident (same price, latter includes BF4)
>call them and they give me a refund so I can exchange
>a few days later premium gets added to access
>call them again and get a second refund
>Steam isn't bad
I know you're just trolling here but I'm going to humor you slightly.
Steam wouldn't let you disable updates, something even Original can do.
Steam is fine, stop being a faggot.
steam has started doing shit like region locking keys, its platform has been cancer for a long time, its store front is cancer, etc etc
only moderately OK think about steam is refunds, where in origins you get way better refund policy and demos and free trials and EA access, infinitely better than steam
>Steam wouldn't let you disable updates
Worse than that, it used to, but they decided to force people to update.
>disable updates
For what?
The best thing about Origin is the free games.
Say remember when people said Origin would put spyware on your PC? Whatever happened to that story
See those games?
all FREE.
It's really not
>For what?
So I don't have a 30gb udpate forcved upon me like the recent DOOM update or a downgrade like the grand theft auto series got.
The fact that you are even questioning why you need more functionality and flexibility and freedom makes me question you life views.
At first it was a pain but I got used to it. I only use 15% of it anyway and downgrading games isn't that hard in itself. I genuinely don't know why people bitch about steam. What's fucked up is that lately every game company is forcing down our throats their Steam-like platform
It was fearmongering like most other paranoid delusions Sup Forums has about things
No this was more then just Sup Forums, a lot of other game forums was saying that as well.
They shut up once they found out Steam does the same (and worse).
It even searchs no steam folders too and I don't mean just the music folder for the shitty Steam music app.
there is nothing wrong with origin, battlenet, uplay and all that other similar shit. they are all the same thing
Yeah I know, I have them all.
It's really not that much of an issue for me. There are plenty of guides to revert San Andreas back to it's regular state.
Fuck off Gabe
it really isnt
uplay is utter fucking garbage and there should be no reason to have to go through it for every ubisoft game.
>Fuck off Gabe
If I was Gaben I would be to busy not making games and making money off of hats to post on Sup Forums
I guess we can just ignore all the other useful features Steam has that Origin completely lacks because Steam can't disable updates. Who cares about Family Sharing, Workshop mods, In-Home Streaming and the best and most flexible controller binding/customization options?
Its far from being Uplay level of bad... at least you can play your games without them crashing all the time.
Yes because one good thing just completely cancels all the bad, right?
by that logic Origin is perfect since if all you want to do is play games all you do launch -origin and don't care about anything else.
>Yes because one good thing just completely cancels all the bad, right?
Where the fuck did I say that? One bad thing cancels all the good, or what? Origin can disable updates but on the other hand I can't
>play free shit from my friends' libraries
>stream games to the living room
>configure my controllers
>have easy to access mods
Origin is missing too much legitimately useful shit to be any good.
Still don't fix the issue with Steam being bad.
You're just moving the goalpost now and you're not even begin subtle.
>>Yes because one good thing just completely cancels all the bad, right?
>Where the fuck did I say that? One bad thing cancels all the good, or what? Origin can disable updates but on the other hand I can't
If you didn't mean to imply exactly that why do you even brought up that up?
>open Origin
>has to update every time
Just what the fuck are they "updating"?
I unironically like this more than steam.
>Better UI
>More features
>Quick downloads
they just dont get sales like steam does