What's Sup Forums's favorite RPG class?

What's Sup Forums's favorite RPG class?

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Paladins, every single time Paladins. It feels good being overpowered in every single game.

Always the sneaky one, especially if there's DoT stuff.


Monk. Beating people with my fists is the best.


Fluid Druid


Why'd this thread get deleted last night?

I always pick the strength classes, or some kind of dumb weeb samurai shit.



whoever wields the big 2H sword

I fucking love paladins but hate clerics


I know. Only Diablo and Dwarf Fort really capture it.

Knight's, Paladins, Clerics anything with a hint of honour and stoicism.

Lance/Spear/Halberd are objectively the best

this exact same thread with the exact same OP image got deleted last night, why are you making it again?

Bursty classes, literal glass cannons. Like EO3 Arbalests and their Front Mortars. Otherwise, kleptomanic rogue.


Monk if it's an option. Otherwise any kind of fighting class that uses light armor.

blue mage

if I have to explain you don't know the awesomeness of blue magic.

Warrior. Preferably a dwarf with 2H weapon. Dragon Age Origins was amazing when it comes to dwarves and 2h weapons.


Necromancer's are my favorite as well but no games do them right. Most necromancer's can only summon a few minions that disappear after a period of time or can't even have skelebros and are just dark mages. Proper Necromancer's have perma minions or a large army of temporary minions.


yeah and the summons tend to be weak as hell, like way too weak to be viable

Good taste user

The funny part is, only the characters on Cleric and Druid and Sorcerer in that image are actually the typical classbuilds for those classes, the rest range from barely the same class to wildly different and might as well not even be considered that class anymore.

database database!

this needs to be a roll chart.


yet another reminder that this series is never getting a sequel of any kind because the creator is a criminal now and his last signing company got hit with a huge fine, thus ensuring that he will never get another signing deal; the only way we are getting more LH is if he does a self-publish, which means that a manga continuation is unlikely and an anime continuation is absolutely impossible

he's not a criminal, it was just an accounting error



Tax evasion is a crime even if it was a mistake, and the amount he didn't pay was massive, 122M yen. Even were that not the case, his company still got hit with a fine, and that is considered biting the hand that feeds you even if it was an accident, he's fucked, sorry user.

God I miss this game, It really was so much better than PSO2.

I like stabbing people from the front

Thief, in games that do it right, I mean. It's pointless when the thief is just an assassin.

>samurai, guardian, swashbuckler and assassin are basically classic fighter/warrior
>cleric, shaman and enchanter are basically classic cleric
>cleric using a fucking staff when it has access to plate armour
>bard using a scythe
>scythe being a preferable weapon at all
>out of 8 available races, 3 are furry
>there is no "chicken chaser" in exemplary titles

Not because I like penises. I'm fucking terrible at combat, but great at logistics. So I go support whenever I can. I can occasionally tank but then I get gayboi twinks.


What's wrong with gayboi twinks?

one were i big booby woman wit hig heel

Black Mage is the patrician choice.


Give me one reason they're not great.

Stealth archer.

I'm just trying to chill and play a game. They often try to ERP or are just annoying to listen to.

Fighter or Assassin

Suggest me one game where at least one of these two are viable.

I love necromancers, but they're pretty much never playable. And if they are, they're not fun (i.e. you can't raise an army of undead). DCSS is a rare example of necromancers done right.
I also love killing knife-ears and other abominations as a templar. All "holy knights" are top stuff.

Dragon's Dogma, though that Assassin is more like "weapon generalist with high STR growths" than "sneaky cheeki breeki"