First time they made open-world game

>first time they made open-world game
>their third game ever
>almost scrapped half in development
>had almost half of the content cut from the game
>around 67 million USD budget (GTAV had 265 million)
I know it's popular on Sup Forums to shit on W3 (i also have problems with this game) but to be honest, it was really an achievement from technical standpoint and how much it evolved from previous two games.

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Too bad the gameplay is Technically awful.

It's a technological marvel, but the base game was still one of the most boring games I have ever played. I'm glad I stuck with it and played the DLCs at least.

I hope their next games are at least as good as the DLCs.

They make pretty cutscenes I'll give em that.
I prefer more game in my RPG but too each his own.

With DLCs they showed they learned a lot from base game mistakes. Bosses are actually good (for W3 standards), main villain in HoS is best in franchise so far, story is also the best.
With BaW they focused more on exploration and sidequests, story wasn't really great, but all the side stuff were amazing. Even trash things to collect had meaning for quests like Wine Wars or building of that Lebioda statue. It was a huge step forward. On the other hand the story was really average (you could tell half of it was cut abruptly) and was kinda forcing you to take action instead of explore.
I think that HoS story format would be actually the best for a base game (or any open world game in general). You basically have an immortal dude who gives you three tasks you have to do in any order (well, first two, then the last one), and he actually doesn't want you to hurry because he actually doesn't want you to finish them at all. It's a greatly given excuse to actually explore and do side stuff. Too bad HoS didn't have that many side quests.

Few details:
>almost scrapped half in development
It was never even remotely close to being scraped. Development hickups and setbacks are normal. The studio never seriously considered scraping the game.

>had almost half of the content cut from the game
Like virtually EVERY OTHER game in existence. This is absolutely normal part of game development. In this way, making games is much like making movies: actually majority of the work you do does not make it into the final cut.

>around 67 million USD budget (GTAV had 265 million)
The complete budget of the game was around 81 million dollars. Roughly 50 million of that was devoted to marketing and publishing (most expenses go localization). The core DEVELOPMENT budget of the game was 15 million supplied from CDPR's internal budget, plus ten million from the same source in reserves. Considering the delays, it's reasonable to assume both the reserves were used, and even another roughly 5-is million added, which does confirm the initial claim of external investors (microsoft, sony, other publishers) all adding up to 50 mill, all of which was to be used exlusively for marketing and distribution (to ensure CDPR's creative freedom).

Also, you pretend like this being the game's third game ever is some kind of achievement or sign of lack of experience.
The studio has been developing games for well over 15 years now.

I think that more than learning from experience, it speaks about how difficult is to maintain the same level of quality across all levels of your game with very large scope.


Development cost was 46 millions and marketing was 35 millions.

I'd really like to see the sources on that bullshit which is bullshit. Presumably half-based on the utterly WRONG estimations done by and some pretty bad mixing up which figure belong to where.

We do know that CDPR had made it's budgeting philosophy very clear. The 15 base and 10 million reserve is something we have DIRECTLY from CDPR. And we know why: it's because the company's investment funds aren't limitless.
Unless the company directly mis-reported at the end of 2015 that their strategy of remaining independent on direct development funding (which I'm pretty sure would be a crime), then you really have to explain where they got the additional DOUBLE of both the actual development budget and the reserve.

Also, contemporary AAA game investing less into marketing and publishing than the core game... sure. That totally happens.

Wtf was 256 mil needed for gtav. That shit had no content at launch. Marketing?

>Development cost was 46 millions

You have no fucking idea how gigantic of a game would Slavs make for that much money.

It's like with cartoons.
One episode of Simpsons costs as much as an entire cour of TTGL.
Western countries simply blow budget like crazy.

>Wtf was 256 mil needed for gtav.
Well over half went into the marketing. The rest vent into licencing and extravagant and poorly managed development team. Rockstar are NOTORIOUS for overproduction and poor investment management.

>it was really an achievement from technical standpoint
The giant robot with balls from Transformers 2 was so involved and detailed that it melted some rendering farms at ILM, I'd say that was also a technical achievement but the end-result was still bad. Just as W3 is still a poor game when you look past the presentation and visuals.

The franchise didn't really evolve at all, unless you want to call adopting just about every open-world trope done to death in the last decade. The gameplay is awful, CDPR just cared about the story and presentation.

And TW3 is a gigantic game, the amount of people who worked or contributed to it on some level is probably at least around 1000.

All I'm wondering is how $$$= cinematic, always.

>Relatively niche anime
>One of the most iconic and globally recognizable animated shows of all time that's been running for three decades

Eh, compare it to something original on Adult Swim and it'd be fair.

None of those actually fucking confirms what you are saying you moron. They only confirm the total budget 306 mil zloty (which is in the second link MISSLABELED as "development budget" while in reality it means "total budget").
Neither the financial breakdown, nor the actual article actually breaks down the marketing vs. development costs.

Going through all available materials, the only way I can assume you arrived to the stupid numbers of 46 and 35 mil is by combining TWO completely different estimates, one from 2013 based on KiciƄski's early estimates, that claimed that for now, the TOTAL budget 110 million zloty, 46 million ZLOTY will go into the development, while remaining 64 million will go into publishing.
Then you somehow combined that price with a completely different estimation, the one by Gazeta from 2014, which estimated the marketing to be around 35 million DOLLARS alone. However, the same report by Gazeta also suggests full price for the game at "only 63 million dollars" all together, coming 20 mill shy of the total 81 million confirmed by the sources you provided.

So in other words - you mistook the number 45 which was in ZLOTY from 2013 report and randomly combined it with the 35 million DOLLARS from 2014 report because the two numbers (despite actually being in different currencies) actually happened to add up to the 81 figure.

>67 million bucks
Yeah practically lunch money.
If only they had 200 more they could actually add gameplay to their movie

That's more because animators are paid shit and studios get money only from BD version sales.
But it's true that Western devs are blowing money away. I wanted to think why and i started to believe that it's because they lack a creative director, someone with strong ideas and mind to make the games and development more tight. Japan had Kojima, Taro, Miyamoto etc. and who the West has? Todd the Liar?
Also in the west it actually often happens that there are few directors working on a game through it's whole development, which is why they end up being a bland mess.

Not an argument.

>it was really an achievement from technical standpoint

Tell me what in this game was an achievement from a technical standpoint

>acting as if 67 million dollars is a small budget for a fucking video game

>If only they had 200 more they could actually add gameplay to their movie
I'm just picking one of these but it's really fucking hillarious how you fuckers keep saying this. Because that is what people said about games that were main stream popular in the past, so totally we need to say it now, right?

I remember when the concern about games being too cinematic was actually relevant. I can bet BIG FUCKING MONEY that most you were not probably even born back then.

>Because that is what people said about games that were main stream popular in the past
? not really

TW3 is in reality adored for being a movie. the gameplay is bad, period.

Whoa oldfag detected. Check this guy out, he's older than you and knows a lot! He was there, at the very conception of videogame. He played Pong on release. A wise hermit.

what does Ciri taste like?

>TW3 is in reality adored for being a movie. the gameplay is bad, period.
No, it's really not. You are parroting the same actual stupid bullshit that was never true even with fucking Last of Us you idiot and you don't even realize it. That is what is sad about all of this shit. You are a literal drone.

Witcher 3 is a great game. lol mad ex de?

>Fully open world without loading screens, even when entering houses
>Dynamic weather (seriously, show me an open world game with better weather that is not a racing game)
>An actual fucking city and not 10 houses bound by a wooden fence like in Skyrim.
>Being able to make good characters and story (for most part at least) in an open world/huge scale game
>Choices that actually matter and with consequences considering open structure of the game
>Best Graphics in an open world RPG (you could argue that games like Horizon look better but that's because they are way more static, you don't even have any choices in them just slight "roleplaying" with choosing the tone of voice in dialogues) - PS4 and XONE barely can keep 30FPS even though optimization is actually very good.

the last of us with revolutionary with its sticky combat, seeing guys through walls, and throwing things with an arc displayed onscreen. also invulnerable, ai breaking companion that kills enemies for you. epic game, i'm just a child and parroting

>gravel voice man spins around
>HMM, GRIFFIN TRACKS. *while looking at yellow highlighter on ground*

10/10 goayf (game of ALL YEARS FOREVER)

What exactly is good about it?
Like, name one singular element of TW3 that excels above all games.


>Fully open world without loading screens, even when entering houses
Not a technical achievement in 2015 with a bespoke engine
>Dynamic weather (seriously, show me an open world game with better weather that is not a racing game)
bespoke engine
>An actual fucking city
Budget-based "achievement", not technical in nature
Budget-based, nothing to do with technical achievement once again.

I'm just going to stop there, why even bother with people like you

>meet the twins
>can't fuck them

stopped playing there, so no, you're wrong

skyrim farrrrrrrrrrrr exceeds every other game for porn anyway

>3D models awkwardly hump one another while clipping through

>less budget than Skyrim that had reused assets and repetitive shit in whole game and totally shitty characters
Sure thing.

If we're comparing vanilla versions TW3 is better in that regard.
Well, most games don't even put stuff like that in.

skyrim's budget goes to quests and world building, something the witcher 3 has absolutely zero of

that's why 30k people are playing skyrim right now, 6 years after release date on steam, and 17k people are playing the witcher 3 (which is more than it ever has, due to steam summer sale)

actual open world vs fake "open world"

It's fine if you aren't actually a gamer and want to watch a soap opera/movie, but call a spade a spade, you don't play tw3 for gameplay nobody does, it's a commoner's game for public consumption.

oh, do I even need to mention

>set character
>no mods

Kek geralt doest even have a dick and he just humps air with his invisible penis.

Boring isn't an argument. If you're too much of a sperg that you need to be stimulated every several seconds then that's on you, not the game. The people who use this as their argument are no better than those who defend a title because it's supposedly comfy.

The point is that the "oh it's a movie" shit was actually illogical and false complaint. Yeah, the game was crap. Big fucking whoo.

The problem, you pile of fucking shit, is that you can't tell a difference between "I don't like it" and "it's a movie, not a game". Because the two, you cunt, are not the same.

I don't give a fuck if you like Witcher and I don't give two fucks if you like Last of fucking Us: Don't. Fucking. LIE.
Don't parrot meaningless fucking buzzwords just because you came to the conclusion that it's the board culture of whatever fuck you do. You are not a child, stop acting like one. Actually start using your fucking language and your fucking brain correctly.

You are literally spewing bullshit words that emerged seven fucking years ago (which is probably six fucking years before you learned this board even exists) under completely fucking different circumstances and context. The "it's a movie" hysteria came from games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2 and 3, all of that combined with growing popularity of CoD and it's derivatives, and obsession with games delegating increasingly large amount of most interesting content to pure cutscenes or cutscenes broken by at the time very popular QTEs. And it peaked with the announcement of Dear Esther and the emergence of the idea of walking sims, triggering a mass hysteria that this is the inevitable future of all main-stream gaming.

It was barely relevant or sensible even back then. Today, being thrown at open-fucking-world RPG it's a complete fucking joke. It literally shows you have absolutely no fucking capacity of even most basic comprehension. You literally do not play, or see or think. You just parrot.
So fucking snap out of it, or fuck of to Reddit where circlejerking and endless meme-spouting is the main point.

Does Sup Forums hates The Witcher because it isn't on a Nintendo console?

>It's a technological marvel
witcherfags actually believe this lmao


why do you think anyone would engage with you when you call someone a cretin and then write a wall of text about how the witcher 3 and the last of us are good games

>skyrim's budget goes to quests and world building, something the witcher 3 has absolutely zero of
Oh man those MMO tier quests like "Kill 10 Draugrs in This Dungen #14324"
Yea i can see a lot of budget went there for sure.
You're full of shit.

>What exactly is good about it?
Not above all games, that would be moronic to expect. Not every good game has to be THE BEST EVAAAH: just better than most of it's contemporaries.

Which in this case would be:
World design and environments
Story, characters and writing
Soundtrack, art direction and design
Choices and consequences and quest branching
Sheer amount of content

All of this combined with decent core gameplay loop: functional combat, functional exploration, functional action-RPG progression models.

It wasn't so much Witcher 3 excelling above all games, but rather all games of 2015

2015 was a year renowned for shitfests like MGSV and Fallout 4 and it was essentially the only big AAA title game that made it out mostly unscathed
In essence Witcher 3 was basically the hot girl who hangs around ugly girls to make herself look prettier, no it most certainly isn't one of the greatest games of all time but compared to what came out around it it may as well have been the holy grail

because it's popular dummie in case you havn't noticed that's 80% of the content on this anime anonymous posting forum

it takes quite a long time to build hundreds of those with voice acting, all the triggers so they can be completed multiple ways, etc.

hundreds of them. witcher 3 has what, 40 quests or something like that? they're high quality, but the world feels 100x more alive to me with having lots of quests, and TW3 quests have no variability in how they can be accomplished. the player is just geralt, no matter whta

boring, gravel batman voice geralt. awful character

reminder that in the FANTASY genre, a genre that is almost exclusively written to an adolescent level and almost exclusively bad, the witcher novels could not manage to get published in america before this game

Thank you for proving my point.

Let me give a bullet list of my main arguments:
>You literally do not play, or see or think.
Now read what you wrote. In response to a post that explicitly said:
"YEAH, Last of Us was crap". You reply with:
>then write a wall of text about how the witcher 3 and the last of us are good games

You absolute, abhorrent piece of shit.

>shitfests like MGSV

MGSV is one of the best games of the 21st century and everyone who isnt obsessed with japanese fanfics acknowledges that

can't wait to buy metal gear survive from the company that fired him, mm delicious

>get to see tits in a videogame
>cares more about the dick
Are you gay? What I'm trying to say is that not many games dare to show tits or sexual shit. I guess more games lately have but no games really have multiple long sex scenes.

thanks for the (You) witcher 3 fan

>spinning around

100/10 game all years

>he mistakes watered down casualised mechanics for good gameplay

>he doesn't care about gameplay and lies to himself and others disacknowledging the fact that he doesn't like it because it didn't satisfy his japanese slice of life story needs

the story was never good or even meaningful

>thanks for the (You) witcher 3 fan
Get completely fucking blown out for posting the same mindless bullshit as everybody else does.
Is there anything more sad than that?

Sup Forums hates the witcher 3 because it doesn't have a single piece of good gameplay, is overly reliant on ubisoft-tier open world garbage design, holds the players hands way too much in its questing and has less variety in its enemy design and movesets than fucking NIOH

The only reasons to ever even consider experiencing Witcher 3 are reasons completely unrelated to it being a game. You could and should experience the only good parts of the game on youtube where not only are you saving money, but time as well.

I didn't say I trolled you; what I said is that I don't care about what you're saying and I have no desire to engage with you in a conversation or argument. You keep typing, post after post, refusing to acknowledge when you've been dismissed.

You were told to go away. I'm sure you understand this from real life. Do you stand on the sidelines screeching there, too?

desu I quite like the combat. It's simple but quite slick

Because, you pile of shit: you are being proven wrong, your reasoning to be wrong, you behavior cancerous. If you were an actual human being, that should fucking BOTHER you.

You seriously think you can get through your life being a cunt, a complete moron, being consistently warned about that by others, and just chose to ignore it?
Because you are literally too insecure to fucking ever question your own fucking ways?

Well, good luck living like that, you literal piece of garbage. BUT DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE.

You're either a blind shill or obvious troll if you consider a fucking infinite randomly generated MMO tier quests a good thing.

Not him, but trying to run away after he pin pointed how fucking stupid you were isn't nice, friendo. And his main point is already in the very first part of his post, nice tl;dr.
You deserve any insult you got for being such a dishonest brainless shitposter, but try to play the victim, that surely will help you.

actual autistic people on Sup Forums are so tiring

dude im literally not reading your posts

>look at me, I shall the powerful colon, I am smarter than thee!

you are literally that fat nerd kid from the simpsons but with autism

the hundreds of quests in skyrim aren't the randomly generated ones though they're hand built, same as they have been since morrowind. it requires a lot of work hours to make hundreds of quests

I dunno why people care about the randomly generated quests argument, I cannot remember ever doing one, not something that mattered about the game

Also the gore was pretty satisfying

Dude, he's provoking you to try to hide how fucking retarded he has been. Enjoy his desperation and move on.

"Hand crafted quests"
>"Hey you i lost this item in this dungen, go get it"
>proceed to the dungen, not even need to find it, i have marker on map, compass and the screen to be sure where to go and i don't have description in the journal anyway
>kill generic draugrs, get the item a the end of dungen you were in 10 times before doing previous "quests"
>bring item to the quest giver
Oh man i can sure see that budget and quality that went into Skyrim quests.
You are retarded.

you know given like, literally two hours with their combat guys, i could have taught them how to make a game 3 or 4 times as fun

that's why i can't care about cyberpunk at all, cdpr just doesn't understand the concept of fun at a basic level

That is because you are an absolute coward. Literally afraid of reading what I'm saying.

they're not that simple, and what makes it work is the scope, scale, and quantity of them

the witcher 3's world feels like a dead wasteland while you can play a skyrim save hundreds of hours and still have quests all over the place. the density is hugely important to make the world feel meaningful

Any other company would have gave up on TW3's scale, those crazy bastards actually kept trying.

Yeah they ended up cutting a lot of shit, but it still has an incredible amount of content.

I don't enjoy his desperation. I don't find anything enjoyable about the fact that people around here engage with the rest of us yet they are deformed, and in the long time at best a burden, at worst a danger to others. I find nothing enjoyable about that.

Dumbest post in the entire thread.

>they're not that simple
Except they fucking are user. Is Skyrim the only TES game you played, because it seems like it. Literally every previous game had more interesting stories.
Skyrim world is bland, boring and filled with reused shit. Seriously, are you fucking 12 year old summerfag or something?

>That's more because animators are paid shit and studios get money only from BD version sales.

Game developers are also relatively shitty jobs.
If anything, they are extremely underpaid in the countries that waste the budget and actually get a decent salary in places like Poland (where being in IT easily nets you a pretty good salary compared to the mundane jobs).

> i could have taught them how to make a game 3 or 4 times as fun
Yeah, sure.

> Literally afraid of reading what I'm saying.
Are you dumb, he read it and now has no idea of how to reply.

There's always 2 retards going at each other in threads like these. It's funny to watch 2 fools try to win some argument but come out out of it looking worse no matter what.

>Are you dumb, he read it and now has no idea of how to reply.
No shit. I'm trying fucking get him to realize this shit, so that maybe there is a chance that he won't do exactly the same fucking thing next time.

>like, literally

It was a great story in a boring RPG. It was really fun to go around and do the story quests. It wasn't fun to scrounge around every barrel box and board searching for items. It was fun to sex all the characters. It wasn't fun to mash out attacks against every enemy. There was only one enemy in the game I couldn't brute force overpower. A regenerating werewolf that required a specific werewolf oil be used on your blade.

>first time they made open-world game
Isn't that a common thing about good open world games though? They always seem to get worse as a dev progresses
>OG Daggerfall, Morrowind - wildly praised, Skyrim and Fallout 4 - hated by Sup Forums
>Assasins Creed series keeps getting worse over time
>Farcry keeps getting worse
>vanilla WoW is beloved MMO sweetheart, later updates are hated
>BotW is amazing as the first open world entry in the franchise
>Witcher 3 is the first open game in the franchise, everyone keeps sucking its dick

Is there literally any open world games developer that improved over time?


that's all i would've needed though, they just don't get it

It certainly raised the bar for AAA games. Bioware and other huge studios have literally no excuse not to make amazing games if a bunch of slavs on a relatively low budget can do something like TW3.

BotW and W3 are unique on that list. Rest of the games you said are like that because they are yearly meme releases or follow stupid open world trends without reason.

>>OG Daggerfall, Morrowind - wildly praised, Skyrim and Fallout 4 - hated by Sup Forums

this reeks of cocksucking though, because daggerfall is awful and pretending you like it is hipster shit. same for morrowind, game has great writing but 99% of people here do not play games for writing

skyrim is beloved by a lot more people here than hated, without any question, and i think most people acknowledge that fallout 4 was a step forward in many ways while also simultaneously being a step back

Writing honestly
Quests are fantastic and in general it comes off as very considered. like they made sure it all came off as natural

Because open world was tacked on in Witcher 3 which, at its core, is still a story-heavy RPG focused on narrative. It's not a "here's a world, dick around" like TES or AC, are for example.

Nigga you gay and dumb.

>the one good element about tw3 is the non-gameplay

annnnnnnd we're done

fuck you lad

>It's not a "here's a world, dick around" like TES or AC, are for example.
yeah this
the best open world games are not ones with "ultimate freedom" because those are just Minecraft playboxes with no substance or purpose

Congrats on the worst post of this thread!

Well, you should, 80% of the people on Sup Forums are like him, pitiful shitposters who are here only to search for some excuses to shit on something or someone, no matter how nonsensical those excuses are. Or you learn to enjoy seeing them desperately groping about for a way to save face after embarrassing themselves, or you will have a very unpleasant time in this shithole. Getting frustrated by that is the worse thing you can do, they are going to try to use it against you until the original discussion gets completely hijacked by empty provocations over empty provocations, like it was happening some posts ago.
Anyway, it's just a friendly advice and you probably already knew those things, but a reminding can always help, let's move on.

>Or you learn to enjoy seeing them desperately groping about for a way to save face after embarrassing themselves

like when he got clearly upset after i ignored him? still posting about it half an hour later

>is still a story-heavy RPG focused on narrative
Except the story was literally just
>your princess is in another castle
for the 20 or so hours I played while you did sidequests of varying quality. How does that not reek of shitty open world design?

strawberry flavored sweat
I want to bury my face in her armpit!

Nah, I'm playing Warband and it's a fantastic sandbox.