How has gaming effected your posture Sup Forums?

How has gaming effected your posture Sup Forums?

Forward head for sure. I play sit on a plastic chair for hours.

I actually have Lumbar lordosis

post the gif

It hasn't. I've always worked hard on keeping my good posture.

i guess i have lumbar lordosis

How do the first two even happen?

Please, someone post the gif of them spliced together.

how the fuck do you fix the 2nd one it makes me look gay

post the gif

It improved my posture.

i thought videogames did but i realized my dad and all my brothers have the same posture so not sure anymore

Just search "bad posture gif meme" on botnet images.

sleep on some blankets on the floor instead of a bed after a week my back pain was gone

I'd like to do that but the ants won't let me.

post your idle pose

Sway back? More like swag back

I have the third one
>the second one
is that exaggerated because I have never seen someone with posture that bad

How does one actually fix bad posture from years of sitting hunched over at a desk?

my neck is like permanently hunched forward and I can't even straighten it out if I try to, and I can't keep my back straight while sitting for more then a minute or two.

(na na na na na!)

I've got a few to share
this one?

More please

Nah, the other one.



>not using shadowtray
Enjoy your fucked up spine.

Not that much. You just have to have an okay chair to sit on.

Lumbar Lordosis aka The Female Draenei

I have lumbar lordosis (although not as bad as that pic) and forward head.

My head is slightly forward.

You haven't been to filename threads, then

perhaps this one?

I want to fuck that numale.


that doesn't look right

that's some fucking case of Jabba the Hutt right there


Not the guy, but do you have the one where it's him and the black lady, and hes doing this on the black lady's desk?

That looks like something that will slowly break your limbs if you don't pay attention.

Stop slouching, Sup Forums.

fuck off golem

negative, but I have this

Found the webm.