Switch flopped

>switch flopped


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Why not? Did it flop though?

>user made a thread

Why... ?

Because it's literally just a nostalgia simulator

Why is it considered a flop?

I don't like the console personally but i dont see ehy is it considered a flop. I know it lacks games righy now but it doesn't seem to be that bad. Didn't it sell reasonably well?

It only gets new proper games like every 3-4 months, if this isn't reason enough I just don't know...

>PS4 sold over 60 million units
>most PS4 games barely reach 2 million sales
>only exceptions are Uncharted 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn
>Uncharted was also bundled with the PS4 once
>the fanbase considered this as winning the console race

Oh yeah, because its an glorified blu-ray player and no one actually plays games on it.

>switch flopped. Why?

One word: Pricing.

it did?

absolute garbage quality and performance

because it has no third party games

it had a list of potential third party developers, but they did nothing for the console

the only reason the switch makes money is because nintendo fans are incredibly die-hard and will pour any amount of money into anything with the brand name on it

it won't last past this year at the rate it's going

Because Wii was a massive hit and Nintendo still think they can meme to the mom audience

Also they have too much japanese honor and think that they can sell a console solely with 1st party titles


>I know it lacks games righy now
It will lack games until it dies.

>Non-gamer Nintendo tried to please 3rd parties
>believing lies about muh hardware muh UE4
>still not supporting it
>Nintendo has now a broken piece of shit console to work with
until it dies

You know it's actually selling pretty well, right?

It's actually outselling the Wii at the same point in the Wii's life.

Oh wow, then it will gets tons of high quality 3rd party games...just like the Wii.

Oh wait.
And at least Nintendo was able to create great games for the Wii, because it was a well designed system. The Switch not so much.

High quality games are irrelevant when talking console successes.

nice try
I was actually talking about lack of games. Until it dies.

but you can't say it flopped

>i was actually talking about lack of games
No you fucking weren't.

>high quality 3rd party games

It's about as much of a flop as the games on that "blunders of gaming" image some autist made are actually considered blunders. The demand is still fucking huge. The online service does indeed suck, however. Nintendo has been able to do decent online with voice in the past, I have no idea how they thought the Switch online would actually be an improvement to that.

>sold out in most places
>almost 1m pre orders for Splatoon 2 in Japan

What are you talking about? All 10 units have sold.

>In a time where people just use their smartphones if they wanna play something on the road
Also that retarded multiplayer
Have you ever
I mean ever
Heard someone say "I'm going to meet up with my friends on the weekend so we can play with our nintendo switches"

General market is uncertain about gimmick consoles. Especially after the Wii U flop.

No games

Delusional Sonydiot. Go back to your NeoGAF echo chamber.

Because it caters to a variety of tastes and some just buy it as a cheap multiplat machine while some buy it for only BB or only P5 or all of the above.

This is the key to their success, having a huge net of games for everyone.

>Anyone wanting to play mario of all things
That shit has been a sad nostalgia show for 100 years now, it's just pathetic. Nintendo has some good exclusives but bing bing wahooo sure as fuck ain't among them.

>"m-muh bing bing wahooooo, s-s-see, M-M-Mario sucks and is just nostalgia!"
Well that was an enlightening arguement.

I didn't. Are you stupid?
But it's going to be a worthless piece of trash. Downgraded ports is almost all it gets. Could also be called PS4 portable.

>>sold out in most places
just like the wiiu right?

More like the Wii.

literally "I hate grapes anyway!!!" the argument

>It will lack games until it dies.
This was my first post, you fucking mong.

So your fetish is probably terrible piece of crap "games" like almost all 3rd party Wii games.

See this site:

You know, if this is actually your fetish, then Nintendo could have simply released way weaker hardware. You don't need "strong" hardware for such "games". That way battery life would be way better. It would be cheaper and so on.

you can't just say "just like the wiiu right?" for everything and call it a day
especially when it's wrong

Wii U had tons of games, and especially tons of exclusives. And it still has tons of definitive versions, where all other versions pale in comparison.
Switch has nothing.

And the Wii U was properly designed. The Switch is not.

No new monHun
The day nintenbro died
RIP in piss
S to spit

>Downgraded ports

monhun is dying out in Japan much like cod is dying in the US

>I didn't
yes you did

>I'm a nigger and do not understand that games designed for 2 screens will have to be downgraded for 1 screen
I'm not surprised.

Ctrl-F "flop"
not my post, is a question
not my post
not my post "pricing"
your post

>I'm retarded
yes, I see that.

>a variety of tastes
>3/4 of the list is weebshit
>1/8 of the list is films

saying it will lack games until it dies is pretty much calling it a flop, dude.

1/1 of your post is a memes

>analysts say it's doing well
>Nintendo says it's doing well
>NEETs with a TORtanic addiction say it's a flop

reminder that Xbone didn't even get Nier

Compare it to 8/8 being kiddyshit.

The Hillary Clinton of consoles, made by kikes and SJWs and initially intended to use the NSA to spy on you (and drone you if you sported gamergate)

>a memes
What did he mean by this

Read a book, nigger.

>streamlined and optimized to one screen

Man you been posting this forever, We've seen so many of these games turn out be shit, mediocre, released on PC or just forgotten


Nigger there's a bunch of animu games coming to Switch. Xenoblade 2 is one of their biggest exclusives coming. Pokemon and Fire Emblem will likely get Switch stuff too and those are pretty anime nowadays.

>Wii U had tons of games, and especially tons of exclusives
Not in its first year it didn't.

Yes, but that was me and my friend. I usually don't listen to people who aren't in that bracket though.

You should stop implying then.

PS4 is a flop to me personally, because it lacks games. Is it one financially? No. Of course not.

For actual gamers it is. Same is true for the Switch. Actual gamers owned a Wii U. Actual gamers do not want to play the same game again on a new system instead of well actually new games.

>some just buy it as a cheap multiplat machine
believe it or not, ps4 is fifa and cod machine for the majority of that 60 million
t. regretful ps4 owner

>removing content is now called streamlined
>removing better gameplay is now also called streamlined
okay, whatever you say shill
your PS4 version of ZombiU is totally the best version there is. Yeah, it lacks all sorts of features, but it has a higher resolution and that's all that counts nowadays.

>muh I'm millennial trash
yes, I know.

that sure is an opinion

you should look up the amount of 3rd party games the Wii U got during its first year
Sure, quite a few were cheap ports, but at least it got those.

>yeah well we will port FIFA to it (1 game)
>yeah that's it.

It's the opinion of a gamer, who actually owns all sorts of actual consoles.

You know those actual consoles, where you just put a game in - and it's actually not a port from last generation, that is still 30 fps strangely - and then it just works. Without installation, that takes 1 day. Or downloading updates for another day. And the games even worked without crashing all the time.

I know I know, sounds like crazy talk nowadays.

hey I'm a gamer too and I think your opinion is stupid

i'd rather play good kiddieshit than shit matureshit


you toddlers can't play mature shit in the first play, the shitch doesn't have any

People always complain about third party support, but I can play those on PC or PS4 and they'll run better than they ever would on the Switch. The only reason I care about Nintendo is their first party games.

>it's one of the many daily pokebartneyfag anti-switch threads
>people still reply

i don't know but if switch will get properly hacked it could be the next psp

Normies stopped giving a shit when nintendo decided to stop stocking them. Now it's just nintendo fans buying them.

While true, you need third party for sales.
No sales = less games.

t. Please delete this

>le ebin stock meme