META Thread
Hiro Approved
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Why is neo/v/ so afraid of reddit
Aside from the occasional invasion of Sup Forumstards, I like current Sup Forums and don't wish for any major changes. Keep up the good work.
reddit ruins everything they touch.
you'd know if you weren't a newfag.
How can we stop Sup Forumsnigger invading our blue board and posting porn (BLACKED, traps, etc)?
how are these threads """hiro-approved""" if these keep getting deleted?
Can we ban anime? Or at least splt thsi board into:
>/wg/ (western games)
>/an/ (autistic games)
Neo/v/ is afraid of anything that is even slightly offensive and yells Sup Forums all the way home to their safe space.
this, but ironically, and in green ink
Impossible for any actual discussion on Sup Forums any more. It's a containment board for console wars, falseflagging, bait and shitposting in general.
Kys ty
why is toddposting okay but treeposting bannable?
get your fucking shit together mods they're literally the same kind of shitposting
be consistent
how about we fucking ban youtuber and twitter thread
Hide and report
Why not just word filter the hell out of this board? If you want to get rid of Sup Forums, the terms they use are terms no ordinary person would ever mention.
Telling someone to return to a particular image site causes the message to be blocked. The same should happen with Sup Forums.
/an/ already exist you fucking newfag
more interracial cuck threads to be desu with you lads.
Can we allow porn to be posted? However, we remove image dump threads, people keep posting image dumps of lewd but not porn images.
Or just delete image dump threads, they are basically porn threads pretending to be porn by people who don't wanna go to /h/ or whatever.
Janitors are faggots
I prefer porn to console wars threads
Because they ruined this place, the two of them.
Shit like that Tribes match was like an open fucking door.
/wg/ and /an/ already exist
>/wv/ - Western games (USA, Canada, Europe)
>/jv/ - Japanese games (Japan)
How about that?
kys kys kys kys kys kys
These threads are shitsposting, they don't solve anthing, at least they serve as containment for all the MUH OLD Sup Forums MUH Sup Forums MUH REDDIT whiners
no u
Because Sup Forums is so affraid of having fun and liking things just bevause Reddit might like it as well.
HOW TO FIX Sup Forums
1) Hire mods from /cgl/, left-leaning subreddits and antifa groups
2) Give them (and left-wingers in general) free reign, left wing posters never get banned, right wing (Sup Forums) posters are immediately banned, etc etc
3) Collect info on right wing (Sup Forums) posters and compile a dossier on them
4) Once Sup Forums becomes "antifa: the imageboard, fuck drumpf and fuck white people in particular edition", revoke moderator powers to the reddit/antifa//cgl/ mods immediately and start a leftist purge.
5) Enjoy Sup Forums as it should have been: apolitical and for the lulz
kys furfag
REMINDER: There is current leftypol raid on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums, hence all the cuckporn posting.
Don't fall for their tricks.
Why are console war threads still allowed?
cant mods ban the image hash?
Yeah, that would work out just fine. The western board would become a Bethesda shilling board over night.
The entire demographic for Sup Forums has changed. It used to be one of the most relaxing boards, because everyone played videogames, now it's just Sup Forums 2.0.
/wg/ and /an/ already existed you fucking retard newfag
You need to go back
>deleted after 250 replies
Is this shit fucking real? Not to mention thread with cp was archived.
Can we ban meta threads?
At this point the only thing we can do is self-moderate, but people seem to be too stupid/impulsive to do so. When you see a political bait thread ignore it and report it instead of getting caught in an infinite cycle of bait. Only go into threads that are about video games, report bait, etc. You can add all the fancy features and mod oversight in the world, but if you have a shitty user base then it'll still be shit after all the stuff you implemented.
I've been here since 06 and/v/ has barely changed.
There's less OC sure, and more political, but identity politics forced their way in. Can't fault us for discussing it.
Sup Forums has ways been bad. Worse even with the console war shit. That's died down.
It's ok.
>leftypol raid on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums,
Heck, do you know where they coordinate? I want to join
NO! This is a blue board and no porn is allowed.
If you want porn, go to red boards.
The problem is that the replies inside it is full of derail. It doesn't matter if it's moot approved when it's all just shitposting.
mods: stop deleting my isabelle threads
users: reply to my isabelle threads
Behead those who complain about Sup Forums
We Sup Forums now
>*changes 1 pixel*
Psh, nutten personnel kiddo
I call bullshit on this one.
Mods embrace the BBC
Blue board, red board, same thing. People make threads to post images so they can fap, either allow porn to be posted or remove those threads in the first place, but asking the mods to work harder is not gonna happen.
>thread with cp was archived
To be fair the site seemed to be fucked up at the time. No reports were able to go through.
I'm the guy that keeps reporting your threads and I will keep doing so
>console war shit
Fuck off, dumb furry!
Why has there been so much porn lately? Like even more than usual.
As if it isn't pol/plebbit that does that.
Identity politics didn't start on Sup Forums and got dumped on Sup Forums, this shit has been happening since before the term SJW existed.
Multiple Blacked com pornographic threads reach 200 posts before the mods delete it
Any nudity from an actual video game results in an immediate 72 hour ban
Because Microsoft's marketing campaign during the 7th generation aggressively attacked the PS3 for it's hardware and early lineup of games. So now gamers constantly make comparisons between systems and use strong opinions as facts. Gaming culture in general has become overly aggressive.
Furshit is against the rules.
Where you came from, reddit
What's the point of these threads, anyways? Nothing ever happens.
You are retarded.
>blue board
>porn not permitted
>red board
>porn permitted
A tumor is growing and dumb doctors have bought diplomas.
How do you start your own imageboard? I wanna make one that is much more heavily moderated. Im tired of the ironic shitposting.
Bring back desu, senpai and baka
Was it actual cp or loli?
And is it on fireden if the latter?
is it just me or have captchas gotten really fucking bad in the last couple of days
wait is desu senpai gone? (wrote tee bee eich and f.a.m.)
Flags when
Ask hotwheels
Good luck competing with 1 to infinte chans for market share though
every thread on flag boards is about flags
Just make a containment board for internet culture and e-celebs. That'll clean up 75% of the shit here and in Sup Forums as well. It's impossible to remove Sup Forums related content due to the nature of certain game developers.
>>*changes 1 pixel*
>Psh, nutten personnel kiddo
mods didnt even try, the image was never changed
this except unironically
You're wrong
>Blue board
>thread with images for jerking off
>red board
>thread with images for jerking off
as someone who doesn't give a shit about sjw shit Sup Forums was practically a shitposting minefield during gamergate. so yes Sup Forums was better before it became politicised
Nigga at this point i rather deal with leftypool. Im tired of polshit, so fucking tired. Can't even talk about splatoon anymore without threads derailing. I wish mods did their fucking job and enforced rule 3.
Constant shitposting about countries. IDs are better.
We should ban chinks and niggers. Most of them tend to be weeb af and Sup Forums needs no weebs.
Stop with kys you reddit fucks
What the fuck ever happened to midget tears?
You are deluded my friend.
He squatted and disappeared forever.
This is asking for shitposting just like dubs.
All we need is IDs and maybe delete all the obvious shitpost threads.
I don't understand why Sup ForumsSup Forums wasn't allowed to stay. Canada and Australia have very different gaming cultures due to the price of games and lack of availability. I feel sorry for them.
I said in tired of ironic shitposting. Infinichan is all shitposting 24/7. I don't even want it to be a big imageboard just medium size, i want a place to actually talk about videogames.
Ban people who fall for obvious bait
Ban politics
Encourage OC
>All we need is IDs and maybe delete all the obvious shitpost threads
how about login info and downvote system since we're there?
Take a look at this
Other threads such as vidya cosplay gets derailed into porn
Politics are an integral part of every art form.
As If you didn't derail the thread.
Good thinking!
>likes video games
>hates anime style
i will never understand this
The problem is that you'd need to get people to talk to. How are you going to make your image board appealing enough that people would go there?
this nigga right here shits up the board so much he literally can't even accept people discussing deleting shitpost threads.
>Why is the western world so afraid of islam?
>its impossible to remove pol
See that's where you are wrong user. Ban WE posting, filter redpill, ban slurs like nigger and kike. You start cleaning the place up real quick. If anything just make a vpol and send all the shit over there.